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So Cal
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AV tech/ Computing support
Real Name
Underwater Basket Weaving and Egyptian Bird Calling
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Gundam (all), Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist,Robotech,FLCL ,Tenchi Muyo, Fullmetal Panic
To be an accomplished artist
Drawing, anime, ice hockey, model building
pretty descent artist, can play the drums and other precussions, singing

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Farewll, Days of My Youth.
Just like the prodigal son, I have returned. However, it is with a heavy heart.
As I have seen it, the O and all of it's golden age scenery, has left me behind. I think what Adam is doing here needs to be done, as much as it sucks for the rest of us ol' timers.
Change is good because it is a necessary. Like a wheel, it revolves. With revolution comes evolution...change, essentially. It's something that will leave many of us in it's wake.
I do not hold anyone at The Otaku a grudge. Rather I embrace the changes and new ideals. Like a business, you must change to suit your clientel.
It is an inevitability, I'm afraid.
So, just as my dear brother LS and beloved sister Yensid have gone, so shall I.
I take with me a beautiful memory of all that was and of those who made it so.
Therefore, with this declaration, I hereby close the doors to the House of the Grifter. When and if they shall open again is anyone's guess.
Know that for these few years, I was very happy here. To those that called me friend, I say thank you. I will always regard you as friends.
To those that I, perhaps, mentored in some way, Your Sempai feels you are ready to spread those beautiful wings and take flight.
Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you always.
Who knows, maybe we'll meet up at Anime Expo one day. I'll be that old guy wearing Grifter99 on his badge.
I have a future with Zealot...and little Grif/Zealot. So, Papa Grifter is going to be one busy hombre.
With these last words I honor you:
Lord Sesshomaru, Yensid, ElvesatemyRamen, Lytjuh, Knightedge, Kikyo27, DarkeAngel, Cronomage389, Angel Zakuro, Ace Gallagher, SpaceCowboyTV, SilverKitten, Shishou, Bunraku, JDPerson, Perios, SesshomaruMistress and HardLuckWoman.
Farewell, you sweet and tender hooligans.
Grif |
(13) |
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What Gives....
Not sure where things are going, let alone how they'll get there. I'm not too sure about my continued patronage here.
I want to continue to post, but I'm just not seeing much of an interest in my site from others or by me.
I truly appreciate those that do comment when I post: LS, Elves, Yensid & DH, Lytjuh, Kikyo27, Spacecowboy, Edge-san, Ace, Darke, Crono Mage, Angel Zakuro, and Silver Kitten to name a few.
I took a week off from this place to get my head and heart back into it, but I just can't seem to get excited any more.
I can't expect to get visits and comments if I don't return the favor. That's not fair to you.
So, as of now, I'm taking a sabbatical from here and hope that I'll get a fresh perspective on things.
You can cut me from your friends list if you wish. I wouldn't expect you to keep me there. But if you do keep me, you might just see me again. Either for a good long while or for one last hurrah.
With that said, I'll keep up on those that have kept up on me.
Thank you for your support these past couple of years. I hope my little vacation isn't too long. I have far too many great friends here to ever forget.
Warmest Regards,
Grif |
(4) |
Monday, January 28, 2008
Yippee Kai-yay...
A teammate and I were talking after a game this weekend about the new Rambo movie he saw.
His description of the movie, to put it plainly, was a limb flinging gore-fest. Not quite what I was hoping for.
Gone, I’m afraid, are the golden days of the great American action movie. You know the ones,
where there are more explosions than dialogue and as many bullets being fired than cheesy one-liners from the out-gunned, out-numbered but eerily crafty ex-cop of a protagonist.
Even as I write this post, I’m treating myself to a healthy portion of early 90’s gun porn called “Demolition Man”. Granted, Sly Stallone isn’t the best, he is one of the originals.
Hell, we Californians love action heroes so much, we voted one in as governor. I know, it’s ridiculous but not as ridiculous as voting in an ex- pro wresler…ahem…you all know who you are. Jack asses.
Anywho, if you’re ever home sick, have nothing else better to do, slide on into that time machine and have a rad time watching some good ol’ fashioned shoot ‘em ups…80’s and 90’s style.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #33: Law of Topological Aerodynamics, First Law of Anime Aero-Dynamics
ANY shape, no matter how convoluted or odd-looking, is automatically aerodynamic.
The Vad Bag
Holdup-Note Blues: A man was arrested near Marysville, CA for driving a car that had been spotted at a bank robbery. On the center console of the car, officers found a yellow "sticky" note with the words: "Robbery 100s and 50s only." Said an officer, "We call that a clue."
Really…you call that a clue. Excellent police work…jack ass.
There was something about this piece that I just absolutely love.
It’s a great piece of work from another talented DA artist.

Parting Shots
“No comment” is a comment.
(4) |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I Think Therefore, I Am...I Think.
I was pleasantly surprised when I read the few and the faithfull’s comments on my last post.
I wasn’t looking for sappy stories or delusions of grandeur. I just wanted the truth, which is exactly what I got.
In my humble opinion, it’s not what you have. It’s what you do with what you have that holds more weight. After all, you can’t take it with you. So, why not give what you can with the time that you have.
I’m not just talking about giving away money. I’m talking about your time. After all, in this day and age, there is nothing more precious than our time.
Whether we’re speeding to work or getting up earlier to get some extra things accomplished. We give and take time for everything. We give time to help a friend move into a new place. We take time to help them celebrate when all the work is done. We take time to give something so simple as blood. In doing so, we give the gift of time to someone who needed a bit more of it. We can give away time to learn about our history. So long as we take the time to learn from it.
You see, money is not everything. Without time, money is nowhere, nothing, worthless.
Without time, what would you take to spend your money, anyway?
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #27 Law of Conservation of Firepower
Any powerful weapon capable of destroying/defeating an opponent in a single shot will invariably be reserved and used only as a last resort.
The Vad Bag
Here’s a bumper sticker I’d like to see: “We are the proud parents of a child who’s self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.”
Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view.
Thought I’d drop a little Bleach on you. Probably want to toss it in the washer before it messes up that concert t-shirt you're so proud of. ya go.

Parting Shots
The Golden Gate Bridge should have a long bungee cord for people who aren’t quite ready to commit suicide but want to get in a little practice.
(3) |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind
Today was a day-off for me. So, what did I do, you ask? Why, absolutely nothing. I slept in, watched a little bit of TV, ran a couple of errands. I love lazy days like this. Makes me wish I was rich and retired.
That way I could do whatever the deuce I wanted to, whenever I wanted, damn the expenses.
That’s why I try to avoid watching those shows that feature the rich and undeserving.
I’m not saying they’re all undeserving, but I don’t really think just because you have the money, you should own 25 exotic cars, SUV’s and throw-backs. I know what you’re thinking, it sounds like I’m contradicting myself. Honestly though, I’d do more with my money for those that don’t have the means.
For example, buying a bill of groceries for a single mom and her kids. Making a car payment for a friend who’s short on cash that month. Taking a co-worker to the doctor when they can’t afford it or treating a retired, elderly couple to a little vacation to a place they’ve always dreamed about, but could never afford to go.
This is what I’m talking about. Random acts of kindness. It sounds cliché, but it’s a lot better than pissing my earnings away on fast cars, Italian suits, and over-priced dinners. It’s just not my bag, you dig?
So, I pose this same question to you. What would you do if you had inexhaustible resources?
Be true and honest when you answer. Don’t B.S. me with what you think you should do, tell me honestly what you would do.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #31: Law of Follicular Chroma Variability
Any color in the visible spectrum is considered a natural hair color. This color can change without warning or explanation. Known as the Saijin or Goku Phenomenon.
The Vad Bag
I watch a lot of TV, I drink a lot of coffee, but you know what's really addictive? Heroin.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.
Here’s a little something for the O.G.’s. No school like the Old School.

Parting Shots
How many licks does it take to get to the center of this post?
The world will never really want to know.
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