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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pigs-in-a-Blanket for All!
I think I need to make something clear. Yesterday’s post was met with a lot of question as to what the heck I was talking about. Simply put…absolutely nothing.
The post was a play on the fact that I couldn’t think of anything to post. Let’s face it, I’m still getting used to the fact that I’m posting everyday (sans the weekends). The punch line was at the end when I said I was like watching ADD I HD, very vivid and colorful but all over the place.
I hope that clarifies things a bit.
Now, on with the rest of the show.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #45: Law of Uninterruptable Metamorphosis
Regardless of how long or involved the transformation sequence or how many times they've seen it before, any 'Bad Guys' witnessing a mecha/hero/heroine transforming are too stunned to do anything to interrupt it.
The Vad Bag
In my house there's this light switch that doesn't do anything. Every so often I would flick it on and off just to check. Yesterday, I got a call from a woman in Germany. She said, "Cut it out."
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
Okay, I saw it too. Faye’s arm was a little “out-of –the –socket”. Fortunately for her, I renewed her prescription.
Here’s today’s offering. Bon Apetite!

You can find this along with a Sango/Miroku shrine @grey-space.net/kns/
The artwork is phenomenal and there is a fanfic section featuring a magnificent writer called Scribe of Figaro. Alas, I fear these two amazing talents have been lost to the four winds as I have not seen any new work from either of these people for a few years.
Do enjoy with my compliments.
Parting Shots
Did anyone catch the season premiere of Family Guy last night? If not, it was an almost scene for scene retelling of the original Star Wars (ep. IV).
This one did not disappoint as there was much comedy to be enjoyed.
If you missed it, Try and catch it on a re-run, you won’t be disappointed.
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Monday, September 24, 2007
Inuyasha Creator to Make New Episodes!
You’re all probably wondering, ‘just what the hell has gotten into our boy, Grif. He’s posting like a man possessed.’
Well enough about that, I trust everyone had a lovely weekend? Mine was none too shabby.
Speaking of screen doors in dog houses, I saw the funniest thing the other day.
So, then I said, ”That went well.” Man, you guys should have been there.
People wonder what goes on in my head when I post….It’s like watching ADD in HD.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #11: Law of Inherent Combustibility
Everything explodes. Everything.
First Corollary - Anything that explodes bulges first.
Second Corollary - Large cities are the most explosive substances known to human science. Tokyo in particular seems to be the most unstable of these cities, sometimes referred to as "The Matchstick City".
The Vad Bag
Scientific research has been found to be a leading cause of cancer in rats!
I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means it's going to be up all night.
Hmmm, let’s see. NO….not this one. Ummmm, nah, too bright….this one’s too dark.
Ah! Here we go, this one’s perfect.

I’m not sure who the artist is but, let’s face it, you can’t go wrong with Faye.
This one’s for you, Spacecowboy.
Parting Shots
Just a little note on my choice of attire, or lack thereof, while posting.
I can assure you that I do wear clothes. I’m usually in a sequined jumpsuit with a wide brimmed fedora, large sun glasses and platform shoes……hey, where’s ever body going?!
Haven’t they ever heard of a little thing called showmanship?
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Friday, September 21, 2007
The Burn Means its Working.
Here I am for a third day in a row posting from my home office in my boxers...sorry…in the nude. When it came to me, I hadn’t heard anything about the landmark arbitration case my law school hosted.
So I skip on over to that sports network that doesn’t show any hockey anymore, which could be any one of them, to see what the latest word was.
As it turns out, the three arbitrators (judges) that over saw the case voted 2-1 against Floyd Landis and therefore is stripped of his Tour de France win and banned for two years from any cycling event.
Let’s face it, the way sports are going, it will be mandatory for all athletes to take some form of steroids just to keep competing. Sad, but true, friends, we live in an age where no one likes to see records stand the test of time. The bigger and faster things are, the better we like them.
From home run records to playing catch; it’s all done for the love of money and fame.
The game will be forgotten.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #18: Law of Hemoglobin Capacity
The human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high pressure.
The Vad Bag
Serena Yen, a member of the 24 Hour Fitness gym in Houston complained to KTRK-TV in July that she had been inadvertently shut inside recently at about midnight while using an upstairs exercise machine, when employees locked up for the night. A spokesman at the company's headquarters said that "24 Hour" does not refer to the hours of operation.
“…Yah, but not in a row.”
Today we have a dandy little offering from an artist called Elpinoy.
He is one of my favorite artists on Deviant Art. This cat is amazing; dig this offering!

You can catch this and more of his amazing talent @ elpinoy.deviantart.com.
Parting Shots
If music is my aeroplane then a whiskey on the rocks is my pistol and a fist full o’ bullets.
Can I get a witness?!
These are the facts of the matter; they are undisputed. *Drops mic; walks off stage*
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Leave Your Shoes at the Door.
Last night I hung out with my adopted son who is now well into his junior year in high school.
Mind you, he’s not really my son, he’s a guy I started to mentor many years ago and we’ve been close like a father and son ever since.
Anyway, he’s been trying to get a job for the past couple of weeks now. He tells me that he’s going to start working at a local pizza place and I tell him that I’m proud of him.
I ask him what he’s going to do with the money he earns, expecting him to give the same generic answer any kid his age would; a first car, college, take his girlfriend out to a movie? Heck no, none of the above!
He tells me he’s saving his dough for next year’s Anime Expo. How’s that for motivation?
That’s me boy, ladies and gentleducks.
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #34: Law of Melee Luminescence
Any being displaying extremely high levels of martial arts prowess and/or violent emotions emits light in the form of a glowing aura. This aura is usually blue for 'good guys' and red for 'bad guys'. This is attributed to Good being higher in the electromagnetic spectrum than Evil.
The Vad Bag
I wrote a song, but I can't read music. Every time I hear a new song on the radio I think, "Hey, maybe I wrote that."
If the black box is the only thing to survive an air crash, why don’t they just build the plane out of the same material?
Alright, you sickos talked me into it. Except the psychic. They knew I’d do it anyway.
My concession to you comes in the form of the ever..um, talented Orihime.

The artist is unknown, but talented. Enjoy, you wolves.
Parting Shots
Gosh is it over already? It’s a shame really. I wanted to show you this cool dance routine that
Aya Natsume and I have been working on. What’s that? You only want to see Aya do it?
Fine, but be warned. You might not want to challenge her to a game of DDR.

Adieu, adieu…parting is such sweet sorrow.
So hurry up and leave.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
First One out o' the Bag
So, here we are again. This time it's for real.
The last post gave you all the necessary info and intros to all the new stuff. Now is the time to put it to practice.
One quick shout out goes to my dear friend, Angel Zakuro. I failed to mention her as one of the faithful.
My sincerest apologies to you, my dear. You are a great friend and worthy of mentioning. Now on with the show.
I hope, for those of you that have been here, are enjoying the new format. Granted, it's not as exciting as
seeing O.J. Simpson get arrested for armed robbery. Who would have thought he'd be back in trouble?
Alright, you can all put your hands down. None the less this guy is a train wreck. Maybe he should get together
with Brittany spears. Oh the times they would have. That is until he tries to turn her into a Pez dispenser
for trying to sell his trophies for hair extensions and lypo suction.
If you light yourself on fire, people will come to see you burn. Anybody got a match?
Anime Law of the Day
Anime Law #15: Law of Inexhaustability
No one *EVER* runs out of ammunition. That is of course unless they are cornered, out-numbered, out-classed, and unconscious.
The Vad Bag
I have an answering machine in my car. It says, I'm home now. But leave a message and I'll call when I'm out.
I went down the street to the 24-hour grocery. When I got there, the guy was locking the front door.
I said, 'Hey, the sign says you're open 24 hours.' He said, 'Yes, but not in a row.'
Here's something for all of you Bleach fans out there (No, it's not Orihime, guys.)
It's from an artist on DA by the name of Roboto-kun.

You can check out all of his work @ roboto-kun.deviantart.com
Parting Shots
Well that's all there is to it. Tune in next time as we explore the world the gentle giant known as the Sea Cow.
Also we'll here from a man that has two...er..units... and no wife to dazzle.
See ya then, kiddies! So long!
Grif |
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Return of the Grifter!
At long last, I've returned. Through a dark, angry jungle of demands and expectations, I've made it back home.
This is where I hang my hat and prop my feet on the big comfy ottoman and relax with all of you,
my kindred spirits.
It has been far too long since we truly had a meaningful conversation. For that I am very sorry.
To those of you who've stuck it out and stayed faithful, I say thanks: LS, Lytjuh, Spacecowboy, Edge-san, Lys,
Ace, Cronomage, Elves, Bunraku, Yensid, Darke, Zero, Haru, JD Person, Harley, Legacyof, Wensdayskitten and Shishou.
It is without you that this site is just words and pictures. It is you that makes this place complete.
To those aforementioned and to all of you that read this, I bid you welcome to the new House of the Grifter!
May you feel as welcome as you did before.
Anime Law of the Day
Here is the first of some new features I plan to incorporate into my new and improved digs.
This is where you can read some "laws" from some very creative minds about anime.
The first law will appear in the next update, so be watching as these are sure to be hilariously true and accurate.
The Vad Bag
In keeping with the Grifter theme, I've named this little spot after Grifter's favorite set o' pistols. And just like him,
I'll be shooting from the hip as I share some anecdotes, stories, and tales of interest along with questions & answers
you may have for yours truly.
Simply put, this is where I'll showcase some talent from friends and artists that I've discovered over the many years
of being an Otaku (the good kind) and comic aficionado. I will also post some of my own work here as well.
Parting Shots
Lastly, here is where I'll give my final words and wisdoms before I close out each post.
I truly hope you enjoy my new labor of love and return time and again to see your ol' pal Grif.
Oh, and before I head out of here, I want to give a big shout out to my favorite Guru of HTML, Shishou.
Without you, darlin', this place would just be four flat walls and an address on the WWW. Thank you very much!
Take care and Thanks again.
Grif |
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Testing 1...2...3...
Testing 1...2...3...
Testing 1...2...3...
Thank you Shishou
This has been a test o' the emergency Grif-casting system. This was only a test. |
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Just a quick shout out to all of you.
I'm finishing up the basic design of the new BG and working on some issues.
Too bad I'm an HTML retard or I could try doing something amazing on here.
I figure I owe it to you guys for tolerating this ridiculous wait.
I'll be back on in a few days.
Grif |
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Monday, September 3, 2007
Skin Trade!
New look.
New features.
New graphics.
Same Ol' Grif!
Later. |
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
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