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So Cal
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Underwater Basket Weaving and Egyptian Bird Calling
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Gundam (all), Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist,Robotech,FLCL ,Tenchi Muyo, Fullmetal Panic
To be an accomplished artist
Drawing, anime, ice hockey, model building
pretty descent artist, can play the drums and other precussions, singing
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Re-Release Part 2. Enjoy!



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Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me...
I'm gonna post the next installment of the drawings. I swear! They'll come on after this post. I hope everyone is well. Today is my extremely busy day. I have to cater to the Dean of the Law School today. And no, it's not by choice. He's a really nice guy but can't seem to do a damn thing for himself. Then again, that's why he's got 5 assistants working for him. You know what kind o' work I would do if I had an army of brown-nosing assistants....not a damn thing either!
Anyway, enough ranting for today *puts on big fake smile* SHOWTIME! |
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Monday, January 23, 2006
What Else Is New?
What can I tell ya. Nothing new to report from the Left Coast. It's another windy day and a real pain in the ass drive to work. Why, you ask? I'll tell you, but don't worry I won't break into a song and dance routine. It's simple, I drive a big truck. Plain and simple. I drive up and down PCH, or the Pacific Coast Highway, everyday to get to work. For those of you that don't know, that bad boy hugs the coast line all the way. 35 miles of nothing but big beautiful ocean and beaches. It's a gorgeous view, but on a day like this, I'm practically wind surfing to work. Now, I know some of the fellas out there are into trucks, so my sled is your average Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab with a snug top. Problem is I'm runnin' a 360ci magnum V-8 under the hood (5.9 liter for my Euro camrades)So not only am I fighting the wind, I'm getting screwed at the gas pump too.
Do I need the truck...sure, why not. Do I love my truck....HELL YES! There is so much testosterone in that truck, I think I'm sprouting a third nut! Ya hear me fellas?! I'm sure the ladies are rolling their eyes.
I'll also be re-issuing my drawings with two recently re-done, never before seen pics. A hint? Well, if I must. They're two of my heroins. Enjoy and thanks for the feedback.
I'm out. |
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
The Re-Releases: Part 1


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Friday, January 20, 2006
Just Because!
I'm just gonna shoot out a quick post for now. I head out on my trip on Febuary 11th, so I'll be around a bit longer. Sorry I didn't make that clear earlier.
I'm also going to open up my site back to "Normal Viewing Mode" I've come to understand that my pics aren't able to be seen very well due to them being so small. I'll do this for a limited time, however. They are all original. They are all from my mind; the names, the costumes, everything. Oh and I'll be posting the rest o' my characters, so stop back by, 'cause there's more where those came from. Oh ya, thanks to those who commented, I like to hear what you have to say, good or bad.
Have a great weekend, everyone! |
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Wild Blue Yonder
Well, it's official. The Grifter is headed back east for another whirl-wind adventure. I'll be in Williamsburgh, Virginia, Washington D.C., Annapolis, Maryland, Gettysburgh, Pennsylvania, Philly and The Big Apple. That's a lot o' traveling. I'm heading there on a historic scenery trip. I was there about 2 years ago and loved it. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see all the things that I wanted to. So, what better way to remedy this than to go back and pick up where I left off.
There are some of you that live in those areas. So, I'll get to see where you hail from, or at least the general area. I'll be in those areas for a small amount o' time but, atleast I'm not at work! Woo-Hoo!!! This'll also be my first vacation in a few years, too. I'm looking forward to it. I'm gonna try to give updates as to where I am and what I'm up to as I go. Sort of a traveling journal. There's one thing for sure...I am gonna freeze my @$$ off. I'm a So-Cal native; born and raised. I kinda know what to expect, but then again, this'll be my first time to New York City. Oh well. Here's to a great time! Oh yah, please check out my drawings in the last few posts and tell me what you think. I'd love to know.
I'm out, late. |
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Another Day in Paradise
Just like the title line says, it's another beautiful day in Cali. It's a bit windy and colder than normal (39F when I left home this morning).
I'm sure that's light jacket weather for some of my comrades back east, up north and overseas. As for me, I'm colder than I like to be. Nevertheless, It's clear and gorgeous.
Well, I just finished whaching the entire Cowboy Bebop box set and I gotta tell ya, Shinichiro Watanabe and Yoko Kano are geniuses! I've seen quite a bit of anime over the years and this series is by far one of the best I've seen. Now, don't get me wrong, I saw the original run on Adult Swim in '01. It was amazing then just as it is amazing today. I'm not too huge on anime sountracks but, I do enjoy the OST's from Bebop. So much so, that I've aquired almost every track that The Seatbelts put out for CB. If you haven't taken the time to listen to the music from CB, you gotta give a listen. Yoko Kano is brilliant, as well as the musicians. Having been a drummer for 13 years, I especially enjoy the drums and precussions. The song for all you drummers out there is "Bad Dog, No Bicuit". (If memory serves me right) If you have the audio cd box set, it's the 4th song in on the "Faye" cd.
In conclusion, if you haven't seen Cowboy Bebop, this is a must see and, if you can swing it, a must own for any legit anime fan. Once you see the incredible adventures of Spike, Jet, Faye, Ed and Ein aboard the Bebop, you'll wonder why you waited this long to see it.
I'm out. |
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Better Late Than Never
I finally have the sketches ready for posting that I mentioned about 3 posts ago. Sorry for the delay. It seems my older version of Corel Draw and Photo Paint on my home PC download easier than my new version on my laptop. I'll release the first 4 today. Anyway hope you're still interested. Thanks for understanding; ain't technology get the idea.
I'm coming out of the busy week and hope to get to all your sites today and tomorrow. Some of you I've gotten to, while others I've yet to.
I want to try to visit new sites today as well.
Catch all you kats & kitten later.
Out. |
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
What makes us.
After a three week hyatus, I'm heading back to my weekly Wednesday night volunteer group. It's a group designed to help youth with studies and life in general. I love doing it because I get to meet a lot of great people. The age group is 6th grade to 12th and is mixed. (guys and girls). It's a challenge, but in a good way. It's always nice to see if you can help someone who has no mom or dad, doesn't do real well in school, or doesn't have any friends. And since I love anime so much, I have quite the group of people to get to talk to and hear from about it.
I have one guy who's a freshman in high school who's taken to me. So, I teach him what it takes to be honorable in life and how to treat women and be respectfull to all, regardless of what the world may say. You see he's never known his father and his mom works all the time to support them.
I try to help out by taking him to lunch, buying clothes and anime/ manga for him. These are luxuries to this guy. I was taken aback by a comment he made not too long ago. He always calls me his big brother. I love to hear that. I have no brothers of my own. But, what struck me was when he told me, in the staightest of tones, "I've thought of you as a brother, but really, you're more like a dad to me". I tell you, I've never felt such pride. I have no kids of my own, so you might think, me weird. But for a moment I felt elevated and untouchable. That is why I do what I do, both in my world and in here. To see just that one smile, one sigh of relief. It makes life worth it.
What does the future hold? No one truly knows the answer. We have dreams and visions for that. What truly makes a man is up to him.
What truly defines a woman is up to her. Discover for yourself just where it is that you belong and enjoy the journey. I am. |
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