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myOtaku.com: Gravity3

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Hey. Welcome to my page. What else is there to say? I love anime. I love alt. rock. I don't love much, really. But if I like you enough and trust you enough, you'll be just as close as family. Okay?? Okay.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

   I'm so happy
As the title says - I'm so happy! I feel so alive, like I'm seeing things in color or like I've never seen them before. The guy that I love, he's clean, and he wants to be with me. Unless he starts again, or he gets in a freak accident, I won't have to face losing him.
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Monday, October 2, 2006

I'm doing alright today. I guess I'm doing pretty damn good today, actually, but I'm high as I'm typing this ((And trust me, have I gotten good at typing while I'm high!@). Anyway, my life got worse, then better, but how long will it stay this good? Probably not long, but I hope for the best

P.S Please keep my friend in your prayers ((Whatever religion you may be. I'm Wiccan)). His body is shutting down on him and he's going to die, so please, just keep him in your thoughts

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Friday, September 15, 2006

School's so boring. It's stressful, but it's boring too! Oh god, I hate it! I need something interesting to take my mind off things. My life's falling apart. I know you don't care, whoever's reading this, but this is my corner of the cyberspace right? If you don't like it, don't bother. I need somewhere to go to get out of here, I'm absoluetely miserable.
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