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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
im bored...its two in the morning and noone is online...so i figured i would post...but at the sametime i have nothing to post...well i hope everyone has a wonderful day..................................................................................................still here well then prepare for the fury of.......me naming all the three letter words i can think of...cow cat dog pig the her him mom dad irk moo goo poo(ooo i said poo) lot pot mot rot cot dot cabbage wait no dammit ummm let bet met wet red fed ped bed ked led arr rar par mar tar far gar jar lar zar qar man pan lan dan fan wam bam ban tan ran lie pie bye cry why sky die dye buy hey pay lay may gay umm well thats enough for now and if ur still bored and if ur still bored prepare for the fury of me naming all the 4 letter words i can think of...Ryan play many mini riny finy giny siny suny funy runy puny money...umm ya well thats enough for now and if ur still bored prepare for the fury of actually if ur bored i dont care F*ck off jp unless i dont like u then seriously go f*ck urself
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Everybody watch out...furry can read minds o no..he knew i was going to post this i know it....DAHHHHHH!!!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
 Hello, I see the assassins have failed
What really cool Wicked Jester T-shirt are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Favorite quotes
Sometimes the majority means all the idiots are on the same side
People to weak to follow there own dreams will always try to discourage yours
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back it means that you are two steps ahead
March fearlessly throught the trenchs of advirsity leave only dying pleas in your wake
Trample the weak...And hurdle the dead
Forgive your enemies....after they are slain
Im not totally useless i can be used as a bad example
-from www.wickedjester.com
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And love said no...
And love's light Hue
Led me to you
Throught the emptiness that had become my home
love's lies cruel
seduced me to you
and at that moment i knew i was out of hope
kill me
I begged and love said no
Leave me
For dead and let me go
Kill me i cried and love said no
Kill me
I cried and love said no
Love's icy tomb
dug open for you
lies in a cemetery that bears my name
loves' violent tune
from me to you
Rips your heart out and leaves you
bleeding with a smile on your face
Kill me
i begged and love said no
leave me
for dead and let me go
Kill me
i cried and love said no
Kill me i cried and love said no
and love said no
and love's light hue
took me from you
and at that moment i knew you, i was out of hope
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As i walk throught the valley of the shadow of death...i will fear no evil.....for i am the baddest mother f*cker in the valley
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
I must press on...
even though I hate the way my life was went..i must press on..i must press on because there are those i can help..and those i intend to help scratch that those I will help i must help...I know of pain and maybe there is a good reason because this way I can relate all the better...i know of sorrow of suffering...but maybe this is what was ment for me...with my knowledge i must help others i must press on and pass on my knowledge to others...i must press on
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I give up...
I give up...theres no hope...theres no chance theres no hope there is nothing...nothing...but broken dreams and dead ideals...all hope is lost...my heart is dead
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I am lost in the darkness and cant see any light left...I have tried to go back but i have fallen far...why try to get back...i dont even think i can...i dont think its possible...ive fallen so far..so very far
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Friday, July 22, 2005
I dont know what to do...
I dont know what to do...to try again and take the chance...or to just give up and go on with life..i love her but sometimes i think why take the chance..i will probably fail as i have for all these years...all these long years these long wasted years
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