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wolf sometimes, vampire others
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about 12 yrs. old
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Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Final Fantasy VII (does this count?), Fruits Basket, Darker than Black, Bleach,
howling at the moon; playing Devil May Cry, drawing, reading manga, watching anime (duh)
i'm ok at drawing oWo
| Gray Wolf Tsume
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
.......yeah.....about that......
so yeah, in case no one could tell, the pack split T-T so yeah. now it's just me and Hitonomi and our mates and we tend to keep it that way for a while. there are no alphas so it's no ones pack. ok i'm done for the day
until next time
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
i'm just lettin you guys know i put new artwork up right now ^^ and i'm still working on my manga....which will be done eventually >.> <.< yeah.....good night!!!
until next time
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i'm having a thought here....
ok so Hitonomi (AKA rabidchild) said in a post and during msn IM that i should make my 'weapons' story/idea thing a's a cool idea but i'll only do it if i know people other than Hi-san will read it. so who would read it if i made it? well that's all for today.
until next time
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Saturday, February 3, 2007
new artwork
just put up my entry for Hitonomi's (rabidchild's) contest to draw rabidchild. i also added a pix of Justin XII and Jason XIII for you guys to see em. so yeah.... i'll be putin up more art again as soon as i can scan em. drew a really goodly pix of Hartuharu from Fruits Basket that i'll be gettin up hopefully really soon. i'll also be getting some more info up on my 'weapons' later on. ok i'm done talkin now
until next time
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Monday, January 15, 2007
history of Justin XII and Jason XIII
Justin’s and Jason’s story is a complicated one. They were born in the facility, like Lance XI, but there DNA was left basically untouched. Reason being is they were the sons of the big boss’s daughter. So their mother wouldn’t allow them to be changed in any drastic way like Lance XI. Their mother was a human but Chester, their father, was anything but. (He will be described in full detail after all the weapons are all listed.) Back to Justin and Jason. For starters, they were born two souls in one body. (I don’t know why I thought of this…I was a really weird kid growing up -.-’) An easier way to think of them is as a seriously bi-polar person: Justin was really mellow while Jason was always rowdy. They too like Lance XI never knew their parents until much later. Ok so, they were never supposed to be born in the first place. Their mother, I never gave her a name ^^’, was interested in the newest ‘toy’ the facility happened to catch in a run down slum. So they caught Chester and took him back to the facility to try to figure out what he even was; they knew right off the bat that he wasn’t human and they also knew they didn’t make him so they had to figure out if he was a weapon someone else had made. (This topic will be discussed in much more detail later) While he was under the scientists’ supervision, the daughter of the big boss started to get interested in this strange creature too. She would visit him regularly in the nights and they built a relationship which eventually led to the birth of their son (technically sons; two souls in one body remember). Unfortunately for the child, named Justin, the big boss was blowing his top off and was disgusted that his own daughter had sex with an unknown creature. Therefore, he banned her from talking to her own son; the child was also taken away from her on the night of his birth and Chester was locked away in one of those freezing chambers. The child grew up never knowing his parents. By the age of 6, the scientists began to see two very different personalities occurring during the child’s activities. Then they began to realize that the child was always talking to himself out loud but there was a noticeable accent difference. After monitoring the child for another full year with this distinction in mind, they realized there were two different people living within the one body. The first, the mellow Justin, never argued with the scientists and was right handed. The second, the rowdy Jason (he named himself XD) was always violent towards the scientists and was left handed. Jason also seemed to be the dominant one after a while. So, the scientists had a very difficult time dealing with him, and Jason made sure they suffered more with each passing day. The scientists were getting really mad at him so they would just lock him up until Justin decided to cooperate with then instead. It was because of Justin’s cooperation that the twins met Lance XI. They were 12, almost 13, and Lance had just turned 9 so he was barely getting over all his body changing operations. The scientists wanted the twins (they knew they were twins by this point) to watch Lance and help him out. The kids didn’t know this was arranged due to the persuasion of the big boss’s daughter. She wanted her boys (she knew everything about them, she just couldn’t talk to them or get close to them) to have a friend. She also knew they were going to become weapons when they turned 13 so she thought she should introduce them to their future ‘coworker’. That’s another thing, the scientists had a really hard time burning the twin’s numbers on them. They got Justin to cooperate somehow so he got XII. Then when it was Jason’s turn, they somehow numbed Justin so he couldn’t tell Jason what was about to happen to him. So then Jason got XIII. They were official weapons when they turned 13, six years after Lance was burned. They were eventually separated by their father, Chester, and their uncle, Vincent VX, when they were around the age 16,000 (yes, they are immortal, and they actually do keep track of how old they are xP). Now they’ve been in separate bodies for about 4,000 years which they think is really cool. If you have any brothers or sisters try to imagine never being face to face with them, or hugging them or punching them (they spar with each other now that they’re separate)…imagine that. Justin and Jason knew each other like any other twin but they never got to interact until they were 16,000 years old. That’s a long time to know someone but never actually see them or touch them. That’s what life was like for the twins.
Well that’s just about it for the history behind Justin XII and Jason XIII. Next post I’ll describe them separately, starting with Justin XII of course. Again, I’m sorry for the long post. I hope you guys are enjoying it at least --’
until next time
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
mah birthday!!!!!
Create Your Own Countdown
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
just to let you all know....
it's taking a while for me to fully remember and write down Justin XII's information but i'm doing my best. i'm also still drawing Lance XI's human-ish form so that'll be coming out soon too. well, hope everyone's doing well. ok like i said, i'll get those things up ASAP
until next time
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
me and Balto
here's a pix of me in central park with balto ^^ in case u guys were wondering what i looked like

and btw, i don't live in NY; i took this pix when i was taking my big bro to college. he lives in NY but i don't ok? ok glad we got that figured out
until next time
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Lance XI
Sex: male
Age: 23 (physically)
Height: 5’ 10” Tail length: 3’
Weight: 185
What is he?
Lance, unlike all the others, was born 100% human right in the facility. His parents are two nurses that were at first working there of their own free will but after the birth of their son Lance, the big boss of the facility made them immortal to make them work there at the facility for all time as punishment. He also took their son away from them and had his DNA completely changed. Lance never even got to meet his parents until he was much much older. What happened to Lance was when his fifth birthday came, the scientists started to add animal DNA to him. When Lance turned six, the scientists took a white hot rod with the number XI on it and burned it into his left shoulder. By the time Lance was seven, the scientists had completely replaced his muscles, bones, organs, tissue, blood, and basically everything of his with that of a tiger. All Lance had that he was born with was his brain, skull, and skin. He even had a tiger’s tail added to him. (Without knowing it, I kinda made my own version of Beast Boy from Teen Titans basically -.-‘ when I was around 6/7 yrs old. And that was before I even knew who Beast Boy was so I didn’t copy!!!) Another thing about Lance XI is that the animal DNA slowly dies within him so the scientists have been replacing the dead DNA with that of a tiger. So now he’s mostly tiger. Oh yeah, and did I mention that he’s a white tiger? The scientists left about 2% of Lance XI’s DNA human but besides that he’s mostly tiger. Lance XI is also the one weapon that’s not related to the others. XII—XV are all related to Chester NO NUMBER and to each other. Lance XI lives with them and is a close friend treated like family. He even acts like a family pet….pet tiger that is ^-^ Well, I think that’s about all there is to know about Lance XI. Tune in next time to hear about Justin XII. Oh yeah and keep an eye out for my pix of Lance XI in his three forms: human, half, and tiger (not necessarily in that order). Ok I’m done now
until next time
PS: sorry bout the long post --'
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
My OC story brief hisory
ok for starters i made this stuff up when i was like 6-7 yrs old. a brief history behind the reason why my characters are the way they are. there were these crazy scientists that just loved to toy around with DNA. they work at a huge facility hidden away from the rest of the world. so this facility is where all but two of my characters were 'born'. and these characters have numbers burned into their left sholder areas. the reason behind these numbers is the crazy scientists have created weapons out of these poor unfortunate souls. the numbers that i have personalized are XI up to XV. numbers I through X are just mindless droans that i never bothered to really create. the names of the numbers go as follows: XI=Lance, XII=Justin, XIII=Jason, VX=Vincent, and XV=Chance. then there's 'no number' Chester, the oldest living creature on the planet, completely untouched by the facility's scientists evil toying hands. his DNA was never altered in other words. ok that's all the basic history i think. tune in next time to learn about Lance XI and a pix of him (hopefully)
until next time
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