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myOtaku.com: grave13

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hey all! Sorry I didn't get to anyone's site yesterday! I went to Cool Springs. My brother wanted a haircut. And now he wants ME to get one!! Can you believe that?! That SUCKS!! Well, at least I don't have to get it cut short! I only have to get it cut a little. Still sucks though.

Okay!! Thanks for 15 comments on my story!! Yay!! I think that's the most comments I've EVER had on a post! Yay comments!! Anyways, I'm glad everyone liked my story! I'll post the next part this Friday! Hope ya can wait that long!!

1.) How many chickens does it take to rule the world?

2.) Name another character in either Bleach, Death Note, or both that you think should appear in the next part of Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 2. Well, that wasn't really a question, but who cares? Now THAT was a question! LOL

3.) Has anyone ever played the game Yakuza? If you haven't, I recommend it. Unlees you don't like violence and profanity. Great game though.

4.) Why are my questions always random?

5.) Has anyone ever read Escaflowne? If you haven't, READ IT!! It's coolio!! ^__^

Well, hope ya have fun answering my questions! I'm sure I'll have fun reading them! Oh, and if you like, leave me questions when you comment, and I'll be happy to answer them!!

Check ya L8R!! ^__________________^

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