Green is awesome
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Can i get some hugs

give Greenisawesome more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Hey im talkin from school
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalasorry for those people who really wanted to read the poem about the class of 2008 i cant find it im still looking though it was a really funny poem i know most of you would like it. Well my birthday past it was on the 6th and the funny thing is my friend omar his birthday is on the 4th and dimitrious was on the 5th and my friend matthew is on the 19th of this month and my aunt is on the 21st of this month so its a lot of birthdays in one month and i think its pretty kewl. oh and the winter formal was awesome i had such a great time but one thing bugged me because this guy he kept wanting to dance with me and his breath stank so bad but i didnt want to be mean so i danced with him for a little while and then i told him i was tired and i left him but seriously he kept trying to find me whenver i would go back on the dance floor it was so annoying i hated it. but other than that all the other people i danced with were awesome. plus thanx to wearing a dress i got to go so low it was awesome. i said awesome to much so yea im kinda tired right now and i got to get back to working so laterz
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Hey im a kitty lol
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Hey sorry i havent been on in awhile
my computer at home is freaky it wont work at the momment ill type more later on today when i get to 7th period so later and i love you all. ill sign your guestbooks later thanx
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
im so confused right now
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaI cant find that poem im still looking for it though and i think my friend had memorized it so I'll ask her. Alright well now I have my classes changed. So now I have 1st Art, 2nd Percussion(soon Ill be on Drumline), 3 English Honors, 4 Geometry, 5 Biology Honors, 6 Spanish 1, 7 C. freshman seminar so now my geometry class isnt honors and I actually started to understand the crap so now I'm happy. Alright well I'll post something again later o and my baby cousins birthday is January 29 there turning 4 now Yay! I get to go there Oh and my friend Jenny(My piano is clear) might be able to come with me so this is really going to be fun. laterz.........
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Look i found a bunny yea
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala Well today was alright it wasn't that bad. I got to change my geometry class and now I don't have honors Geometry and i have art 1st period and 4 period Geometry and 5 Biology so for now everything is alright its not that bad....umm I now have to read a book called The Odyssey doesn't that suck. Alright well I'm going to leave now because I want to watch some Samurai Deeper Kyo episodes o and heres another poem i finished writing today........
On a rainyday
I feel like fading away
I just want to leave this place
and never turn away
I want to disappear
with no fear and
with no thoughts of you
so nows my time,time to leave
leave this place for good
Until the end comes for me
I must wait until it comes
Alright well I'm leaving now I just made this poem up today if you like it you like it if you dont then you don't. I just felt like sharing my poems with anyone who wants to read them even though there not long but yea alright well laterz
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
school starts today this sucks
Man yesterday when I went shopping for a dress all of them fit me but they would squeeze the s**t out of my chest. I was so mad but there are two other stores me and my mom are going to look at so we have to wait for a little while longer. Anywayz I said I was going to post a poem on here so here is one i wrote during reading.....
Here I am in reading again
When will this end
I'm sick and tired of this my friend
We spend so much time
Doing this s**t everyday
When will it end
I think its just so stupid
Waisting time in here
When I could be so much happier
Living life,Partying
But instead
Im stuck in here......
Theres another one to but i need to find it its a poem for the class of 2008......
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Monday, January 24, 2005
i dont feel to good
Man today I should've had fun but for some reason i felt like s***. My friend came over and so did this other guy and I'm not sure why but I think that I like this guy, Tony. He's not exactly the type of guy to like though but for some reason I like him. He flirts with so many girls though and so if I were to go out with him then he'd probably cheat on me anyways but still no matter what I still like him......I have so many issues I need to work out man dude this sucks. Well once I feel like typing which will probably be when I get back from the mall to look for a dress I'll write one of my poems or a couple of them on here.....laterz. Oh and please sign my guestbook. Thanx for hearing my boring but cofusing story bye for now.....
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Hey im tired
It's 1030am right now and I can't sleep my friend Jenny is right beside me in my Thanx for reading this stuff.Later I'll post some poems that i wrote on here. Please Sign My Guestbook.And I'll talk to you guys laterz......dont forget Green is awesome!
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