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Monday, October 3, 2005
I love my Old Wallpaper!!

Okay okay, I couldn't do it, I'm in love with gravitation I couldn't change my theme.(God, I Feel stupid).
And where are you guys, I haven't heard from you lot in ages I'm starting to feel lonely...
Any who, here is a couple of pics:

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thank God

Hi People, I'm sorry that I changed my theme if your a Gravitation Fan, but I seemed to have got messages from my friends saying that: 'You should get in touch with your feminine side'.
Well guess what, I have and it isn't as bad as I thought.
If your a yaoi fan do not worry, I'am still going to put up my Yaoi pics...(Now I have to find some of Cardcaptor Sakura).
Here is my First cardcaptor shounen-ai pic:

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Friday, September 16, 2005
I love you ^^

Yggdrasill, I love you so much and I haven't spoken to you in ages I really badly miss you.
Oh God, if you read this please say when you'll be online pretty please ^^
God, I have to get that off my chest. Anyway:

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Saturday, September 10, 2005
So Bored...

Im so bored I went back to school the other day and I got loaded with homework and It sucks so badly.
I haven't got to speak to anyone in ages.
Oh wait..I spoke to Yggdrasill and she said that she missed me so much..I miss you 2!!
Love you loads
We said a whole lot of other stuff to each other, but lets not get into that shall we ^^

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Hiya everyone, so I haven't been around for awhile and haven't had a chance to check out your sites.
But starting from today I'll try my best to reply to everyones posts.
Love you all.
p.s:Yggdrasill has been a little down lately...And I was wondering if you guys would just say hi or something,, please!?
Here is a couple of new pics.Yay!

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

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I wanna say sorry to Yggdrasill, because I've been acting very jealous lately to whom she talks to.
I'm a idiot I shouldn't act that way...
If I love you than I should allow you to talk to other people..I'm sorry.

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Friday, August 19, 2005
Boys next Door

You lot should visit this site(If you like Yaoi):
They have wallpapers, fanfics, Icons, I was so happy when I found it.
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Muraki and Tatsumi

Pic for Yggdrasill

pic for me ^^
The first picture in this post is Muraki(one oy Yggdrasill's bishies)
And the Second picture is Tatsumi(One of my bishies ^^)lol.
I don't know why I did it..I was bored ^^
Which one do you gys think is better looking??(If you ask me I say Yggdrasill has odd taste in men ^^)
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Friday, August 12, 2005
It went well

Okay, we told her friends today that were both a couple, they took it well for boys, one of them is a complete perv so its kinda obvious what he would go on about, and the other one just didn't know what to say.It made me laugh in a way. But I'm glad she stood by me and never just forgot me...unlike my previous relationship partner.

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