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| Greenday2747
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Hey Buddies
Dudes my day was awesome yesterday.My aunt,my mom,my little sister and I went to the mall yesterday.I saw my two buddies there.I got to go in Hottopic for 20 minutes.My mom got me 2 eyeliners(blue and black)the best part is I stayed happy the whole day.My older sister didn`t come with us because she was on a date with boyfirend(they are so cute together).Well anyways today i`m going to be doing alot of cleaning.I`m still in my happy mood.Well I hope every one has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye buddies.

Lol!Oh shit!
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
Hey Buddies
Uh I just woke up,I`m so sleepy.Anyways I feel happy to day.Yesterday I was in a pissed off mood,and I was just being a bitch.Today i`m going a few places today.I`m not sure where.Uh i`m just happy its the weekend.School has been a bitch lately.I`m sorry buddies but i`m bored as hell and I don`t know what else to write.But I hope every one has a safe and a wonderful weekend.Bye buddies.

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Friday, March 3, 2006
Hey Buddies
I just woke up not to long ago.I feel so sleepy.But anyways I did a survey thing last night.So if you would like to see it its under this post.I can`t wait till this day is over,then it would be the weekend.Today I don`t feel like going to school ,but I will anyways.Buddies i`m really starting to get pissed off about the pm system.I`m still getting some like from two days ago.I hope it gets fixed soon.Well I hope every one has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye buddies.

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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Hey Buddies
Well I just took this Survey thing.
My Survey! :) | !~About Me~! | Name-: | Katherine | Birthday-: | 8/28/92 | Eye Color-: | dark brown | Hair Color-: | black | Height-: | not sure | Piercings-: | yep.i got 3 | Boyfriend/Girlfriend-: | Gerson | !~Favorites~! | Food-: | uh i like rice | Candy-: | i like gum better | Color-: | green | Animal-: | cats or whatever | Drink-: | water or tea | Cartoon-: | i like most | Sport-: | i`m not sure | TV Show-: | don`t know and i don`t care | Fruit-: | i like too many | Band-: | Greenday!! | Restaurant-: | uh i don`t really like going to restaurants | Cereal-: | mostly anykind | Store-: | hottopic | Person to Talk To-: | all my buddies,but mostly Gerson | This or That | Pepsi/Coke-: | you have to have the coke!!!!!! | McDonalds/Burger King-: | none | Hot tea/Ice tea-: | both | Chocolate/Vanilla-: | vanilla | Hot Chocolate/Coffee-: | coffee damnit!!!!!! | Kiss/Hug-: | both | Dog/Cat-: | cat | Rap/Punk-: | PUNK | Summer/Winter-: | winter | Scary Movies/Funny Movies-: | scary movies | Love/Money-: | love | Long/Short Sleeve-: | short sleeve | MP3 Players/CD players-: | uh | Salt/Pepper-: | pepper | M&M's/Skittles-: | M&Ms | Rock/Rap-: | rock | Pop/Country-: | none,i don`t like both | Dance/Sing-: | hell no. | Cheating/Being Cheated On-: | uh no | CD's/Radio-: | both | Shower/Bath-: | shower | Pool/Hot Tub-: | uhhhhhhh | Stay/Go-: | stay | Your... | Biggest Fear-: | i`m not sure | First Thought Waking Up-: | wake up | Heritage-: | not telling | Longest Relationship-: | i could care less | Have You... | Ever Drank-: | yeah just to try some stuff. | Ever Smoked-: | hell no | Ever Swore-: | yep,lots of times. | Ever Beat Someone Up-: | uh no.but i kick peolpes asses | Ever Shoplifted-: | nope | Ever Kissed the Opposite Sex-: | nope | Been Dumped lately-: | nope | Ever Got in a Car Accident-: | nope | Ever Swam in the Ocean-: | damn i can`t swim | Ever had a Job-: | only cleaning around the house | In a Guy/Girl | Favorite Eye color-: | won`t matter | Favorite Hair Color-: | won`t matter | Short or Long-: | won`t matter | Height-: | won`t matter | Style-: | won`t matter | Drugs and Alcohol-: | won`t matter | Randoms | Number of Regrets in the past-: | yep i have so many | Been to the Mall Lately-: | nope | Do you like Thunderstorms-: | yeah at times | Do you get along with your parents-: | not all the time | Do you think you are attractive-: | why should i care | Believe in yourself-: | at times | Want to go to college-: | hell yeah | Do you shower daily-: | yeah | Been in Love-: | yes | Do you Sing-: | mostly when i`m alone. | Do you plan on getting married-: | maybe someday | Do you want children-: | maybe | Are you a Virgin-: | yep | Do you hate anyone-: | alot!!!!!!well fuck them!!!!!! | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
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Hey Buddies
My day yesterday was going great at school till I came home,this happenes mostly everyday.Uh oh well.Anyways I can`t wait to go to school.Today I will have gym again.I didn`t have gym because of the Fcat testings.It been 4 long days without gym.Yesterday at school was really awesome.In 5th peroid my 3d art class got to go outside because we had nothing to work on.My buddies and I were just playing around and having fun.It felt so nice staying outside.I hope we go outside really soon again.well I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye Buddies.

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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Hey Buddies
Well I just woke up not to long ago.I`m so happy today is the last day of testing for me!Today all I have to do is take the (NRT).Maybe i`ll have some coffee today so I don`t get sleepy.Hey buddies there is something worng with the pm system.I`m getting pms from a few days ago.That sucks.Yesterday was an ok day.But it still kind of sucked.In my 5th period class my buddy was being a jackass.He kept on pulling my hair and poking me(I hate being poked)he started to piss me off.So i`m going to poke the shit out of him today (he hates bein poked too)ha.Ok well thats my plan,I just hope it works.Well I hope every one has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye buddies.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hey Buddies
Hey Buddies.Well last night I changed the wallpaper and a few other things.Anyways I have more Fcat testing today,but this time we have to take the math part of the test.Math is just a bitch.But i`m still going to try my best,even if I suck in that subject.Well I hope every one has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye buddies.

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Monday, February 27, 2006
Hey Buddies
Uh i`m so sleepy,I didn`t sleep very well last night.That means today is a coffee day!Hell yeah!Today I have a big ass test,known as the (Fcat) this test happens every year.If you don`t pass the Fcat you don`t pass your grade(I don`t really think its ture,but I don`t care because I know i`m going to do well). Anyways last night I was playing chess again.I didn`t lose or win,I got a DRAW again!Damn I hate my cell phone,so I was yelling at it again.My little sister was in the room when I was yelling at my cellphone,she just looked at me in the crazy way.But it was funny.I don`t think i`m going to play chess in a while.I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye Buddies.

Lol.This is awesome!
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hey Buddies
Hey buddies.Wow it`s 1:39am,my older sister and I are going to stay up all mornning long.Both of us aren`t sleeply yet.Yesterday was a crapy day.My dad started yelling at me because he thinks it`s all my fault for all the viruses on the damn computer.My dad told me not to go on the computer anymore.I`ll just make postes when ever he is sleeping or at work.I`m going to be really sorry buddies if I don`t update my site.Don`t worry buddies i`ll try to still make a post every day.Anyways yesterday I was playing a game(chess) on my cell phone,I picked the hard mode and at the end of the game I got so pissed off!Uh!I was going to take out the last piece and the stupid game told me DRAW!!!I got so pissed off,so I threw my cell phone on the floor and I stated yelling at it.I called my cell phone a fucken whore and a fucken bitch.But the best part is I didn`t lose.My older sister was on the phone with her bf and they started laughing at me.A few minutes later I stared laughing about it.I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.Bye buddies.

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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Hey Buddies
Well i`m sorry buddies if you wanted to see the notes yesterday that me and my buddy (happybunny2244)wrote.She was going to post it yesterday but shes going to be with her dad the whole weekend.She gave me the notes to post on her site,but sadly I was to lazy to post it yesterday.It took me about an hour to post those notes(i`m a slow typer) this mornning.The notes are alittle funny.My buddy and I were just writing stupid stuff to each other.Please check the notes out.Thank you buddies.Well I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful day.Bye Buddies.

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