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myOtaku.com: Greedsdoll

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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fullycrazy (12/24/06)

I love your site i'm going to add you to my friends list and adding you to my aim

Chibichaser (12/24/06)

HI! Thanx 4 signing my GB!

HAPPY EARLY B-DAY!! Ur GB entry was really funny (the B-Day song).
Well i'm addin' U too! Don't think ur stealing if U wanna' know how 2 help ur site! I'll help if I can!

Feel free 2 PM me!

C U Around Otaku :3

sasu naru (12/24/06)

hiya! i love your site,its really cute! im adding you! see ya around :)

lunastarz (12/24/06)

omgosh! i love your site! its so cute! and the girl in your background is so awesome! i love that song! yay! im so totally goin to add you! bai bai for now!~lunastarz~ ::waves::

Jigoku Inu (12/24/06)

hi, thanks for coming by. like your background, looks like some comics from dA. about the music, i got mine from www.starlightmks.com. they have a lot of different stuff on there. the music is in the scroll bar on the left side, a ways down.

chocolateagle (12/24/06)

Hey, thanks for signing my gb! yes, i'm adding you, I hope you add me too! Well, I'll see you around!


HomunculiFamily (12/23/06)

Hi! My mommy is married to Greed NOT you!! Well, I guess you should talk to my mommy about that. PM her. You should be able to work something out! My name is Simmer. I really like your dice cursor. Well, good bye.

Ren (not on) and Simmer
@---'---,-- A rose for us!
@---,---'--,-- A rose for Greed.

Humonculus Lust (12/17/06)

You know Greed, huh? How is the guy? I'm like Homunculi Sloth, I lived with him in the Humonculi Lair, but I left when my daughter was born so I could raise her right. She didn't need to be around other humonculi, in my opinion. She's a good little girl. I'm gonna stop talking now, because my daughter is hungry and I need to get her something to eat. Tell Greed that Lust said "hi" Me and Arekena: Bye. *wave and walk off* Lust: Sayonara! Arekena: Merry Christmas!! ^-^ I'll add you as a friend...it's alright if you don't add me. Just sign my gb.

Homunculi Sloth (12/13/06)

Hello. So you know Greed? How is he doing? I used to live with him in the Homunculus Lair then I left. I need a place to raise my two children. Well, I can't talk long. Winter and Summer have been up for a long time this morning so they are very tired. Good bye. I will add you as an enemy.

Sloth, Winter, and Summer all say---- See you later.
Me: Merry Christmas

@---,----‘—A rose for Winter
@----‘----,-- A rose for Summer
@-----,------‘-----,--- And A rose for Sloth

Kishlove (12/13/06)

nice site!

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