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A dark place in my mind
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Starting young artist
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Gravéra Or Gravy
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To have a better and a much smarter life then my parents ever wanted for me
Drawing and writting short stories
| GraveSilence
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
This song is me all over... it touches my heart... and it forms me most... this is my song
"Art In Me"
Images on the sidewalk speak of dream's decent
Washed away by storms to graves of cynical lament
Dirty canvases to call my own
Protest limericks carved by the old pay phone
In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"
Broken stained-glass windows, the fragments ramble on
Tales of broken souls, an eternity's been won
As critics scorn the thoughts and works of mortal man
My eyes are drawn to you in awe once again
In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"
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The Sloppy Joe song!!!
*singing the “Oh Christmas tree” tune to “Oh sloppy Joe!!”
“Oh sloppy Joe
Oh sloppy Joe!
How tasty is your Secret Sauce!
Oh Sloppy Joe…
Oh Sloppy Jooooooe
Where does it come from I don’t know!!
I want to know!!
Who made this food!!
It could be considered Oh so rude!!
Oh sloppy Joe!
Oh Sloppy Jooooooooe!!!
If you didn’t know this food was awesome!!
Now you know!!!!
All right!!
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Do not be scared.... they are Just Random words
My Random
Random thoughts in my head..
The feeling of confusion… not likely
Ideas, pictures, word,
This frustration is more then I can bear alone…
To talk… to converse with myself…
The only one who listens’
The only one who care…
Just writing down ideas…
Before my sanity takes over
This… lust of words…
Lodged in my throat…
This ball of hate and slimy disgust
Wedged in my throat
Sucking onto my heart
Friends’ family… they all stare…
Hated in there hearts… love in there eyes
Oh such a feeling of hate….
Knowing their eyes cut me sharper then any knife
And stabbing my chest uncontrollably…
Wishing I would die.
Random word I must write down…
Nothing I can hide in any more inside..
Must keep writing
Word, word, word!
The thoughts in my head
Consuming me!
Must keep writing
My hands my be kept busy
The twitching feeling to grasp hold,
That cold steel metal…
That chilling feeling on my skin…
Must keep writing, never stopping
Letting my hands do the talking.
Thoughts in my head
Floating past with a passion,
Happy thoughts some of all
Pouncing kitten, smiling faces, friends I once knew.
Wishing to know how to keep theses thoughts
Yet where did these thoughts go?
What have become of my thoughts now?
Scratching claws, biting fang, enemies attacking!
Songs scrapping through my head…
Singing loud singing soft
Random words I should have said
Random words…
That never should have been spoken…
These words I wish the most
Would have never escaped my scared lips,
The black stains filling in the bleeding cracks.
These words, random,
The feeling of no meaning at all
My word, passionate,
…Full of lust and desire…
No longer do these words crave any meaning…
No longer do I feel random.
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I'm Home!
sorry I haven't updated in a few days...
I've been out with a alien in my stomach...
and it wanted out!!
*covers stomach*
lol anywhos... I'll write more about where I've been soon
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
my poem of Darkness... my poem of me
For some…
It is a feeling of being lost…
The cold feeling under your skin…
… The breath of air you have lost…
The stabbing feeling in your chest…
The blind look you feel in other peoples’ eyes…
Yet for others…
… It is the feeling of seduction…
…the deepest lust in peoples heart…
The lost fantasy of the suicidal man…
…the cravings in the young girls mind…
The feeling more addictive then any drug…
For me…
It is many of those feelings combined…
Torn into…
Like a torture rack…
Pulling me into small glowing white strings in a dark room…
My light so dim against the black mist…
This is how I feel…
When I speak with you…
The lust burning in my heart….
That feeling tugging at my life strings…
This joyful pain…
Each tear down my cheek
Like acid rain burning though my soul…
this is how I feel…
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 You are the Prietess- You have a strong sense for when something is wrong and a strong spiritual power. You are learning to fight demons and you meditate using your element water. You like to b eleft alone and your usually keep to yourself, unless you ask advice from your sensei.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
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My school Poem!!
Hey Everyone!!
I wanted to show you a poem me and like 8 other people at my school did for this one big poem!!
we all put down Ideas and it just became one big poem!!
well... I have some of my ideas in there so when you see this at the end of a saying
--- mine
thats means that was my idea I put down...
it's only on a few of them...
but the poem is realy cool!
hope you like it
What is Poetry?
By the SFHS Students
(and me!)
The fearless thoughts of mind
The light you thought had gone out
Movement forward, movement forward, movement forward
A hacking cough that gnaws at your throat
An aneurysm of emotion
The daringness to speak your stomach
The ability to be ahead of your time
The darkness hiding, then busting forth through your mind,
cracking, breaking, flowing --- mine
Electric blue zigzags of pure ecstasy cascading from the heart
The ability to break through an apathy of mind, body and soul
Staring at the dusk
Shadows of light hidden in a smile
The breath of colors that you intake ---mine
The fear of love that takes you too high
Jumping off the cliff into the unknown
into a kaleidoscope of jellybeans
An emotional reverie you never knew was there ---mine
A new way of seeing yourself in the world
A swirling vortex of color and passion
Falling in and out of shadow and light
The unborn baby that dies everyday. . .crying death
Universal emotion
The new light to the dark ---mine
Poetry is death to silence of your thoughts
Death to conformity
It's a staple
Standing alone in a sea of grass, a bright speck of color
Repressed emotion/feeling eventually
liberating all that is life
Emotion resting in my heart
The rhythm of the beating drum
Sign language of words on paper
The clot of spit in my throat
The union of words
Black and blood, black and blood, black and blood pulse that runs in your veins ---mine!!
Add'n new color---mine
Shaping the world in your hands, forming, playing
My hatred boiling over my heart
The world crushing my spirits, trying to mold me into plaid
A black and white photograph
Bouncing emotion of feeling a fear---mine!
Distrust of fellow man
The life I never wanted
Art of life ---mine
Chaotic order
Eloh eht gnillif (filling the hole)
The open sea
Augmenting the feeble mind
Hypocrisy of religion
Erasing mediocrity
Pavement smashing
Learning to forgive and living to forget
The fiction turn to life ---mine again
Hollow spots that filter through light and drip into blue
this is poetry!
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A sweet picture!
 You are the Spirit of Sadness. Deep pain and sorrow lie within you, betrayal, jealousy and rejection rule your life. You cannot make friends as you are too scared at the prospect of being hurt again and you can't take that risk. You wish more than anything to have a steady person there who loves you unconditionally but you are too scared to find them.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
"War Child"
Who will save the war child baby?
Who controls the key?
The web we weave is thick and sordid,
Fine by me.
At times of war we're all the losers,
There's no victory.
We shoot to kill and kill your lover,
Fine by me.
War child, victim of political pride.
Plant the seed, territorial greed.
Mind the war child,
We should mind the war child.
I spent last winter in New York,
And came upon a man.
He was sleeping on the streets and homeless,
He said, "I fought in Vietnam."
Beneath his shirt he wore the mark,
He bore the mark with pride.
A two inch deep incision carved,
Into his side.
War child, victim of political pride.
Plant the seed, territorial greed.
Mind the war child,
We should mind the war child.
Who's the loser now? Who's the loser now?
We're all the losers now. We're all the losers now.
War child.
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"Not Hollywood"
I've got a picture in my head, in my head.
It's me and you, we are in bed, we are in bed.
You've always been there when I call, when I call.
You've always been there most of all, all, all, all.
This is not Hollywood, like I understood.
Is not Hollywood, like, like, like.
Run away, run away, is there anybody there?
Get away, get away, get awa-a-a-a-a-a-ay.
Oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh...
I've got a picture in my room, in my room.
I will return there I presume, it should be soon.
The greatest irony of all, shoot the wall.
It's not so glamorous at all, all, all, all...
This is not Hollywood, like I understood.
Is not Hollywood, like, like, like.
Run away, run away, is there anybody there?
Get away, get away, get awa-a-a-a-a-a-ay.
Oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh...
This is not Hollywood, runaway,
This is not Hollywood,
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