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myOtaku.com: Green is awesome

Thursday, March 3, 2005

   Check these poems out!
The first 2 poems I wrote on the 20th of Feb. but the last one I wrote on the 2nd of March....and well here they are:

The rain just falls and doesn't stop
I wonder whos crying
What happened to this person to make them filled with pain
they must be suffering a lot
I wish this would stop because instead of
rain I see blood! now soon this
woman will kill herself if
someone doesn't help!
someone needs to do something someone!
call a doctor!.....oh no.....it's to late....
we recieved a phone call that said.....goodbye......
and well......that call its.....its from me

Heres the next one

Our parents give us life
and they feel like they own us
like we are their slaves but its not
like that they just gave birth to us
they dont have the right
to make us do everything they want
I know I won't let that happen to me
Ill leave my family someday and never
come back and when that happens
life will be great I just wish that day couldve been

And the third one

My life is shit
It'll never change
I can never seem to
run away from the pain
they wont go away
they wont shut up
I cant help but want to give up
to leave all of this
and pass on to nothing
but at least nothing is
better than this something

I hope u liked my poems I thought they were nice and the 1st one is my favorite. Well anyways tell me what u think by post message or private message either one is fine and I do answer back and people who just visited my site sign my guestbook pleas i will return th favor ok well thanx and laterz every 1

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