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In My Mind
Member Since
That Awesome Guy
Real Name
I don't think I've achieved anything.
Anime Fan Since
I first watched DragonBall Z.
Favorite Anime
DragonBall Z, Death Note, Chibi Vampire, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, Azumanga Daioh, Gungrave, s-CRY-ed, Yotsuba&, Ruroni Kenshin, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Escaflowne, Bleach, Trinity Blood, and Trigun
Who knows?
Writing stories, listening to music, and playing very violent video games.
Writing stories, drawing, singing, and playing guitar.
Friday, November 3, 2006

Hiya!! STORY DAY!!! YAY!! I didn't write this part on paper like one and two. That's right....... THIS ONE'S COMPLETELY RANDOM!!! Yay for randomness!
Uryu: Hello..... Old friend.
L: Hi... Old friend.
Light: Why are you here?
L: Yes, I was wondering the same thing. Does this have anything to do with the invasion?
Uryu: Actually, yes it does.
Light: So, what is it?
Uryu: Well, I have some news regarding Colonol Sanders. Does anyone know a way to contact Ichigo?
L: No, but we've been searching.
Light: What's this got to do with Ichigo?
Uryu: Nothing. Other than the fact that we may need him.
Light: Why? What can he do that we can't?
Uryu: .........
L: Don't ask stupid questions like that Light-san. Don't you remember what I told you about soul reapers and Hollows?
Light: Yes, but what does this have to do with...... Wait, the chickens are Hollows, aren't they?
Uryu: Unfortunately, yes.
L: Mr. Yagami?
Yagami: Yes?
L: Could you find Ichigo Kurosaki for us please?
Yagami: Yes, I'll get right on it.
Inspector Yagami rushes out of the room to search the web for Ichigo Kurosaki. He unexpectedly runs into Ichigo.
Yagami: What the- You wouldn't happen to be Ichigo Kurosaki would you?
Ichigo: Yes I am. Why?
Yagami: I thought you were in Tokyo!?
Ichigo: I was, but me and Rukia left because the ship disappeared.
Yagami: Disappeared?!
Ichigo: Yes. We don't know what happened, but we thought that L could help.
Yagami: You know L?
Ichigo: Yes. I met him years ago. Could I speak with him?
Yagami: Of course! In fact, he was asking me to find you.
Ichigo: He asked you to find me? What for?
Yagami; HE didn't say. I'll take you to him though.
Back in Ryuuzaki's room.....
Uryu: So, what have you gathered?
L: Well, I don't think there's a major plot here. Sanders just wants to take over the world.
Light: Yes, but-
Yagami: Ryuuzaki! I found Ichigo! I ran in to him on the way to the computer.
L: What? I thought he was in Tokyo!?
Ichigo: I was. As I told Inspector Yagami: The ship disappeared.
Group in unison: Disappeared?!
Ichigo: Yes. It's not a big deal.
Rukia: Don't be so sure Ichigo.
Ichigo: Why? He's just a fat sack o' crap that makes chicken. What could he possibly do?
Out of nowhere, Colonol Sanders appears on a monitor in the other room....
Sanders: Get me L.
Matsuda: What the hell?
Sanders: I said get me L you insolent bastard!!
Matsuda: Hey you can't-
Mogi: Just get L dammit!
Matsuda: Right....... *He called me a bastard.....*
Matsuda bursts through the door to L's room...
L: What is it Matsuda?
Matsuda: Colonol Sanders just appeared on one of the monitors!
Light: He did what?
Yagami: What do you think he wants?
Uryu: I dunno, but whatever he wants it can't be good.
Matsuda: Ryuuzaki, he wants to speak with you!
L: Okay. Everyone down in the computer room.
L, Uryu, Inspector Yagami, Light, and Matsuda all walk to the computer room together just in time to see Colonol Sanders stabbing one of his chickens.
Light: ?! What the hell is he doing?
Sanders: Oh, there you are L.
L: What do you want Sanders?
Light: Why did you just kill that chicken?
Sanders: .......... I was hungry.......
Matsuda: You suck!! Why did you call me a bastard?
Light: What did you want us for?
Sanders: I didn't. I asked for L, not a stupid little bastard that tries to take over the world with a notebook.
L: .........
Light: I don't know what you're talking about!
Sanders: Oh give it up. Everyone knows. Even L.
L: .........
Light: That's a damned lie!!
L stares Light down....
Light: You don't seriously believe him, do you?
L: I don't know.
Light: ..........
Yagami: Do you still suspect my son?
To be continued......
Well, I gotta go, so no questions today either. Sorry guys. ^_^'
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