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student that likes to draw
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umm....i drew some nice pictures
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just going crazy and actin like a dork but i guess i am a dork
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| Green is awesome
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Life is full of shit!!!
here is another poem based on something true
Why does life have to be so cruel
So many people act like fuckin fools
They live life get drunk and out of nowhere
They decide that they want to shoot some guy
The family waits in wonder hoping hes ok
Wishing hed come back someday safe and sound
Then out of nowhere they get a call and they hear something that they wouldnt expect
Hes dead and they found him in the trunk
I dont understand why life has to be so cruel
Out of nowhere you hear there gone and
They were just there
You sit there in shock
Thinking this cant be true
Their still sitting next to you
And you sit there for a minute
And ever so slowly
You turn your head and
Theyre gone nothing
but that empty endent in the coutch cushion
Then suddenly you burst into tears
Thinking how cold this happen
This cant be true
They have to still be here with you
They cant be gone not until the end of time
But he had no choice it was all taken from him it happened so fast
He screamed and cried for help but
No answer No one there to hear your cry
He pulls out the gun and he slowly pulled the trigger
One after the other
The body crashes to the floor and its
to late to turn back the clock
They grab the body while it bleeds and bleeds over the floor
Spreading so far reaching towards the door like a continued cry to get out and away from here but never making it to the outside
They take the helpless soul and wrap
Him up and throw him the bag
Zip it up and act like nothing happened
Like theres nothing wrong in what they just did
Those stinkin assholes!!! I hope they get tortured for ETERNITY!!
Befor they reach there death the deserve to suffer
and burn before they leave this world
If i see there faces and somehow recognize them they better run or Ill kick there fuckin ass!!!!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
WAHHAHAHA!!!!! One more poem to add to the collection Hahahaha!!!
I walk towards doors
They look welcoming but once I get near
I feel rejected and it goes further away
I run but I still cant catch up
I just cant seem to reach it
No matter how hard I try
Ill never reach you
My feelings for you just get rejected
Youll never notice how I feel
You look my way but I know you look straight through me
Just like I was never there
If I disappeared would anyone even care?
Would you care if I died?
Would you look up from that good book
At least to say goodbye
Or will you just sit there
Like you always do
And just keep reading or maybe even writing little things here and there
These wishes and dreams are nothing
It felt so real I thought I really did die
But I guess that was just my wishful thinking
O God!! How I wish I could disappear
Without a trace
Leave nothing behind but a place
A place where wishes never come true
Where I never could find you
And only dark.....cold....emptiness would fill this place inside
These feelings of love I wish would disappear
And just wither away like a dead body
in the desert turning from flesh to soil
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Whoa! I never knew I was radioactive thats strange lol
> WARNING | Green is awesome is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times. |
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Friday, April 8, 2005
jello.....look at my true element (its always wind or water)lol
 Guardian of the Winds - mistress of the air and master of the sky and heavens.
What are you Guardian of? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
hahahahaha more poems!
This one was written on March 7 it goes like this
A door has opened
And light shined through
Could this be the end
my time of judgement
I dont really care
What happens to me
As long as I can stay
Away from those who i Hate.
Sorry for those young ones who may read this theres nothing bad in this poem but if it might offend u or something dont read it lol March 7
Hold me tight
Hold me close
Never leave me alone
Kiss me, Hug me,
Love me, Touch me
Stay with me till the end
Through good times and bad
Never leave my side
Unless were both ready to
Say Goodbye
March 7
Ive been hurt so many times before
How can I be sure that you
Wont do the same how can I be sure
I trust u but im not sure
If I should because I dont want to end up hurt
You'll say u love me
and then Youll leave me
Then ill be back at the
Beginning alone, hurt and filled with pain
March 8
I like him and I think he knows
But im not sure if he would accept these feelings of mine
If I tell him will he be happy or
would he desert me and never talk to me
Would he love me? or would he abuse me?
Im not sure if I should tell him
and let him know how I feel but
I just wish he would accept me
I wish it would come true
March 8
Im different and unique
and I cant help but say
my life sucks and I wish I were dead but what keeps me livin is my friends
I cant help but think if they
Find out that they'll leave if
They find out about the true meI
made a mistake in life and I
Cant change it No one knows but 3 people and so far they still
Stay ith me they still love me
and talk to me but im not so sure if all
of them would feel the same
But one day I have to face
My fear and tell them but for now
Ill keep it hidden till its time
For it to be found.
March 8 This one is short but nice
Why does life have to be so cruel
I wish we could break every rule
I feel like I got stabed straight through my heart
And I know im going to fall apart
I bleed and bleed every time i see something that saddens me
I cant help but think that I wont be happy so i bleed every inch of me turns red and itll never stop till I am truly happy
March 29 Dreams
They are filled with nightmares
They haunt me everyday I sleep
Arent dreams supposed to be lovely
But why for me they are always so ugly
They but me so much at times
I cry whe I wake up
I see loved ones get killed and so
much bloodshed it just wont stop
Itll never go away
but when my dreams are nice its only for a short while
cuz then the sun comes up
I have two more but one of them is long and i dont feel like typing n e more so im a go now and watch some tv cuz im at my aunts house and shes got the good channels laterz and i hope people are having a great Spring Break cuz i know i am. Laterz to everyone I love you peeps lol
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Jello! Im so happy right now
Man i havent been on in awhile but ill fill u guys in on things that have happened and i wrote i think 9 more poems so yea so ive got a lot to type and im not sure if ill have time but we'll just have to see right? lol well n e wayz The best news of all of this is that my buddy Jesus is coming back from Miami problem is i dont know when and if its not soon then ill be sad cuz i might move over the summer to bakersfield which is 2hours and 30 min away from where all my friends live so its a bad thing. lol but thats a maybe and my mom said she probably wont but shes going to decide wats best for me w/e she means by that. and umm lets see my grades well even though u wouldnt care there actually not that bad i have a A or B in art, A in Percussion(drum), B English, B Geometry, C Biology, A Spanish, and i think A in Career Freshman Seminar. SO there not that bad i think there actually pretty good but my mom being the b**** around thinks that i can manage all A's but obviously since i dont have them i cant manage them umm lets see what else Disneyland with my cousins wasnt that bad but Christina the younger one got so annoying she kept asking questions about every ride even though i couldnt remember n e thing about it but yea so umm let me think what else.......o on friday after my detention that i had(which wasnt bad i didnt have to read all i had to do was help tutor my friend Tiffany) me and Tiff went to the park thats right across the street to go swing and then i saw a couple of people in the tree house thingy and at first i thought it was a friend of mine named Tony gettin high lol but it was just Matt and some other people playin hacky sack so i didnt bug him but then when i put my stuff down(guitar bag and a book) Matt yelled Eh chick with the guitar! so i looked at him and said hey and then a kinda big (if u know what i mean) guy called us over and asked if we wanted to join and i said later and then when we got tired of sitting and swinging we went to go play with them and it was funny cuz each time youd hit someone on there tit theyd get 50 points and so they made 200 from me lol. the other two guys names are Frank and the kinda big guy is Paul but yea so n e wayz after a while we got bored and sat down just talkin about w/e and now im gettin tired of typin so ill write the rest later here are the 9 or something poems in the post after this one
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Tragedy just wont disappear
jello....i havent told u guys what has happened this week so im going to post as much as i can so alright well let me start with monday
on monday at lunch i was walking around with Tiffany and i saw jesus and it surprised me cuz i thought he was leaving but i was happy that he didnt move yet but then.....i talked to him and he said that it was his last day and i was so sad i started to tear when i was talking to him and he gave me a hug for like a long time and i was so fuckin sad *tears are coming down my face again* i just wish he didnt move but yea so for the rest of that day whenever i would see him i gave him a hug and we would talk i was late to each of my classes which was just 3 so it dont matter but im still freakin sad and i want him to come back but i guess that wont happen but at least i can talk to him later when he gets internet cuz i gave him my email but thats if he doesnt lose it so yea lets see what else umm......nothing special happened on tuesday but on wednesday i went to gameworks from 7-10pm its an arcade place and it was kewl we played a bunch of racing games shooting games that rumble and stuff it was kewl.i went with my cousins that came from canada theyve been here since saturday and they are leaving the coming monday but its been really fun and well ive been sad thinking about jesus being gone and i just want him to email me soon cuz i miss him man i wish he didnt leave and i had a dream about me talking to my friend kolby telling him not to fight fidel another friend of mine and then all of a sudden i blank out and i start talking to Kacy and Jessica and then all of a sudden i see Jesus and i go running toward him but then he disappears all of a sudden then i go on the floor and i start to cry and then i wake up crying man i hate this i know hes just a guy but i liked him a lot and plus hes a great friend when i talk with him i know i can talk to him about w/e and he talks to me about anything and i just wish he was still here in cali but i guess i have to live with the fact that he is gone and in miami hmm...lets see o and today i took a math test i think i got 4 or 5 wrong out of 20 so i guess i got a B at least and then i took a spanish test so i wouldnt get my grade pulled down cuz tomorrow im not going to school and im going to disneyland hmm o and HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY it was fun i have green spray in my hair and i got a bunch of stickers, a gram with some skittles, and umm lets see i think it was o yea and im borrowing this ring well thats it and i guess ill ttypeoplz laterz
Hope your lives are doing better than mine.......bye
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Yesterday was good and bad
jello the reason yesterday was bad was because this guy i like jesus(heysus is how u say his name) he ended breaking up with his girlfriend last friday because she cheated on him and then this friday (yesterday) i find out hes moving and man did that make me sad. Hes a really great friend and hes so hott (well at least to me he is) but anywayz now hes leaving and i cryed so much last night. well hes moving sometime this coming week to miami or hawaii and i just dont want him to go if anyone should go it should be this guy named malik who wont leave me alone. yea well thats why im sad o and i have a story to tell about malik but that can wait.
The good part about yesterday was i got to go to my friend samanthas house omfg it was funny ok when i first got there i put my stuff in her room and she told me to put my stuff in the middle of the room so i did and theres a closet right behind me and then she said man its hott in here and i said yea it is then boom out of nowhere the closet opens and next thing i know is i hear a kinda of roar and then i fall onto her bed i turned around after i stopped laughing and i saw tiffany behind me she scared the shit out of me it was so funny. Then afterwards we went swimming the pool was freezing u wont believe if u just stay in there for a while u feel prickleys stabbing at u but it was fun then we went walking around the block i got to see all of the people around that i knew(cuz i used to live around the block from her but then i moved like 15min away) but yea anywayz i got to say hi to all my old friends and we went to jordans and ariels house later it was fun i met ariels bitch gladys and a friend of jordans named salvan. we had pillow fights, water fight, the great dam dog drueled on me i got a shirt from ariel its red next time i go though i have to give it back to her and umm lets see hmmm.........i got to spend time with chiyan and cruz (there little brother and sister) and chiyan gave me this little globe thingy thats pink and it says love on it and inside it has a heart with wings its cute even though i dont like pink that much but im still happy i got a gift from her umm....lets see what else.......o yea and jordan he gave me a wrist cuff that has jack skellington on it so now its mine hehe well i guess thats it well i gots 2 go now to clean my room my cousins from canada are comin over today and christina i think shes like 10 or 9 something like that shes going to be looking at my stuff and i know her so well shes going to end up stealing my things so i gots to hide everything so ill tty peoples later o and ill post more poems later love u all laterz im out
I wish Jesus wasnt leaving me man im still sad :( well bye......
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Hey sorry i havent posted in awhile
Jello....well lets see umm last Sunday I went to the mall to celebrate my friend Tiffanys b-day she also has a my otaku accout its hidden talent its on my list of friends so check out her site if u have time....well anywayz it was me her samantha and yesenia. we were going to go see The Hitch but then samantha saw it with her dad the day before so we were going to go see Hide and Seek but then yesenia already saw it o and i 4got to mention we had to bring yesenias little brother richard with us it sucked a** he kept walking off somewhere and we wouldnt know where so we had no choice but to wait for him until he gets back he did that like 3 times he was wasting so much time we hit him so much and i kicked him it was funny but anywayz since we couldnt see those two movies we ended up not going because our third choice was Constantine and it rated R so we couldnt but anywayz after that we went to Starbucks, Spencers, Hot Topic, Claires, and umm Icing. It was fun I got a whole bunch of stuff and I got a Emily the strange watch but today it fell on the floor and cracked i got so mad. but ill just fix it later umm lets see o yea i forgot to say we went to Gameworks it was so fun! we went on this rollercoaster ride thingy and we went on this thing that we are in parachute thingys and we try and pop each others and then we are in these seats and when we get popped we fly down its so fun we played it 3 times we would have played it more but it costs $3 each time but yea anywayz ummmm.......i wrote more poems so ill post them on here tomorrow alright well its late and im tired so ill talk to pplz laterz love you all lol bye
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