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myOtaku.com: Grey Wolf

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

   Theme and Stuff ^^

Well I didn’t decide on a theme so I just used one of my fave anime characters… URYUU ISHIDA! Lol, not a lot of people don’t like him, but I love the hell out of the guy XD he is sooooo hott! I submitted a bit of atr of him, so go check that out if you wanna ^^ i'd appriciate it a bunch to get some comments!!K, well I’ll get off of that subject!! Lol, oh guess what?! I get tomorrow off and me, my bro, and my mommy are goin to see Blades of Glory! W00t! Lol… uhmm, I guess that’s all! In the morning -round 5ish XD- me and my bro are gonna go get some freash donuts! We’re not goin to sleep tonite… Lol. Oh, I guess I do have some more to say XD. Okay, my bf IM’d me yesterday and called me a freak and a whore… I was sad and shit and ignored him for the rest of the day. Turns out… that was his SISTER, who dosnt like me, so it makes since I guess… im still wonderin why but im glad to have em back ^^ well g2g, ttyl!


Olivia_Grey Wolf

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