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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is one of my favorite holidays of the year!I can`t wait to eat later on!Yeah but most of all I really can`t wait to eat the turkey.Anyways yesterday I did alot of cleaning becuase some of my family is coming over.I cleaned the bathroom really good.Oh yeah maybe this Friday I might get a new cell phone.I`m not sure on what type of phone to get next.Happy Thanksgiving my friends.Have a safe and a happy holiday!

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I`m back
Hello friends!Well things have been ok here.I don`t have a cell phone anymore.This happened a few days ago.My mother and my father were having a argument.So my father was really pissed off and he took my mothers cell phone and my cell phone and he slamed them on the kitchen floor.So thats how my cell phone died.When i`m pissed off I do some stupid shit too.Anyways my dad told me sorry about my cell phone so i`m ok with that.I`ll get a new cellphone soon.Wow,I should be in bed right now.It`s 4:44am but i`m not planing to go to bed anytime soon.Yesterday my day sucked.I`m also sick by the way.But i`ll get better soon so don`t worry.Later everyone,have an awesome day.I might write a post on Thanksgiving (tomorrow) to wish everyone a happy holiday.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006
I`m sorry
I`m sorry everyone that I don`t post much anymore.I`m also sorry that I don`t vist everyones site.I feel really bad and i`m sorry.I`ll try to vist everyones sites if I can.My life has been going ok with me.School has been good too because i get to see my crush.I stll can`t find a way to ask him out.I`m just very shy.Gosh i`m such a loser.I hope everyones weekend is going good.Mine has just been really boring.I went to a party yesterday,it was my godmothers granddaughter`s 1st birthday.It was kind of fun.I ate alot of awesome food and the cake wes very great!LOl.I still feel fat from yesterday.Well later everyone!I`ll go vist sites now!
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Good morning everyone!Happy Halloween everyone.I`m not going to do anything for halloween today because my mother hates this holiday.Well thats ok with me.Anyways I just woke up.Right now it`s 6:24am.For some reason lately i`ve been falling asleep on the couch.I really have to stop watching stuff on the t.v.late in the night.Well I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful Halloween!
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Hi friends
Hello everyone!Right now it`s 7:13am.In a few minutes I have to get ready because my family and I are going to an Airshow today.I can`t wait to see all the aiplanes flying.Its going to be kick ass.My weekend is going ok.Yesterday there was no school because it was a weather day.Oh yeah a few days ago I got my report card!I did really great.It was my frist time in my whole life that I got As & Bs bo my report card.Right now i feel like I need coffee....Well have a awesome day everyone!
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hello My Good Friends!
Good morning!Well I just woke up.I`m very sleepy.Its 6:26 right now.My older sister is about to leave the house soon to get to her busstop.Yay!At my school we get off early today!That would be great,Because when I get home I would like to take a nap.Well I dont have much to write,but have a great day everyone!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I`m bored.....
Well right now its 12:03pm and i`m just working on a project.I jsut wanted to stop by and say hi.I`ve been working on this project for a a few hours now.I`m geting really sleepy.I haven`t been feeling depressed.Yay!Oh yeah, at my school I have a really big crush on one of my clasmates.He`s so awesome!lol.I would ask him out but i`m too shy too....I hate being shy.I`m sorry for not updating in a while.Well I have to go later people.Have a good night!
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Hi people.Thanks everyone who commented me on Friday.I`m feeling alitte bit better but still depressed,but i`ll get over it soon.I love you guys!My day yesterday really sucked.My dad was being such a bitch to me about the computer.He keeps on getting mad at me for going on myspace.But yesterday my family and I went shopping for clothes.I hate shopinging but i did get some nice stuff.Well today I got some homework to do.Damn i`m feeling very lazy at this moment.Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Yo Homies
Hey everyone.Lately i`ve been very depressed.It`s like i`m never finding myself happy anymore.At school when i`m around with my friends I may act like i`m happy but i`m really not,I just pretend.Man,i hate this feeling.Today was such a boring day.Every day the same thing happens,nothing fun,and nothing interesting.I`m sorry for writing a post like this.But have a good night everyone.
I really feel like crying....
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
I`m still awake

It`s 3:04am and i`m still awake.My mother is staring to get pissed off at me for not going to sleep yet.Well on Friday was my school picture day.I bet my picture sucked like always.Lol,oh well.Also on Friday my 2 friends from my 4th period class told me that i`m the shortest person in that class period and they are right.I`m only 5' 2".My weekend has been alright.Not much is going on.Oh,Just to let everyone know i don`t like greenday anymore.Sorry to say but they suck but i did find a awesome wallpaper of them.Man,i`m feel like falling alseep already.So yeah.Later peoples.
Oh yeah my older sister made a site but its kind of nasty but funny: CLICK HERE BUT IT`S FOR GIRLS ONLY...
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