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Saturday, November 4, 2006

I have a gun.
45 magnum semi automatic
Now all I need is a bullet.

um...sick. As usuall. Temp of 95.6. Neck hurts...and just....yeah...

No word today...don't feel like looking anything up

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Thursday, November 2, 2006


Dull ass day.
I have to fill out a form-thingy to tell the police at my school someone stole my flute. (Bitch is gonna die! <_<)
Yeah...that's about it...
dull.....told ya.

Word of the day:misanthropic

Definition: unsociable

Synonyms: antisocial, cynical, egoistic, egotistical, eremitic, hating, inhumane, malevolent, misanthropical, misogynic, reclusive, reserved, sarcastic, selfish, solitary, standoffish, unfriendly

Antonyms: sociable

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Oh I KNOW you all have comments...
to what I just put down there....
I had about 5 visits right after I posted that and not a comment....you know I let comments be there for a reason..

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So....my friend was going to ditch me for her friends...but somehow talked me into going with her and a bunch of people who don't like me to go trick or treating.....turns out, only half the people showed up, so they decided to go to the park and get high instead....so I was waiting by their van for an hour while they were out being idiots.....
Then of course...My "friend"'s friend's brother hates me for something my "friend" did and he tried to slit my throat last night. He probably would've if I hadn't hurt him in that special place and my friend Josh didn't pull him off me. Seriously...I may want to die...bu there is no way in HELL I'm going to let someone else take me down.
I'm going to repay that little bastard with interest, if you know what I mean...
Ciao for now~..
Gravity of Love~~

Word of the day: acrimony

Definition: belligerence

Synonyms: acerbity, animosity, antipathy, asperity, astringency, belligerence, bitterness, churlishness, crankiness, harshness, ill will, irascibility, malevolence, malice, mordancy, peevishness, rancor, rudeness, sarcasm, spite, unkindness, virulence

Antonyms: civility, kindness, suavity, sweetness

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Thursday, October 26, 2006


Word of the Day: Benign

Definition: kindly

Synonyms: amiable, beneficient, benevolent, benignant, complaisant, favorable, friendly, generous, genial, gentle, good, good-hearted, gracious, kind, liberal, merciful, mild, obliging, sympathetic

Antonyms: hateful, hurtful, malevolent, malicious, mean, misanthropic, selfish, unkind

Notes: benign refers to a trait or characteristic; benignant to a tendency or disposition

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Word of the day: circuitous

Definition: indirect

Synonyms: back road*, circular, collateral, complicated, devious, labyrinthine, long way*, meandering, oblique, rambling, roundabout, tortuous, winding around

Antonyms: direct, in line, straight

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Monday, October 23, 2006


Fun fun fun today!
It was hat day at school, and my friend gave me my hat back before classes. Poor Mr. Fluffy had to stay with her all weekend. She taught him to smoke! lol. He smelled like cigarettes and stuff. Gross. Me and my friend, America, Were all like, "What have you been teaching poor Mr. Fluffy!?!? *Hugs Fluffy* Poor porr misled hat."
And we were saying how Snowball, my new white hat (She's way fluffier then Mr. Fluffy. And she's small. ^_^ Perfect Girl hat XD) would make the perfect GF hat for Mr. Fluffy. And since I think of my hats as cats, me and America were drawing a black cat smoking and stuff, then a perfect white cat to represent snowball. Then America drew two cats together, a big black one, and a smaller white one hugging up on the black one, and the black one is all looking off to the side. and beside them it says: M|y| |G|i|r|l|f|r|i|e|n|d|.| My anti-drug.
Its uber kawaii!
Then, later on I was in band with this really annoying bitch named Megan, and we were in the back practice room with this other chica named Amanda. While Megan was playing her flute I was coloring on her hair with sharpies. I was trying to make it look as bad as possible, but it still looked good. :/
We got caught by the teacher though so we had to go back to the main room so I didn't get to finish. During lunch, me and my friend, Mr. Kitty, went to finish her hair (btw, we both HATE her with a passion .-. ) and on the back of her head, I wrote "MR. KITTY" XD
She still doens't know what it says.
I love A-days at school. :)

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Someone on myspace just called me an emo bitch. So now, just to be stupid, my myspace name is: Kiya -The shujouteki no ike ike XD-
Which means: Kiya -The emotional bitch XD-
Nice isn't it?

Bla bla...

Word of the day: acquiesce
Definition: agree
Synonyms: accede, accept, accommodate, adapt, adjust, agree, allow, approve, bow to, buy, cave in*, come around, comply, concur, conform, consent, give in, give out, go along, okay, play ball*, reconcile, set, shake on, submit, subscribe, yes, yield

Antonyms: challenge, disagree, dissent, fight, make a stand, object, protest, rebuff, resist

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Sunday, October 22, 2006


Got some Tripp pants (purple seams!) and this really awesome jacket. Looks like the Matrix, lol.

Got Shuriken, and not those cheap fake stuff, it's the real deal babe!

Oh, and since my black fluffy hat got stolen (Poor poor Mr. Fluffy :'( )
I got a white one just like it and named it snowball!

Still no word about my stolen flute either....probably never gonna see that again... >_<

Oh well..

I ran into one of my friends at the mall...then ran into him again later on at wal-mart XD
How awesome is that?

so, Ciao~

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Possible fun today.

I finally get to go to the mall and waste my birthday money.
I'm wanting to go to the sword place and get something, also, I want to get some tripp pants from Hot Topic. (Why the hell are the so expensive?)

I just read Kazi's blog about his date with Stacy. Sounds like he had fun. ^_^
Stacy sounds pretty awesome as well.

Um..... Can't think of anything else at the moment so Ciao~.

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