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myOtaku.com: Greedsdoll

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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MishuMushi (07/22/07)



Ice Bunny08 (07/20/07)

Hi! I really like your site! Do you like +Anima?? Sorry! It's my fav so I guess that's why I keep asking people!! Anyways! I hope we can be friends! I mean you seem pretty popular or something! ^.^ Lucky you!! I wish I was popular! Well, good bye. I'll add you but you have to promise to visit me! And don't worry I won't take you off my friends list since you won't post for a while!! Bye!

Ice Bunny08

were wolf girl (07/17/07)

hey! how are you??....your site kicks ass!!! hope we can be friends!! lol ttyl

playitbakinslomo (07/13/07)


Thaaaaaaanks!!! >_< Glad ya like my site ^^ The GB page is annoying me though ^^; I'll have to do something about it some day =P

Really?!?! 0_o You've 'heard all about my art'??? Well that's the first time anyone's said that to me before! >_< lol...Well I hope you like it! ooooh, you're an artist too? cool! I'll have to check out some of your stuff ^^

Yeah sure ^^ I'll add ya as a friend too, I look forward to seein more of ya around MyO! ^^

Cheers mate ^^

Thingamajiggy (07/13/07)

i like your un too!^ ^ thank you so much for the compliment! you're very unique. most people just tell me what a great site i have and say they wanna be friends with me....but you like went all out and said....well i cant remember, but it was very UNIQUE! (GOD i hope i spelled that right...) anyway, ill add you too! feel free to pm me anytime you want to!^ ^ bye!



sesshy.uber.rad (07/13/07)

hey!! i love your avvie!

ALPHONSE luver1 (07/09/07)

hi luv the site can u be my friend im new so i need help getting pic and stuff and u seem u would know well thats it hope we can be friends
bye byez

EdwardElric4Eva (07/09/07)

Hi! My name is Sumi! I like your site! I found it by typing in "greed" and yours sounded more interesting. =3 You look SO popular! I wish I was as popular as you!
Edo-kun: I am!!
Sumi: Shut up Edo-kun! *kisses Edo-kuns cheek*
Sumi: I'm your wife shut the heck up! *flicks Edo-kun on the forehead* Aneways!! I love your site! If I need help will you help me!? Well, I'm gonna add you! If I can figure out how...bye!! =3

Blue Rose Blood (07/08/07)

HEY!! Thanks a whole bunch for signing my Guest Book! And I don't live in Ireland any more, I moved to Iran. A new place! Adding u!

Bu Bye!

Sophie Ginger IV

Shosetsu (07/06/07)

Hey, I'm new here and I'm trying to find some friends. If you've got a minute, would you mind dropping by?

Love the site,


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