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Friday, October 27, 2006

Colnol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 2

Yay!! Time for part two of:


Sorry I didn't post 'til later, but I didn't have time this morning! ^^'

When we last left L and Light, Light ws pondering on what Ryuuzaki meant when he said he had a feeling this would happen......

Light: What do you mean, Ryuuzaki?

L: Well, back in 1995, when I went to KFC for the first time, I met Colonol Sanders there.

Light: So you knew him previously?

L: You could say that. When I talked to him, he seemed happy, carefree. But later on, he talked of world domination, destruction, and violence.

Light: What caused that, do you think?

L: I don't know. He never said a thing to me about what happened to cause this drastic change in character.

Light: Maybe he just went off the deep end.

L: Possibly. *to self* (Much llike you...)

Light: What was that?

L: Nothing. Anyways, He told me his plan to one day rule the world.

Light: (Hmmm.... I wonder if I could use this to my advantage...) How did he plan on doing it?

L: Why, so you can try to use it to your advantage to try and kill me?

Light: Do you honestly still suspect me to be Kira, Ryuuzaki? (How the hell did he know that??)

L: Yes.

Light: Oh. But anyway, how did he plan on ruling the world?

L: He said he was going to use the chickens.

Light: Chickens? Is he mad? How could you use chickens to rule the world?

L: You said yourself that he could've went off the deep end.

Light: Of course.

L: I told him that it was a stupid idea to try and rule the world. I told him he should try to better mankind. Like the way Kira thinks he is.

Light: (Yeah, right. He'll never take over the world I will someday rule!)

L: What was that? Did you say 'Look at me L, I'm Kira and I think you should arrest me'?

Light: What? No, I didn't say that, and you damn well know that!

L: Can't blame me for trying.

Light: ......

L: Now, back to the story. When I said that to him, he must have thought I meant try and take over the world and force everyone to bend to his will, or perish.

Light: Why the hell would he think that? That's a stupid idea! (Oh, wait. That was MY idea! Eh..... Well, Sanders is an idiot anyways!)

L: Not far away from Kira's perspective.

Light: I do...... I mean, Kira doesn't think that way! I'm....... sure.....

L: (He's Kira)

Light: (He knows I'm Kira now. I have to kill him! Maybe there's a way....)

L: And, he also told me that he had been trying to perfect a concotion that allows him to control the mind of anyone who comes in contact with it.

Light: Can he do that?! (Yes!! I think I may have found an advantage!!)

L: I don't know. I never learned if he perfected it or not. I lost contact with him a couple of years ago.

Light: Anything else I should know?

L: No. Wait, actually yes.

Light: What is it?

L: A few years back, there was a child named Ichigo Kurosaki. He and his mother were on their way out of KFC, when out of nowhere a giant Hollow appeared.

Light: Hollow? What's a Hollow?

L: A Hollow is a creature that only a soul reaper can defeat.

Light: Soul reaper? What's that?

L: (Damn, stop with the questions already!) A soul reaper is a being thats purpose is to defend people against Hollows. They use spells and swords do vanquish their foe.

Light: Okay, so what does this have to do with Kurosaki?

L: Well, in the attack, Ichigo's mother tried to save his life. In turn, hers was taken.

Light: That's terrible! (Another advantage!! Yes!)

L: Now, an ex soul reaper named Rukia Kuchiki follows him around to help him fight Hollows.

Light: Ex soul reaper?

L: Yes. She gave up her powers in order for Ichigo to save his family from a Hollow attack.

Light: Did they survive?

L: Yes.

Light: (ANOTHER advantage!!)

L: Currently, Ichigo is in Tokyo trying to hold off the pending invasion.

Light: Alone?

L: Yes. Well, Rukia's with him.

Light: Shouldn't we help him?

L: What could we do?

Light: I think I have an idea....

Meanwhile, back in Tokyo....

Ichigo: What the?!

Rukia: What is that thing? *stares at Sanders' ship*

Ichigo: I dunno, but whatever it is, we must save Tokyo!!

Rukia: Right!

Ichigo: Let's go!

Rukia: Look out!! Behind you Ichigo!!

Ichigo whips around, sword drawn, only to see a chicken.

Ichigo: Is THIS what's invading Tokyo? Hahahaha!

Rukia: Be careful. You don't know what that thing's capable of.

Just then, the chicken transforms into a massive Hollow.

Ichigo: Hehehehehe-Holy crap!! What just happened?!

Rukia: Ichigo! Attack it!

Ichigo: Right!

Ichigo slices the chickens head in half.

Ichigo: *whew* That could've been bad!

Rukia: From now on, if anything looks suspicious, kill it. As long as it's a Hollow.

Ichigo: You look kinda suspicious to me.

Rukia: Stop joking around Ichigo! We have work to do!

Ichigo: Okay! Jeez.... Sorry!

Back at Ryuuzaki's hotel room.....

Matsuda: Ryuuzaki! There's someone here to see you!

L: Who is it?

Matsuda: Says his name's Uryu.

L: Uryu? What could he possibly be doing here?

Light: You know him?

L: Yes.

Matsuda: Should I send him up?

L: Yes. Tell Inspector Yagami to come to. I have some important news.

Matsuda: No problem! *smile and thumbs up*

Uryu, along with Inspector Yagami take the elevator up to L's room.

Uryu: Hello..... Old friend.

L: Hi... Old friend.

To be continued......

Yay!! Part 2!! Woohoo! Hope ya liked it! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to PM me or tell me in a comment!

Sorry guys! No questions today! I gotta hurry so I can go to my friend Crissy's(InweTheGreat) house for a party!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

But, here are my answers to my last questions:

1.) Has anyone played Scarface: The World Is Yours?
A: Yeah. Doi!! ^_________^ It's AWESOME!!

2.) Should I add another anime series to my story?
A: I'm not sure if I will or not. Suggestions, please?

3.) Has anyone ever heard of a band called The Autumn Offering?
A: Yep. Love that band!!

4.) Is anyone going to the Disturbed concert?
A: Unfortunately, no. I SOOOO wish I could though!


Check ya L8R!! ^__________________^

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