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myOtaku.com: grave13

Friday, October 20, 2006

Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 1

Hi!!!!! Guess what? It's FRIDAY!!! Now I FINALLY get to unveil my story!!! I promise you it won't be anywhere NEAR as good as Lordsesshomaru's stories, but hopefully you'll like it anyways!! As I promised before, I'll still give you guys random questions, but that'll come after the story! Hope ya like it!!

Colonol Sanders: Yes!!! Soon we will rule the world!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Dr. Phil: Bwahahahahahahaha*cough, cough* haha.......a........ha......

For some reason, a dead silence fell over the ship. But then, a loud noise breaks the silence.... PFFFFFFFFTTTTT!!!!!

Sanders: Who the hell was that??
Dr. Phil, was that you??

Phil: N-no......... *looks around room awkwardly*

Sanders: DAMMIT!!!! Why did you do that?! Couldn't you at LEAST have gone into another room? Ah, god that's AWFUL!!!!

Phil: I-I...... didn't........ I-it just....... Look, it slipped out okay? Happy now?!

Sanders: Not...... Not really, no.

Phil: ..............

Sanders: How much longer?

Phil: Until what?


Phil: Right. I....I knew...... that.....

Sanders: How long?!

Phil: Right! Ummm..... Two and a half hours.

Sanders: Damn! Why can't we get there sooner? The chickens are getting restless!

Phil: I-I c-can activ-vate the Improbability Drive if you........ want. DON'T HURT ME!!! *cringes in fear*

Sanders: Th-*raises hand do smack Dr. Phil* ......... That's actually a good idea! What happens?

Phil: It's kinda like a warp drive. However, I can't say what we will be when we get there.

Sanders: What do you...... Oh never mind!!! Hit it!!!

Dr. Phil activates the Improbability Drive. No one really knows what happens when you activate it. All they know is that you may be something else when you arrive at your destination. Just then, the ship starts changing shapes rapidly, then disappears! Only to reappear just outside of Tokyo. In the shape of a potato.

Crowd: OMG!!! IT'S A GIANT

Back in the ship.....

Sanders: $@!%& @*^% #$!!%@?

Phil: What?

Sanders: Pleh! I said what just happened?

Phil: Oh, right. Tha-that was the Improbability Drive. Sir. Colonol.

Sanders: Enough already!

Phil: Right! But do you see now? I told you we'd become a random item!

Sanders: No you....... Oh nevermind! RELEASE THE CHICKENS!!!

Phil: Yippie!! I get to press the red button!!

Dr. Phil runs to a console in the back of the command center of the ship. He then proceeds to press a red botton labeled: 'CHICKEN RELEASE'. A door opens in the bottom of the ship, and a flock(?) of chickens pours out into the heart of Tokyo.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Tokyo.....

Rukia: Ichigo!! I just got a HUGE order from the Soul Society!

Ichigo: What's going on?

Rukia: I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good.

Ichigo: Right!

Rukia slides on her glove, and proceeds to shove Ichigo's soul out of his body.

Rukia: KON!! You must take over Ichigo's body until we get back!

Kon: Again? I don't like being in that nasty body!

Ichigo: Kon!! There's no time!! Get in there!!

Ruckia pops Kon out of his teddy bear body and shoves him down Ichigo's throat.

Kon: Ugh! Ew! Ew! Ew! Gross!! Wait, this means I get to see Orihime again!! Yippie!!

Ichigo: Dammit Kon!

Rukia: There's no time! We have to hurry!

Ichigo: Right!

Rukia and Ichigo race off to find out what's troubling Tokyo. Don't ask why they're in Tokyo. Business.

Meanwhile, in the Kanto region of Japan......

Light: What's going on?


Misa: Oh, hold me Light! *grins*

Light: Not now Misa! I have to find oout what's going on!!

Misa: Hmph!

L: Not good.

Light: What's happening L..... I mean Ryuuzaki?

L: It seems as if Colonol Sanders is Invading Tokyo as we speak. I feared this day would come.

Light: What do you mean?

L: Well......

To be continued!!!! Doncha just HATE when that happens?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Welp, That's the first part of my story! Hope ya liked it, and hope ya continue to like the rest of the story once I post the other parts!!

I decided to post one and ONLY one question today:

1.) What did you think of my story?

And now, here are my answers to yesterdays questions:

1.) If you were going to take over the world, how would you do it?
A: I'd send subliminal messages through the all the tv's in the world. The message? Simply this: GRAVE13 RULES TH WORLD NOW!!! BEND TO HIS WILL!!

2.) If Dr. Phil tried to...how shall I say this... "help" you, what would you do?
A: I'd pull out a gun and bust a cap in his face.

3.) Why would ANYONE in their right mind wanna buy Kevin Federline's CD?
Cuz' they're retarded and if not, then they'll use it as a dart board. Don't ask.

4.) I'm gonna see a movie this weekend. What do you think I should see? Choices:
A.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Beginning
B.) Grudge 2
C.) The Marine
I'm gonna go see........ I dunno. Haven't decided. Thanks for all the suggestions though!

5.) If you could be in ANY anime, what would you be in?

6.) What character in that anime would you be?
A: Chad. He's awesome!!

Well, hope ya enjoyed my story and question!! I'll post the next part next Friday. That is IF anyone cares to read it. Thanks for all the comments yesterday!! And some of the answers to my questions were hilarious!! Thanks for making me laugh!! Okay, enough rambling!! I'll be on prolly all day tomorrow if anyone wants to talk!! L8RZ!!

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