Gray Underpants
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Michael - Franz Ferdinand
 | Today was fabulous! My manga came! I've finished reading Saiyuki Reload 3, Love Mode 2, Death Note 1, and the first Gravitation novel. I've had the scanlations for all but the novel, but I really need the manga in my hands. I need to be able to move around to my various reading perches around the house or be able to take my favorite manga with me when I go on a trip (especially if I don't expect much entertainment at my destination). Anyone else feel the same way? Hellsing is my only exception. I think that the Dark Horse productions actually suck in terms of the translation, so I'll probably never buy them outright (stop hiring amateur translators who can't be rigorous in their translations, DH! Don't glorify the anime so much that you loose sight of the fact that those stupid accents are a complete fiction of the English dubs. :p).
Question of the day: If you read scanlations of manga, do they satisfy you when you really love the series, or do you break down and buy?
Repeat post (since I kinda edited after everyone visited me):
Thanks for your interest in Loveless! Here are some links for oturan ikamuzu to Anime News Network's info for Gravitation and Loveless. They don't have anything to do with each other, production-wise, but they are both really great for us fangirls who like to see kissing boys!
Shinkiro, there's not much more BL in Lovelesss than a bit of kissing, some protestations of love, and many reasons for both of these features that may not have anything to do with the obvious. ;) I hedge my bets...The DVD arrived from Netflix today (I wouldn't have cancelled my order if I couldn't for sure get my fix).
Though I've seen the fansubs of Loveless (how else would I know how much I love it?), I've just got to have the high quality DVD version for screencaps and stuff. Plus, it's always best to buy when you really love a series. And I love this one so much! <3<3<3 (few anime productions actually deserve three hearts in my book). |
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Tip Your Hooker - Head Automatica
 | Well, I really enjoyed the Hellsing OVA episode 1. I thought it pretty much followed the manga (though I still like Hellsing TV, and the music from Hellsing TV is better than the OVA music, IMO). I'm still only about 3/4 of the way through Gankutsuou (Count of Monte Christo). I adore it, but I know what's coming, and I'm afraid it will completely turn me off from my Gankutsuou craze. So, I'm avoiding the next episodes (why do I have to read spoilers? *le sigh*).
I'm expecting manga to arrive tomorrow--nice, yummy X/1999 and Death Note--which I currently only have in scanlation form. Also, the first Gravitation novel and Love Mode volume 2 will be on their way to me. Yay.
My Loveless DVD has still not been sent out, though, so I'm canceling my order from DVDEmpire. I'll wait until it's in stock at Rightstuf and get it with all my other manga, I guess.
OK, I'm going to start making the rounds. I'm sorry I missed Valentine's Day (I figured my comments would be too depressing anywayz). XD Ah! and as you see, a new Loveless theme. Hope you like it. I'll try to move away from Loveless soon, but I haven't received my DVD, so it's hard to be satisfied. >.>
EDIT: Thanks for your interest in Loveless! Here are some links for oturan ikamuzu of Anime News Network's info for Gravitation and Loveless. They don't have anything to do with each other, production-wise, but they are both really great for us fangirls who like to see kissing boys!
Shinkiro, there's not much more than a bit of kissing, some protestations of love, and many reasons for both that may not have anything to do with the obvious. ;) I'm waiting for it to come to me via Netflix, too. Which was the only way that I could cancel my order and wait to buy. >.> I hedge my bets...actually, it's supposed to be in the mail already, but it hasn't turned up yet. If I don't receive it later today, I'm going to report the thing as missing. Though i've seen the fansubs, i've just got to have the high quality DVD version for screencaps and stuff. Plus, it's always best to buy when you really love a series. And I love this one so much! <3<3<3 (few things actually deserve three hearts in my book). |
Comments (6) |
Monday, February 13, 2006
Misfits--Last Caress
 | I've downloaded the Hellsing OVA #1 raw yesterday morning, but i need to sit down and read through the manga again before I seriously watch it (not that I'll understand it until the subbers get it out, but I want to see how great it is)! The previews I've seen look amazing. Anyone watched it yet? I loved the Hellsing TV episodes (my intro to Hellsing). I wasn't bitching and moaning about it not following the manga because I hadn't read it yet. Will I be disappointed with the OVA?
In other news, I've picked up volumes one and two of Gankutsuou from Netflix. I love having high quality screencaps. If I have some time i will make up a few WPs for it and the Hellsing OVA. Anyone else adore Gankutsuou (The Count of Monte Christo)? |
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 | Hello! I'll try to make it around to everyone who posted in the last couple of days later on.
I'm worn out at the moment and on my way to bed. I've just had the most tiring conversation on LiveJournal regarding why BL manga isn't "gay manga." All of these gay guys were so offended at the idea that they aren't the intended audience for yaoi. Hello, it's a fact. The genre wouldn't exist in any way shape or form if women didn't draw it and women didn't buy it. There just aren't enough gay guys who have that much buying power. The idea of an intended audience completely escaped these guys. I don't know what they were so offended about. The guys in BL manga are nothing like real guys (guys don't get "wet" in that place, for example). The authors of BL manga do not speak from an authorial, "gay" voice. Plus, everyone knows that Japanese people classify manga and anime according to the target audience, not the content. Calling BL manga "gay manga" confuses the issue. *sigh* I guess I'm still not over the bitchy-boy, reactionary comments. But, if they had ever read an actual manga written by gay guys for gay guys, they'd know the difference in a heartbeat and probably be ashamed of their total ignorance (yes, my main sparring partner admitted to not actually reading the genre...>.> Go figure). So, to pointlessly sum up--
Point A: BL is not produced by a gay person nor written from a gay perspective.
Point B: BL is not written for a male audience nor marketed to gay people.
Point C: BL does not depict actual, realistic gay guys, but rather guys who exhibit the physical and emotional responses of culturally constructed woman.
Conclusion: BL is not gay manga.
Not only is this logical and obvious to me, but it is also a matter of feminist pride.
Anyway, I hope all of you are a lot less frustrated today than I am. ^^ |
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
No Pressure Over Cappucino - Alanis Morisette
 | Note on song: even though I totally forgot about the unplugged album (gosh, has it really been 7 years?!), BurningD has this song playing on her site. I'm suddenly re-interested in Alanis. Despite her casual use of the word "ironic," which is almost single-handedly responsible for the inability of my students to grasp an accurate concept of literary irony, we should give her a second chance, perhaps?
Well, today, my sister finally got her homeowners insurance company to send a contractor to fix her heating unit. We were under the impression (since that's what her disclosure statement says) that her heat was electric. Apparently, it's gas! No wonder our gas bill is so inexplicably high (we thought the water heater was the only gas powered item we had)!
Tonight, my sister and I are going off the diet. Pizz~~~a... Tomorrow, we've planned to go to IHOP. :D I'm looking forward to a change of food. We've been trying to eat low carb stuff (steak and shrimp last night, tuna steak with salad the night before that) ever since the Christmas holidays have passed (we've been more or less successful, but some weekends...hmmm...about once a month *scratches chin, wonders*, we have to derail).
Anyway, I've ordered my Loveless manga from JustManga, and it's already shipped out. Yay-ness! I'm so looking forward to it! I hope Tokyopop has treated it right. I was sort of hoping that BLU would have picked it up, but...sadly, no. Anyone else interested in Loveless? |
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
To Nowhere--Yuki Kajiura
 | I'm having too much fun online lately. I've managed to only get about halfway through the scanlation project, and my editor has piled yet another copyedit upon my shoulders. But, at least I get
Anyway, I've submitted another Loveless wallpaper for those who are interested in the manga/anime. I'm waiting still for the first volume of the manga and the first DVD. *sigh* Rightstuf has it backordered, so i'm thinking of cancelling it from them and getting it from a place that has it in stock. Unfortunately, no one can compete with Rightstuf's prices. |
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Butterfly on a Wheel--The Mission (U.K.)
 | OK. I submitted the Loveless wallpapers I'm relatively happy about. If you like them, please get them from my Wallpapers section rather than by following the link to my host site (yes, this one can be found in the Wallpapers section, and it'll save me a smidge of bandwidth. Yay!).
I'm not even going to beg your pardon this time. I've been running into the ground. My boss gave me more responsibility at work, then had to be taken to the hospital with cardiac arrest. He's recovering, but we've all been working like mad to get the February issue in order. But my job isn't limited to helping get out the issue. I've already been assigned two more revisions to copyedit (just finished one a second ago). Whew. And somehow, i've got a dissertation to write...
In other news, my scan group probably hates me. I noticed that the translation missed all of the sfx. We usually include them. I mentioned this two weeks ago (two weeks over my deadline) and got the reply: "oh, we're working from the Chinese version, so the sfx are shit. Leave them in." Aaaack! Leave them in?! I'd love to! Too bad I already cloned them out of the manga scans! So I'm re-doing them in my spare time (when I'm not collapsing), but I find it's much more fun to surf the manga and anime forums from work and make cute Loveless wallpapers whenever I have Photoshop open at home. I'll never get this 60 pages edited. T_T
Anyway, I'm going around to all of you now. I hope you all haven't totally given up on me. *teary eyes*
Burning D--I'm trying to visit you, but your page keeps automatically sending me to Microsoft for some license to view a file. Then it tells me my browser's not supported, but it won't let me go back without redirecting me again and again. Sorry!
inuyasha311--you, too, honey. i get all kinds of errors on your page. T_T and i can't find your "comment" link at all. |
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Years!
 | Ok! Gomen for being absentee throughout the month of December (and most of November--eek!). I've changed from Soubi to Ritsuka (my themes will probably be Loveless inspired until the DVDs are out in February (the screencaps for these WPs were taken from fansubbed versions--when I get the real deal, I'll make them up better and offer them to you).
I would say more about what has been going on--getting slammed with copyedits at work and catching up on scanlation stuff--but it's all too depressing.
Anyway, Happy New Year! |
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Suede - The Drowners
 | OK, people. It's been over a week, and I've got a lot of sites to visit, so I'll try to keep this short. :D
I've been slaving for my copyeditor (and I'm sure you're all tired of hearing me bitch and moan about that) and trying to start my scanlation work. So far, I have to say, working for a group kinda blows. There are no perks. The deadlines are tough to make when you can't choose your own projects (I mean it's hard to want to work on something when you can't drum up the enthusiasm).
Also, I have my sister telling me to do about 100 different chores a day. Whew. More later...cause there's something going on here at the house!
EDIT: OK, some weird stuff is going on with the pool. I hope I have time to get back on later and visit. I knew something would stop me from enjoying some online time today. Argh! I miss you all! ;) |
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Goody Two Shoes--Adam and the Ants
 | Even today I've dealt with trifling piddles from the dread editor. If he doesn't give me a break soon, I'm going to open a vein. It's eminent, I tell you.
But enough of same old-same old...or maybe not? I've ordered new manga, yet again. I hope it'll be here by the end of this week! I'm getting Descendants of Darkness 8, Kizuna 4, and Finder Series 2 (only the last two are yaoi). It would have been more, except DMP can't get their asses in gear, or something. I don't know what the hold up is.
About the quiz, no I guess by some people's standards I don't "do" much. I'm otaku, obviously. ;) Anyway, I'm also a control freak with an addictive personality, so I gots to be careful, yo. XD other news, I'm avoiding my scanlation work. I'm slightly pissed off, but I don't want to go into it...
I'm going a-visiting! See you around! |
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