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Saturday, August 27, 2005
I know I haven't posted in a while... heres a poem!
Why me?
Why do you have to look at me like that?
Why do I want to fight your words?
Why do you care so much for me?
Why cant I push you away?
Why do you hang on to me so?
Why do I feel like I will lose you if you dont?
Why did you choose me to love?
You dont know my mind?
Why did you Look at me like that?
what makes you smile like that?
Out of all the people around, I could never care who saw,
out of all the people around... I want them to see us.
But... why..Oh please tell me why..
This feeling hurts So Bad!
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Bad morning...
So feel out of bed... and... BlaaaaaAaAaAhhh!!!
I'll post later..
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Meows...hey I have a question for all my friends!
The the F#@k Did I miss when I was gone?????
I want to know!!
I'll post again at lunch
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
I'm Baaaaaack!!!
I'm in scholl and I'm back !!
I will post again soon!
Love you!
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My Character!
This is sooo me!
This is Gravy Kitten!
Oh yes... I'm smexy!

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Etos to all
I am sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been out of town for some time… well really just last weekend.
And I’m not sure too much about today seeing at like 4:30 I’ll be gone for Band Practice.
But for the time now that I am here…Hello!
I’ve been writing a lot more poetry and I drawing a lot more these pass few weeks… So I’m hoping to get them up on here soon (for those of you who like my work)
To be as truthful as possible…I haven’t been quite myself the last few weeks… I am normally bouncy and weird and funny… and also a mean kick butt poetical speaker!
Hmhmh! *smiles softly with a slight tilt of the head*
But…I don’t know what is wrong with me… One of my friends on Theotaku knows how well I can come up with fun poetry stuff right on the spot… so I is never hard for me..
But as of late…I am feeling all confused, not knowing really what’s up! I just… am!
I can sit in my room and I would just have a flood of just poems and drawings come to me in a flash… but.. I sit…and feel this…feeling like something’s clawing at me… like I need to get something out… but WHAT!?!?!?!?
I did think of one good Poem 2 days ago… and I still remember some of it… if I have more time soon… I’ll post it and let you all read it… but in the mean time…. I’m stuck!
I hope you all are doing well and I wish to know how everyones weekend went!
Please share all!
(I feel like I’m sounding like Star fire off of Teen titans ^____^ )
Farewell to all
Gravéra E. Silence
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I havent gotten any of my art work posted yet.. not even some of my new writings!!
But I have one drawing on here that I'll show you guys before I stick the rest on here..
I have them all just... not on my site..
I know it's kinda big... but I'll fix it soon
See you around
Grave E. Silence
The Evil Book!

the Tree of life!

and the Only one!

and for those of you who do not Know Duddles!!!
hmhm here is my Main Guy!

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Monday, July 11, 2005
I'm sick...*hack hack*
hello to all and to all a good night.
For it is late this sad and rainy night.
I have been sick all day and having the a pain in my stomach all day... Yet being my dumb proud self I didn't tell anyone about till I was much more over the pain.
Yet no pain killer could stop it from hurting. and on top of thqat I was hacking my brains out in small chunks!
really it was mostly green stuff and blood from hacking so hard.
but on a lighter note I'm fine!
I think I took to much of somthing to help the pain... and I think I was... talking to myself.. or someone.. I dont know... but.. I was at the point of almost crying!...
and thats odd for me seeing I have a VERY high pain intake.
Pain really never bothers me... but when it does..
it's.. not a pritty site!
anywhos... I'll try and post later...
I've been in my room all day watching all the Episods of the Luis and Clark shows... we got them on dvd... lol I dont think I could ever lok at the old comics of Superman ever again!! it was funny.
anywhos... I think I'll just head back to bed soon...
I'll make a fresher update soon..
I feel so sick now... I just want to throw up.
but hey... hope everyones okay,
Loves to all
Gravera Sickness!
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Just bored
Moring to all
I dont have anything to post just yet...
But I wanted to see how you all are doing,
So just say hey and l8r I'll have someing else up!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
The Swollen one!
Etos to all!
(if you don’t know me “etos” is just a silly way for me saying Hey!)
Last night was the freakiest nights I ever had! I was so afraid I would lose my eye sight!
Okay… last night My sisters and I went out for something to eat (mainly junk food… seeing I was in Ireland so long they are VERY strong on the health food mater… so I was hungry for Fries!)
Well.. I think I have gotten some salt on my shirt but didn’t know it till I sat down in front of my tv watching [Adult swim] (the best Anime and just silly kick ass stuff on the planet)
When I felt my eye start to twitch… So I started rubbing it.. and I think my hands got some salt from my shirt and I believe it went in my eye!
Well that’s not the half of it… then I started rubbing my other eye (my left eye for those of you who wish to know)
And then something was in it… and god did it hurt!.... for like 5 mins I was just rubbing my eye… my eye was getting all watery so that the thing in it would come out… but it didn’t…
Well I started to freak, cuz now my eye is bothering me.. and I cant get whatever was in it out!!.... I was just panicking!
So I showed my elder sister and she said she saw noghtin but my eye was getting all red and puffy…
Well 5 mins later I looked at my eye… and…Man I’m Soooo not joking with this… My Eye Ball!!! Was puffy… I mean the whole bottom half was all puffy looking… and this is the white of my eye!! My eye BALL!!!
So I just freaked out!!! I mean I could close my eyes… one eyeball looked bigger then the other… My eye was all red… I was crying cuz I was sooo scared!! So I ran to my sister and she saw it and was a little scared too… but I was so freaked… cuz it kept getting red…
Well now My mo and dad had come back from my moms work and they see it… so they try and calm me down and tell me it’s okay and all…
But how can you listen to someone who’s telling you it will be okay when you Just looked at your eye and saw it was looking like a baseball with a small blue circle in the middle?!?! !!!???!!!???! (I say that cuz my eyes are blue)
So they give me some pain killer (I really didn’t have any pain… I just wanted some ^__^)
And they give me a few eye drops that slightly burn and they gave me some sleeping stuff… and told me to keep ice on my eye and go to bed… (they really did a lot to make sure I was alright… I just summed it up)
And this morning I was so scared they my eye was just going to look… geeeezz just really bad!
But now my eyeball isn’t puffy but under my eye is… I look like I’ve been socked in the face! it’s just all pink and blue… but it looks way better then yesterday! Though it looks… Really bad!... one eye looks higher then the other… it’s freaky!
But Now I’m fine… I kinda have a hard time closing my eye though… but I’m doing much better… I thought I would tell you all the weird story about my baseball eye for a moment… it was odd so *smiles* tehehee… I just am not going to take pics of my face for a while..
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