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myOtaku.com: grave13

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hi everyone!! Sorry I couldn't visit all of your sites this weekend, but I'll get to them today!!

As for the story? I've decided.......To post them!! Yay! BUT, I'm......not....prepared.....for this...... I should've thought of a story before I went off ranting about posting one. IDIOT! Okay, well, since my mind has gone blank, I'll wait 'till I think of a story, then once I think of a funny one I'll post it! However, I think I'll take a vote on this too. Here are your choices:

1.)Death Note
3.)Colonol Sanders
5.)Dr. Phil (don't ask)

Well, there are your choices! Have fun choosing! Oh, and one more thing, if you choose Colonol Sanders or Dr. Phil, Choose an anime as well. That way I can at least add a funny storyline to it! And if there's an anime you would like me to post a story about that's not on the list, PM me with the suggestion or leave it in the comment box, kay?!

Well, sorry again for not getting to anyone's site this weekend, but I'll check them out today, kay?! TTYL ^-^

Oh, and here are my answers from Friday:

1.)Have my skull crushed by Triple H doing a Pedigree on me while Shawn Michaels does the DX chop in the background. J/K. I'd take a chainsaw to the face. Don't ask. I like chainsaws.
2.)I would.....run away and scream like a little girl? HELL NO!! I'd use my Sword of Darkness to vanquish my foe then cook him in eternal Hellfire!! Well, okay, that was a little exaggerated. I'd really just cut his head off and fry him in....... Well, you get the idea.
3.)Rock, Metal, Classic Rock, anything that's good. I hate jazz, country, R&B, hip hop, rap, and anything that's NOT rock or metal.
4.)Death Note. They're actually coming out with a Death Note movie, but I think it's only in Jap-town. Oh well. It'll come here soon enough.
5.)Dr. Phil, Edge(wrestler, not you Knights Edge. COMPLETELY different guy.), King Booker, and many other people. Well, okay, not TAHT many, but, a few.

L8RZ!! ^-^

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