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Thursday, June 9, 2005

   My school Poem!!

Hey Everyone!!

I wanted to show you a poem me and like 8 other people at my school did for this one big poem!!
we all put down Ideas and it just became one big poem!!
well... I have some of my ideas in there so when you see this at the end of a saying

--- mine

thats means that was my idea I put down...

it's only on a few of them...
but the poem is realy cool!

hope you like it


What is Poetry?
By the SFHS Students
(and me!)

The fearless thoughts of mind
The light you thought had gone out
Movement forward, movement forward, movement forward
A hacking cough that gnaws at your throat
An aneurysm of emotion
The daringness to speak your stomach
The ability to be ahead of your time
The darkness hiding, then busting forth through your mind,
cracking, breaking, flowing --- mine
Electric blue zigzags of pure ecstasy cascading from the heart
The ability to break through an apathy of mind, body and soul
Staring at the dusk
Shadows of light hidden in a smile
The breath of colors that you intake ---mine
The fear of love that takes you too high
Jumping off the cliff into the unknown
into a kaleidoscope of jellybeans
An emotional reverie you never knew was there ---mine
A new way of seeing yourself in the world
A swirling vortex of color and passion
Falling in and out of shadow and light
The unborn baby that dies everyday. . .crying death
Universal emotion
The new light to the dark ---mine

Poetry is death to silence of your thoughts
Death to conformity
It's a staple
Standing alone in a sea of grass, a bright speck of color
Repressed emotion/feeling eventually
liberating all that is life
Emotion resting in my heart
The rhythm of the beating drum
Sign language of words on paper
The clot of spit in my throat
The union of words
Black and blood, black and blood, black and blood pulse that runs in your veins ---mine!!
Add'n new color---mine
Shaping the world in your hands, forming, playing
My hatred boiling over my heart
The world crushing my spirits, trying to mold me into plaid
A black and white photograph
Bouncing emotion of feeling a fear---mine!
Distrust of fellow man
The life I never wanted
Art of life ---mine
Chaotic order
Eloh eht gnillif (filling the hole)
The open sea
Augmenting the feeble mind
Hypocrisy of religion
Erasing mediocrity
Pavement smashing
Learning to forgive and living to forget
The fiction turn to life ---mine again
Hollow spots that filter through light and drip into blue
this is poetry!

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