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myOtaku.com: grave13

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hello! Guess what? Only three more days 'till my story!! YAY!! I'm working on it, and it SHOULD be finished by Friday!!

Now, on to some more random crap 'till Friday! Here are some more questions!

1.) If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you live?
2.) What kind of weapon would you use to defeat Colonol Sanders?
3.) Would you attack him on your own, or with help?
4.) Does Dr. Phil ever REALLY help anyone??!!
5.) Does anyone like answering these questions? Cuz' I like reading the answers I get from you! ^-^

Well, thanks for all you guy's suggestions!! I'll try to throw it all together in my story Friday! Welp, I think I've taken up enough of your time that could've been spent ndoing something constructive, like ambushing Colonol Sanders army of giant fire-breathing chickens. Or playing video games. Or, well, you get the idea. L8RZ!! ^-^

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