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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Random Thought.
Does anyone else think that, although she's a complete b$%^ch, kagura from Inuyasha is a bit of a hottie?
Just wondering. Worry not Sango, your still numero uno in my book.
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Excused absence.....sort of.
Sorry 'bout the no-post day yesterday. It seemed every piece of equipment decided to stop working all at once. Between being on the phone with vendors to running system checks, I tell you I've had it up here. Uuuuurgh! x_X
In other news, I'm kinda looking forward to Saturday. I'm setting aside a big chunk of the day to work on new drawings. This is something I haven't been able to do for a while.
I decided not to wait until I had my studio/study back up. It may be a while. (They're still building my *crosses fingers* new condo.) Move in day is *crosses toes* April 15, 2006. Can't wait! Geez, hope I can afford it...you know how So Cal and places to live can be rediculously overpriced *shivers*. Yeesh.
More later. |
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Nu Gundam- Repair and Re-arm
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The X Divider and Double X Gundams
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Damn. The weekend has come and gone. Here it is Monday again. Well, back to business as usual. But enough of that crap, let's get on to why we're all here...anime. I'm a bit bugged by the upcoming hiatus for Inu-Yasha. However, they (AS) will fill the temporary void as best they can. I just hope we don't go too long without Mutt-face. Evangelion is a big treat for me, considering I've never seen it in it's entirety. I'm looking forward to seeing the lovely Asuka. Not that Misato isn't a vision. I found more pics to clean and post, plus my first commisioned piece. Some of you IY fans liked the hook up pics of Sango/Miroku and IY/Kagome. I didn't create those particular ones, however I will create a special IY/Kikyo pic for those of you who would've rather have seen those two hook up.
Stay tuned for that ma friends. Meanwhile enjoy what I got.
Out. |
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Go fast; get sideways! Viva Haruka-chan!
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Coming soon.
Ah yes, yet another day of slaving away for the man. Come to think of it, who is "the man"? And how did he get to where he is? Does he need an apprentice? Hmmm? I digress. I'm still banging away on those old drawings I pulled out of my archives.
It's amazing how time consuming this process can be but, it's worth it. I hope to have something finished this weekend. Alot of the drawings are my own original characters. So I want them to look their best for you guys. Geez, I hope I'm not hyping them too much. Well I guess if you like em, you like em. If you don't, then sucks for you....or me...doesn't matter.
Late. |
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Here's a shout out to all of us who dig the Miroku/ Sango hook up. (thanks again Druihd)
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Rainy day pic.
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