spade alchemist (01/13/07)
Cool site, sasuke rocks.
I'll add you of course!
Pm me anytime!
yuripriss (01/11/07)
Hey!Sorry just got back.Sucks that you have to change your site for that person.Anyway,your new site kicks ass!Love the layout..and your new name's cool.Cant the drop the name cat huh?^^
Thanks for adding me and signing my guestbook once again.Im very grateful!
Shi-sama07 (01/07/07)
Hey there its me shi-the destroyer (shi-chan) I had to get another account because this thing was acting like a retard so please just re-add me kay laterz!!
aodtr666 (01/04/07)
....thank you for your notification of the site change.... farewell.... until fate beckons....
TwistedNightmare (01/04/07)
Thanks for signing my guestbook..... again. lol
Well, your new site is better than your last one. I love the wallpaper and the music. Love the layout.... I wish I had your computer skills. lol
Well, I'll be adding you to my friends' list.... again.
Night shade2 (01/03/07)
I am sorry about your old site.Hopefully this site will be as good as your old one.I know how it feels to lose a site.I hope that all goes well with this one.And in my heart and the hearts of other otaku you will always be a otaku ledgend.Your sasuke theme is very good.I will add you as a friend again.
Night shade
kittyunicorn16 (01/03/07)
thanks for the heads up on your new site.i'll readd you.
Shireishou (01/03/07)
Ah... white cat san..... ^^ I miss you....
happy new year ^^
Sure.. I re add you. ^^ Glad U inform Ur new site to me ^^
evilcookie-1 (01/03/07)
hey there ^_^ lol i figure it out lol i feel stupid know anyways came to sign this gb of yours cause your a really kool friend *huggs8 and well im adding you as a friend and oh i forgot to tell you i LOVE this site of yours ^_^
lordsesshomaru (01/02/07)
Thank you for visiting my site recently. Every visit that I receive is appreciated! Your site looks good, that it does. I see that you launched this one just today too. Cool. ^_^
I hope to hear from you again soon. ttyl ^^