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Sunday, June 5, 2005

   �Chocobo Song!�

by Joe Redifer

Final Fantasy is a RPG
The only one that I need
It�s the PRG for me
Final Fantasy is all that I play
All other games are lame
It puts them all to shame

I only play games that are Popular
I lonely buy games the magazines tell me to buy
That was I know I get a good game for sure
I may have a shallow mind
But you can kiss my behind

Final Fantasy; it consumes my life
And that�s probably why
I�ll never have a wife
Final Fantasy has awesome music
And that�s probably why it
Always gets remixed

I always buy the sound track to each game
Oh it is the only thing that I will listen to
Oh sure one day it may drive me insane
You may think I�m a fool
Well I�m here to say �Screw you!�

Final Fantasy on Playstation2
With music by Nobuo
And graphics by Wong Chu
It is Final Fantasy number 10
Must save the world again
Right her from my own den
Hopefully I�ll get through the game just fine
I don�t know why I continue to play each game
They�ll be making these games �till the end of time
Oh I guess that I will pay
For these new games �till Doomsday!

Do do do do do do do
do do do do do doo
do do do do do DOo

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Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the years burn

I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what i choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you

Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
Ooh, the years burn
Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn

I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my voice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you

The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you

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"With This Knife"

I let myself fall into a lie
I let my walls come down
I let myself smile and feel alive
I let my walls come down
No matter how i try i don't know why
You push so far away
You wrapped your hands tight around my heart
And squeezed it full of pain

With this knife i'll cut out the part of me
The part that cares for you
With this knife i'll cut out the heart of me
The heart that cares for you

I can't believe the way you took me down
I never saw the pain
Coming in a million broken miles
Like poison for my veins


The hate and the fear
The nightmares that wake me up
In tears
The nightmares and (the hate)...

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   tehehe... I'm in a song mood!
I have all these songs in my head!!

hey... if you comment.. leave a name of a song you like.. and I'll put the Lyrics down on here!!

I'm just gonna be looking for like a whole lot!

So if you like a song and you wanna see it.. just give me the name and whos it's by and I'll get it up!!

DJ Gravy!!

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Saturday, June 4, 2005

   please check it out!
I have just added some of my art to the site.. it's at the very bottom!!! click fan art and see some of my stuff!!

hope you like it!


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   Gravy cleaning!
Moewnissosmens to all!

I've been writing more poems lately but hav't had time to post them... I've been needing to get to a email for some time and I haven't yet...so I'll have to go get a jump on that!

I have alot of cleaning to do... but when it's all done... I'll post somthing you all will really like!

I'll talk to you all soon

*pulls out cleaning stuff pinning my hair up*

see you soon!


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Friday, June 3, 2005

   It's all yellow looking out side..*thinks* maybe it's gold

It�s still raining,�� man it�s like 8:30

And man�it�s yellow out side� the skies yellow!!! It�s sooo cool!!!

God�I mean� I�m pouncing around jumping in the rain�giving myself a rain high!!

It�s soo cool!!! I�m having so much fun� the skies almost red now�
Sorta odd�.but hey..

I�m having fun!!

But now I�m like shower wet!
I�ve gone through 3 sets of clothes!

Well�5 more wont kill me!
*smiles really big*

tehehehe well� I�m gonna pounces around a little more�.

Grav�ra Silence

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   Meows it's raining it's raining!

The rain is falling once again� I�m kinda happy�

But seeing I don�t have the energy to be� IU guess I�ll jumps around for joy l8ter�

But I did manage to go play in it!!! *tehehehee!*
I walked around in it� my hair flat�and wet�my jeans completely wet!
It�s just�.blah!! tehehe

*steps into my house� my wet hair dripping everywhere� my clothes all hanging down�drips of water everywhere� looks up with a smile�
Shakes my head and slowly runs down shaking the rest of my body!*

Tada! Shaken dry!! *shinny marks pop up on my kitten tooth*
Tehehe� well now that I�m all dry and clean again�

I�m gonna go play in the rain once more before it stops!

*smiles* *opens door* see yah!!

*runs through it with a cloud of dust behind me!*

Grav�ra Silence

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   I know it's long... but it's kinda a cool little poem I thought up...

Rain rose

The sky once blue and full of white clouds
Now is stained black and gray�
The rolling thunder takes over
the sound of the ocean hitting on the cliffs edge.
The cold rain and wind that falls flattens the once wild green grass.

There� over the passing hills� and the rolling plains of grass�
Stands tall a girl�
Who�s white dress yet simple as it was
flows in the wind like waves in the ocean�
yet now sticks to her skin all tattered and torn like paper
now almost see through in its self.

Her black long hair�
that would dance as she spun around in the tall grass,
every strand would shine in it�s glory
Now lays flat against her back�
tangled and ragged

her bare feet walks on forward against the cold wind and rain
As the thunder crashes around her
She does not cringes at its strength�
Yet walks through the storm around her
Her right arm crossed over her chest�
holding tightly to her left shoulder as if in pain

She sees a flash of light and looks up slowly�
Her breath is easily seen as if looking at a cloud of mist escape her lips�
Her eyes never flinching from the downward drops of cold rain.
She smiles softly as the sound of thunder crackles down around her
As she continues to walk on.

She finally stops at the cliffs edge�
The oceans waves crashing against the rocks
making the earth shake with every hit.
She stand looking out�
seeing a small glow of blue sky out over the ocean.
Her lips form a soft smile as her feet play with the ground beneath her.
She looks down at her feet then back to the blue sky�
Her smile becomes bigger as she opens her hands out to the gray sky

Flashes of lightning strikes everywhere�
The strong rolling sound of thunder forming behind.

The Storm quickly passes�
The sky once blue again�
The wind warm and soft�
Swaying the green grass over the hills once again

And there by the cliffs edge of the crashing sea
Stands tall�
A White rose� swaying to the movement of the wind
It�s 2 green leafs stretched out to the sky�

Yet laying softly next to it� caught on the small roses thrones
Lays a small torn white cloth�and a few strands of Black hair�

Yet the wind blows on�
and the sun shines warmly�
as if the world...
has had a new begining.

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Thursday, June 2, 2005

*says while shaking my butt around*
I'm out of school
I'm out of school
*turns around skaing my butt*
I've thrown away my books and
I'm out of school!

lol... I love it...I'm free...but in 5 days...I go to summer school...
I really dont mind that...it's just..
*drinks coffee* I have to be ther at 7:50 in the morning...
*falls over* thats when I go to bed!!

but I really rather be in school then home so... it works for me

for the few of you still in school...*bows from the waist and goes back up and puases....
points fingers at you shaking my butt again*

I'm out of school
I'm out of school!!

lol sorry... good luck... see you around

Gravera E. Silence

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