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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Today is my little sister Lisa`s Birthday!
Omg!!My little sister is turning 10 today!Shes growing up so fast.I`m so happy for her.Today we are going to eat at a restaurant to celebrate her B-day.Right now its 3:42am.Yesterday was a really boring day for me because I went shopping and stuff.But i did get a few things like a new black jacket.Anyways today this is going to be a short post.Lol I cant think of what else to write.But I hope you guys have a great day!

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Saturday, March 3, 2007
I`ts 12:00am and I felt like writing a post today so yeah.This week for me has been pretty good.I just had alot of Fcat testing and stuff.I`ll have one more Fcat test on Monday.Right now i`m at my aunt`s house.I`m spending the night with her!Yay!Oh yeah i`m planning to stay awake the whole night.But I feel so sleepy right now so I don`t think I could make it.Lol.So how have all of you guys been doing?I`ll try to commnet on sites later on today.Later buddies!!

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Monday, February 26, 2007
Fcat Week
Yeah this week is Fcat week for me and its for everyone else that lives in Florida.Fcat is a really big test here and it really sucks.You have to pass it to get to the next grade(thats what the teachers here tell us).But I know i`m going to do great on it!Yay!Well over the weekend i got some rest and I got a new theme and a new song.I hope you guys like it.Well I can`t stay long its 5:15am and i`m going to go back to sleep after this post.If you live in Florida I wish you lots of luck.Also wish me luck too.Have a good day!
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine`s Day!!
Yay! It`s Valentine`s day!Yeah lol I still don`t really like this holiday but oh well.Well today at my school it is early release day!Also last night I wrote Valentine cards for my friends and someone special.I just want to say thanks to my great friend Epocolypse Seer for supporting me about writing a v-day card to my crush.I`m not sure what else to write but I just wanted to wish eveyone a Happy Valentine`s day!I love you guys!!
I`m also sorry about not writng a post in so long.I`ve been really lazy.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007
This whole week sucked...
Well i`m just gald that i`m fianlly updating my site today.During this week alot of shit happened.I`m just glad that it`s already the weekend.Right now its 12:23Am.Today i changed my theme.I also have a new song.I hope everyone can hear it.Lol.I did get my reprot card this week.I did very well.I would tell all of you my grades but I can`t remember what I had.Well today is going to be a short post i got nothing else to talk about.So how are all of you guys doing?Later my dear friends.

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Sunday, December 31, 2006
It`s Been A Whole Year!
Today is the day that I made this site of mine,Greenday2747.I still can`t belive that I had this site for a whole year.I also plan to stay on myotaku for other more years to come.I just want to say thanks to all of my wonderful friends for signing my GB,for sending me pms,for adding me as a friend and for visiting my site even if I don`t comment on yours.I love all of you guys.Lol last year I made this site on new years eve, because my older sister (Vanessa) took over our site that we used to share (pimpingreen) at that time.

Well I also just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year!Yay!for 2007!Well to me every new year is a time to start a whole year fresh again.Today I have Plans yay!Our family is going to go to my sisters boy friends house because his family spent about 1,000 dollars on fireworks.And my mom and dad would like to meet his parents.I can`t wait to see the fireworks to night.Later guys.
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!!!
Yeah its Christmas!I know I haven`t done a post in a while but I woke up early to write one today because its Christmas.I missed you guys.Well today i`m going to help out my mother with cooking and the cleaning.My aunt and her boyfriend are just going to be coming for diner.I already know what my christmas gifts are.Yeah becuase I was shopping with my family when they got stuff for me.I love this holiday so much!!!Well I hope everyone has a happy and a safe Holidays!Merry Christmas!

(lol.For all the guys)
Also I would like to say thanks to these wonderful friends for the pics,cards,and wishing me a merry Christmas:
Valon Cra-Z
stupid person
I love all of you guys!!!!!
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Well its 12:34AM.I just woke up a few minutes ago from my nap.I took my nap on the couch.I love sleeping on the couch because is so relaxing.Well for this past week i haven`t been doing so good...just depressed.Thats all.I`ll hopefully get over it soon.I might visit some of your sites today i`m not really sure.But I really missed you all.I had a math test yesterday.I bet I did horrible.Anyways math has always been a hard subject for me.I hope everyone has a wonderful day.Happy anime night...
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Sorry Guys
*Sigh* Gosh i`m sorry guys that I haven`t been updating or visiting all of your sites.Lately i`ve been depressed and angry with my self...damn I also started to cut myself again.I know its not good for me but cutting just feels like it takes all of the pain away.I`m a horrible friend and i`m also being ignorant.Everytime when one of my friends cut themselves i get angry and I tell them to stop,and they listen to me.I feel so bad to myself.Its kind of hard to explain how I feel.Well I hope everyone else is doing well.I`m sorry for writing a post like this...
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Hey everyone
I know I haven`t posted in a while.Sorry about that my friends.I`ve been very busy because my damn teachers keep on giving us projects.So i`ve been working really hard to keep up my grades.I missed all of you guys!I also have an xanga site now.Pm me if you have one too becuase i`ll be happy to have you as a friend on there too.Life hasn`t been all that great for me.I`m starting to feel depressed lately again...*Sigh* sometimes I just don`t feel happy with my life,but i know i should be very greatful but i`m just not feeling it.Don`t worry my friends i`ll be ok...I hope.Well right now its 12:57AM.I guess i`m off to bed now.Have a nice day!

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