Your critter companion is the Noble Wolf. You are
a very mature, down-to-earth person. You enjoy
being outdoors and are probably a good student
in school. You are a loyal friend and a great
advice giver, and you will always be around
when a friend is in need. You love reading,
both for pleasure and information, and your
idea of heaven probably consists of a cozy
armchair, a book, and a nice cup of coffee.
Sounds wonderful!
What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla

What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla

Your a werewolf! Werewolf, as you may already know
are humans who were once bitten by a werewolf,
and know are the undead, who by night turn into
a werewolf and hunt out prey. Old folktales say
that a werewolf hunts humans, but that isnt
nessary. Werewolf may also hunt cattle or other
animals that have the misfortune of being near.
Werewolfs are just misunderstood though. They
are confused because they cant control
themselves. One method of curing a werewolf is
by feeding it a werewolf hair. But dont try
that to your dog. Werewolfs represent night,
darkness, curiousity, dishounesty, rage, power,
determination, and confusion.
What Mythical Beast are you? brought to you by Quizilla

your quote is for this good a friendship...yeah I
guess we could through a party this means you
love and value your friends above all else
teamwork is a word you know very well.
sometimes having such good friends makes you
want have a party for them.....and you do!you
cannot live without friendship.
what is your quote brought to you by Quizilla

The time of day that best describes your
personality is Evening. You are a quiet, shy
person with a very kind disposition. You are
also quite intelligent, mostly because you love
to read. You are open-minded and your social
circle probably consists mostly of other
intelligent people who share similar interests
with you. You dont particularly care for big,
noisy parties full of strangers, but you do
enjoy an occasional get-together with your
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla