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• queenkitty_100
• 1993-01-22
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
random-ass survey!!
1 How many people have you kissed in the past year?
year? 0.o uuuuuuuh... none!
2 . Whats your middle name?
...Faye... *dies on the inside*
4. Where will you be 12 hours from now?
lol 4:25 in the morning? either on the computer or sleeping XD
5. Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated?
hell no D:<
6. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
yes, clothes ^_^
7. Where's your bf/gf at?
8. Are you on a desktop or laptop?
9. Does anyone hate you for no reason?
yep yep ^^;; and i personally dont give a FUCK D:<
10. Can you make yourself cry?
i think, i tried it, but have not succeeded x_X
11. What are you planning to do today?
talk to friends, work, the usual XD
12. Play an instrument?
yup, violin, lil guitar i suppose XD
13. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
sure why not revisit my pointless, painfull childhood T.T
14. What are your favorite colors?
BLACK... red... PURPLE 8D
15. Ever had your nails done?
...need to answer? NO!
16. Where did you get the underwear you are wearing now?
uuuuuuuuh... the store o-0
17. Have you ever kissed someone who's named starts with an R?
18. Have you ever passed out?
yup, on purpose, damn lol
19. What are you doing tomorrow?
uhh, im thinking about it, im not so sure, i am only sure, im gonna be on the computer lol
20. Are you easily confused?
hmmm, maybe ._.
21. Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
i have never received a damn comment like that in a long time
holy shit lol
22. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?
chocolate 8D
23. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
F*CK no!
25. What color are your socks?
white ...& brown from the shit at work XD
27. Do you fall for people easily?
uh no XD
28. Everything happens for a reason?
and my reason is to kick your ass ^_^
29. Have you ever dated someone more than once?
hmmm let's see o.O
31. Last thing you got in the mall?
survey.. i dont even know the last time i was in the friken mall! D:<
32. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
i think so lol
33. When is the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends?
wtf? 0.o
34. What are you listening to right now?
DRM!! *japanese for those who dont know*
35. How has the week been?
37. Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?
i always tell someone ;D lol well if dey understand yes
40. Who was the last person to stay in your bed?
my bitch yo lmao
43. Last person to say I love you, to you?
my mom
44. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again if you had to?
ima kiss my guitar yo, it sexi as hell lol
45. What is it you truly want right now?
sex no jk lmao WTF?! XD
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