MidnightDemon (09/06/04)
Hey just stopping by...cool site!Well I shall be going now.IMPORTANT:Remember eat hot cheese.Laterz
BurningDeamon (09/04/04)
Your a random member.
I'm BurningDeamon I'm new
I like your site. If you ever have some free time please stop by my site sign my GB. I'm new here and I'm trying to make new friends. Ohh by the way I'm going to add you as a friend hope you don't mind if I do.
babybunni (09/03/04)
hey i really like your site. i like the colors that you chose. i hope that you dont mind that i added you as a friend.
yami seto (08/26/04)
Thanks so much for coming to my site! ^-^ Yours is cool and I like it. Can't wait for ya to post your deck ^-^ (one of the few pleasures I enjoy in this life lol) I'll add you as my friend so I hope to cya around!
AleXavier (08/23/04)
Hey, Gundam Wing... cool... It's my faveorite Anime! Gundam Wing Rulez...
Ill add you as a friend!
'till next time...
wordwok (08/22/04)
HIYA! Cool site! I'm adding you as a friend,okay1? :)
sailor firestar (08/21/04)
Hiya and thanks for signing my g/b! What a tough question! I know, haha, it should be easy, but I like so many characters in it! Quatre used to be my favorite, but then I got obsessed with Duo, I guess he's really my fave, but now Heero's growing on me as well. I will add you to my friends too, 'K?
Sara (08/20/04)
*signs guestbook, as per request*
Hey, welcome to myO. ^_^
God of Death (08/17/04)
Hey daniel I thought I would check out your site and it sucks. but then your new to MYO so thats ok well cya.
Done (08/17/04)
Hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend. Your a Gundam Wing fan? Do you collect and build the Gundam Wing model kits? I sure do!!!