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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
You know...
...I now relize that if I post somthing long and it has alot of words... No one will read it!
But if I post something Long
and I have it spaced out
To where there is nothing
on the page all together
Everyone will read and comment!
Lol I find it odd that stuff like this happens... you know if you read things closer together for a long amount of time... your brain grows!!
I wanted to see if someone would believe me on that... Frankly I have not a clue!!
Hope everyones having a great day...
I'm having the most amazing Week ever!
Gravy S.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Our song (you may have read something like this in the past, but you have never Heard it like this before)
Imagine a grand empty stage, golden hard wood floors shining from the hundreds of stage lights glowing to their full potential to absolutely nothing on the set but a beautiful black grand piano. Sitting at this piano are two immortal beings, letting his and her heart play out with a soft smile as their hands slip over each silky smooth white and black key.
Their love song begins to form with each note pressed, with each smile or smirk aimed at his or her eyes to catch and treasure in that moment. This love is what makes them immortal, this song that burns in so many young lovers hearts burns the brightest now within them.
I may seem very much like a child that dreams of love when I write this, and I may be crossing lines as each word rolls of my tongue, but these words come to me as easy as my breath that gives me life. My heart has never been filled with such love and passion for anything else as it has for the one who wrote me this song, who wrote us our song. And I have expressed this feeling so many times before as I will be sure to do so many time again, yet this is now different. Now you may hear the song that has touched my heart in was I could never express (hmhm as such many people have asked me to stop trying *smiles softly*)
This song, has helped me in so many ways, It has given me a smile I could hold onto, A memory I could look back on, a shoulder I could cry on, and a aid to a pain I could not run from or handle by myself. You may not believe a simple song like this could do these thing, yet it’s not simply the song, it’s also the man who wrote it. I praise him in everything I do and accomplish yet I feel it is not enough though he tells me it’s more. In writing this I no longer feel the pains that once burdened me, but the tears yet still flow as I have a constant reminder of the new life I have gained.
There is a passage back a ways in my archives that tells this story that goes with this song. If you didn’t read it or would like to just look back… You can get a better picture in your head about this song. I feel almost scared writing these words above, for a reason that I don’t know. But my heart wishes to yell and scream how I feel over and over again. So in order to shut me up, I leave you with the song of my heart. This song, no mater what in my life changes… this song will remain my all… my Band-Aid on a wounded heart… and a story I will never forget.
My dearest love,
As I sat there with my head resting on your shoulder, my hands wrapped around your arm, my body unwilling to move, it was your lips softly kissing me that kept me from falling into absolute darkness. Your voice telling me that it was going to be alright as my mind was fighting every word you said from the memories flashing past me, the feeling burning my skin from the inside out. I truly thought that the pain would never leave my mind I thought the feeling would drive me to my madness Yet all I could do was hold onto your arm begging you to please not let go of me. At that moment I wished to do everything to block it out, to hide it deep within me as I did all my pains. You played out song and my mind was cleared, my body that had felt wear now felt strong. That night my mind was lost and screaming, that night you found me and hushed me back to sleep. My love, I hear this song, and my pain is gone, I see your face as clear as day. And this may seem like the cheesiest thing to say, but my god it’s true. You saved me and for that I am forever grateful. And now when I hear this song I am not reminded why I ended up hearing this song that night. I am reminded about how I felt when I heard it. And the way I felt was free.
I love you with all my being.
*smiles softly*
From yours truly,
Gravéra Elizabeth Silence
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Monday, February 6, 2006
a smile Note of happy-silly-ness
Today I am overly happy!!!!
I will tell the world
that today
IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
yes!! I am so happy cuz as far as I know not a thing has gone wrong and yes!! for the first time in like 5 years My birthday has gone right!!
well now I just have to make it though the rest of this day and a little of tomorrow and I'll be good to go!!!
Holy hell this is a freakin great day!!
Now you don't have to say "Happy birthday" or anything like that... I know some of you don't know me but it is nice of you stop by and say Hi!
Oh I'm 17 today and I think my mom thinks it's the new 18.. I think she thinks I'm gonna run away or somthing like that!!
But anywhos!
I hope everyone else has a great day!!
So for now this is the happiest you will ever hear me.. or... er read me that I will ever be.....
(till this time next year) *SMILES*
To all who some by
Have a great day!
Grave Silence
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Picture time
I was just out of class and I thought I would show you a pic of me and my friend... we are both in the same class now and we just got bored and our sub let us leave
I'm the one with my hair back.
I hope your day is going well
I'll post again later!

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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Today I have nothing really going on
I wanted to talk about something that would be some what funny... and at the same time a little on the sad side.
Just somthing for my everyday post-edge
but... I can't think of anything!!!!!!!!!
I would guess that would add to the being on the sad side of my day.
But as of now... my day is going very well!
I have not-a-thing to report... besides I'm bored
but thats normal..
I have no new poems as of now but I will in a few days.. I've been working on stuff
so please if you have any news to report
Comment them please... I'm out of ideas!
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Monday, January 30, 2006
A note from the blank space in my mind!
“In the world,” My grandfather said
“Time to time you end up coming across something shinny. Though it may not “shine” in the physical sense, it may in your heart or mind. You may get lost into its gaze, or be consumed by its distraction, or you may be compelled to hide it away from no other to see. But always keep in mind not all things shine forever, but keep in mind when you find that one thing that sparkles in your eye, you’ll know in your heart it shall last forever.”
To me this sounded like the simple ramblings of a crazy old white haired man who I’ve know and loved all my life. But… to think in the silly form and tactics that I inherited from him *smiles* I kinda get what he was saying. Well at the least I tried!
He and I are totally obsessed with shinny objects and anything that makes a sound (never get us around wind chimes *smiles*) But when he told me this… I didn’t know why… I was only 12 when he told it to me… but ever since he would continue to do so… it made me feel loved…but now I kinda get what he was saying to me…. Even though knowing him he probably didn’t mean anything by it… but now… to me… it kinda does have a meaning.
I just thought I would share it with you.
It was just on my mind.
To all who stop by… I welcome thee
Grave Silence
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Friday, January 27, 2006
I have nothing really to say today...

I hope you all have a great weekend...
and if you can... please look at the poem down one below!
oh and I'm updating my Pictures!
Grave Silence
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Poem of the day
The Lazy Kitten

The wind blows soft and cool along,
My small fluffy purring back
The sun bathing me in such sweet covers
The cool breeze just adds to my sleep.
I lay on my pillow of flower petal,
That I have just pounces and played in
Picking out each one so delicately
To sleep on a colorful bed of silk.
The butterflies more curious then I
Fluttering pass me in my sleep
Little do they know when I wake,
My play things will they end up being.
Leigh-Anne C. Hinson
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I thought she was cute!
I've been in a cute kitten mood the last few days
and I drew this kitten like 20mins ago so I thought I show... well... who ever came by my site.
I thought it just looked silly!
hope you like
Gravy Silence

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I'mjust having a art filled day!!!
hmhm I was just pouncing some pics me and my friends are drawing... when it comes up on the scanner I'll show you later
always me!
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