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In My Mind
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That Awesome Guy
Real Name
I don't think I've achieved anything.
Anime Fan Since
I first watched DragonBall Z.
Favorite Anime
DragonBall Z, Death Note, Chibi Vampire, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, Azumanga Daioh, Gungrave, s-CRY-ed, Yotsuba&, Ruroni Kenshin, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Escaflowne, Bleach, Trinity Blood, and Trigun
Who knows?
Writing stories, listening to music, and playing very violent video games.
Writing stories, drawing, singing, and playing guitar.
Friday, December 1, 2006

Well guys, guess what? I didn't write the story today!!! Crap. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to make it random again. BUT, there's a new character being added to the story this time. Can anyone guess who it is? Well, if ya can't, I'm not tellin' ya, you'll just have to read for yourselves! But, I'm sure you'll like this next installment of Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo!! Well, on to next part of my post!!
Random Questions
Okay, let's see, who all sent me fan mail.... Ah...
Rachel: Ummmm, Grave, I hate to tell ya this, but, that's not fan mail...
It's not?
Rachel: Nope.
Oh. Heh heh, whoops.
Rachel: ......
Anyways, I guess I'll answer questions then... Okay, first one's from.... No one. Oh well. Maybe next time there'll be fan mail... lol
Random Things
Okay, NEXT part. Maybe NOW there'll be fan mail..
Rachel: Ummmmm, hate to break it to ya, but I don't think there'll ever be fan mail.
Rachel: No.
Crap. Oh well, can't blame me for trying right?
Rachel: I..... guess....
Anyways, what should we talk aboot today? Ah, seems as if Edge wants to talk aboot something: "I can't wait to read chapter five, because a mysterious character "might" show up or something along those lines." Well, as I mentioned earlier there will be a new character, and Edge already knows who it is. ^^ Okay, next is from InuyashaFan4-Ever: "I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHAP. 5!!" I'm glad you feel that way! ^_^ I just gotta right it in a minute... Okay! lordsesshomaru says: "Edge did obtain the armor, so we have all been saved. Party time!" Yay!! Party!! Woot!! Well, when do you think we should attack LS? Alrighty, Magnus Lensherr says: "Oh cool a new TV ~ Grins ~ Must be big if you have had to move things around to accomodate it ~ looks envious ~ have fun watching it but don't let it distract you from your story ~ Laughs ~ It's fantastic and I look forward to the next part ^_^" Yay!! I'm glad everyone likes my story!! ^_^
Well, I gotta go now 'cuz I'm gonna go eat at some restaurant, so I'll talk to you guys later!! Oh, and I'll post chapter four of the story, but I may be a little delayed from posting chapter five. Sorry guys, I hope you're not too dissapointed. See you guys later!!
Rachel: Um, you won't SEE them.
Oh, right. Well talk to you guys later!!
Rachel: That's better.
....... Shut up.
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