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myOtaku.com: GreenDay1

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 01/23/05:

the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin'
miserable. You constantly look over your
shoulder and wonder who is judging you...even
when you are alone. So naturally, you have
become a little paranoid and pessamistic. Your
personality can be one demensional but
confusing. You are constantly bored with life
and wish that something could spice it up. You
have a unique view on life and have identified
the problems with school society (Ex...what
makes popular people, how the student mind
works...) You would rather be alone because you
hate being hurt. You tend to think that no one
understands you, not even your parents /
guardians / friends. But that is just the
opposite! The people who love you want to
help, but they don't know how because they have
a feeling that they will say something wrong
and turn you away. You have to let them know
that you are willing to hear what they have to
say...and it might do some good to listen to

Some fields you might consider going
in when you are older...Judge, author,
songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist,
philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need a
job where you can express yourself and your
views on life. Or you need a field where you
can judge others and predict what is going on
in others life. Either way... you have the
personality to get you a good job that will
support you throughout life.

What type of teenager are you?
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Result Posted on 01/23/05:

Result Posted on 01/17/05:

You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and
really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be
alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't
like to be around others and you'd rather be
away from here. You have a get away from me
look and others find you bitchy and
self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a
fair but that's ok because that's who you are.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
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Result Posted on 01/17/05:

You are a winter. I'm staying out of your way!!!!
You are crabby and well just bitchy most of the
time. You have your good moments but not too
many. You are cold towards most people(hense
the season winter) in other words you are not
social too much. You have a few privlaged
friends. But there aren't too many. Over all
many people more than likely don't like you for
your sassy attitude.

What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics)
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Result Posted on 01/17/05:

You are a hopeless romantic like me. ^_^ You dream
about whoever all day (rarely anything else);)
Don't worry it's not a bad thing believe me. So
what's holding you back! Go get 'em!

*UPDATED* What kind of love are you? ( COOL anime pics)
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Result Posted on 01/17/05:

cross alone girl
You have a dark soul. You don't give a crap about
anyone at all. There are few exeptions (if
any). you keep to yourself most of the time.
There are people doing this to you or events.
Don't let them rule over! You are selfish
sometimes and only look to yourself, most of
the times, if not at all. You really should
look beyond what's making you this. There is a
brighter rainbow from a different point of
view. ^_^

CONSTANT UPDATING(NEW ANSWER) What kind of soul do you have? ( ENCHANTING anime pics)
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Result Posted on 01/17/05:

violin pic
You are a violin. You are very held back and
quiet. You do what you want and that usually
means something quiet like reading or writing.
You are calm and perhaps considered dark to
some. But you rarly talk to anyone besides
your close friend or family.

(BEAUTIFUL anime pics) What is your soft toned intrument?
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Result Posted on 01/17/05:

lonely moon
you represent the hard times in life. you have a
hard life yourself and a hidden self many don't
know about.

What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 01/17/05:

You like the ones that understand you.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
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