You know which wines go best with which foods, and
you can make New York City's finest sommalier
feel like a kid at a keg party. You wanna
take that Emeril guy and beat him with a
stick, but really - you've got more class
than that.
What people love: You know the best restaurants and
what their specialties are.
What people hate: Every waiter in town wants to
mangle your pretentious ass.
What Kind of Elitist Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Shuriken! The weapons of the Samurais and the
Ninjas for attacking from a far distance you
need good eyes, intuitive feeling and
accuracy for handeling this weapons! 3 words
to describe you: Invisible, fast and deadly!
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, so you're not exactly *blonde*... Maybe honey
blonde? ^_^; In any case, you're cute and
seemingly perky and happy, but within you
there is a deepset angst and turmoil. You've
been through a lot of shit, and you're still
going through it. Cheer up; you'll pull
through eventually. Just remember you have
friends all around you.
Who Is Your Inner Male Blonde Uke? brought to you by Quizilla