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In My Mind
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That Awesome Guy
Real Name
I don't think I've achieved anything.
Anime Fan Since
I first watched DragonBall Z.
Favorite Anime
DragonBall Z, Death Note, Chibi Vampire, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, Azumanga Daioh, Gungrave, s-CRY-ed, Yotsuba&, Ruroni Kenshin, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Escaflowne, Bleach, Trinity Blood, and Trigun
Who knows?
Writing stories, listening to music, and playing very violent video games.
Writing stories, drawing, singing, and playing guitar.
Friday, November 24, 2006

Well, I hate to steal Edge's idea, but I think I'm gonna have to add a Discussion and Q&A section to my posts. However, I'll change the names, so it won't be too similar I guess... ^^ Well, I guess I should answer the questions I got two days ago that I should've answered yesterday. I was too lazy. ^_^'
Random Questions For Me
Okay, the first is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks "Which of these poses the greatest threat to the world: The Squirrel Army, The Airborne Bird Legion, or The Seven Dark Antarctic Penguin Knights?" Well, I'm gonna have to say... The Seven Dark Anarctic Penguin Knights. I've always seen them as a threat and the should be dealt with soon. I propose an alliance? Okay, the next one is from InuyashaFan4-Ever, and she asks "Are you hungry?" Well, I was, but I had so much food yesterday that I may not eat for a couple of days... ^^ And her second question, "What is your favorite weapon?" Easy: Swords and Nunchaku. You see, I play Soul Caliber a lot, and Lately I've been playing Soul Caliber 3. My two favorite characters are Maxi and Siegfried. Maxi is quick and can kick some major ass with those nunchucks, and Siegfried is just awesome! Plus, I like his swords. Especially Flamberge. Well, I think that's all the questions for today.
Random Things
Okay, from Knights Edge, "Hmm...well if you want a new character to jump in and save the day...then maybe you could put the main character from my story in your story...wait...I don't think you'd want to do that. And hey if you do then go ahead, you have my best wishes on that idea." Well, actually that's not a half bad idea! I mean, you are using me for your story, so why not? Plus, I like the main character of your story. He's got this aura... Anyways, this one is from funpunkrockkid, and she says, "As I think I mentioned before, Rachel, throw in Godzilla!" Hmmmm, ya know, I think that could work actually! I mean, the story is centered in Tokyo, and Godzilla was in Tokyo right? Well, he was somewhere in Japan. Okay, last one, and it's from Lordsesshomaru: "Do whatever you'd like. I'd prefer to be surprised with what you come up with. ^^" Thanks for that! I like writing this, and I'm glad people actually enjoy reading it! In fact, at first I almost decided not to even start. But, I went ahead and posted it and I actually got good feedback! Well, I think that's all for today, so...
Okay, here's a question for ya:
1.) How the hell do you use html? I'm lost... I need to know how so I can make my posts better.
I think I'm gonna go talk on Myspace and go to sleep, so I'll talk to you guys later! ^_____^
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