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myOtaku.com: grave13

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hi!! Guess what?? Only one more day 'till my story is unleashed upon this unsuspecting world!! YAY!!

Well, I've decided that every time I post, not only will I post a story, but I'll still post questions, and answer them as well!! YAY MORE QUESTIONS!!

Anyways, on to more important things. As you all may know, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and it TOTALLY KICKS ASS!!! I know you may already know this, but I'm bored, it's 11:15 at night, and it's not Friday so I can't post my story yet!! Oh well. Hopefully my story will be good. It's only the first part of a........ Well, it's not the only part of the story, let's just say that. It will have at least 3-4 parts. Depending on whether or not people ACTUALLY like it. Which, hopefully you will.

Now, RANDOM QUESTION TIME!!! Here we go:

1.) If you were going to take over the world, how would you do it?

2.) If Dr. Phil tried to...how shall I say this... "help" you, what would you do?

3.) Why would ANYONE in their right mind wanna buy Kevin Federline's CD?

4.) I'm gonna see a movie this weekend. What do you think I should see? Choices:
A.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Beginning
B.) Grudge 2
C.) The Marine

5.) If you could be in ANY anime, what would you be in?

6.) What character in that anime would you be?

Okay. Enough questions! Now here are my answers to yesterdays questions:

1.)If you had an army, what kind of army would it be? Zombies, radioactive racoons, giant fire-breathing chickens? What?

2.) What's your favorite video game?

3.) Who's worse: Dr. Phil or Colonol Sanders?

4.) Why does Christina Aguilera look like a hooker from the 50's?

5.) What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?


1.) Zombies of course!

2.) Kingdom Hearts 2 and MGS 3: Subsistance.

3.) Dr. Phil by far!!

4.) I agree with lordsesshomaru, solidsnake91, and moonshine7...She IS a hooker from the 50's!!

5.) A ROYALE with cheese!! Cuz' they... got the... metric system..... Yeah.

Welp, That's all for my post today! Hope you had fun reading all my ramblings and answering my questions! And don't forget: Tomorrow is the unveiling of my story! Yay!!

L8RZ!! ^-^

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