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Underwater Basket Weaving and Egyptian Bird Calling
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Gundam (all), Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist,Robotech,FLCL ,Tenchi Muyo, Fullmetal Panic
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Drawing, anime, ice hockey, model building
pretty descent artist, can play the drums and other precussions, singing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Chaos Abounds, Once Again.
This one goes out to all of you who work for schools, universities and other educational institutions.
One again, school has started and I'm drowning in a sea of laptops and network configurations. My boss and supervisor have me running around finishing last minute details from summer projects and professors, both new and old, are wanting their classes recorded, pod casted, and power pointed every second of the day.
I've said all of that to say this...GAAAHHH!!!
An exhausted apology to all of my dear friends who haven't heard from me in almost two weeks. It's been a mad scramble since the first year law students began to pour in last week.
In spite of all this, I'm still working on a new layout and a billion new ideas.
The Otaku and all of my friends that reside here in, have not been far from my mind.
Admittedly, I thought about taking a sabbatical from The O until the fire died down. However, I can't bring myself to leave intentionally.
To make things even more stressful, my internet signal is down at my home, so I'm unable to update from there.
All in all, though, I'm weathering the storm and trying to catch a few waves while I'm at it.
That's to say please don't give up on me. My schedule is in turmoil but that doesn't mean I'm too far away.
I'll be back to my normal antics before you know it.
Grif |
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
"If Only..." - The Grifter
If only...
I had helped.
I had a second chance.
I stayed.
I said yes.
I had stopped.
there was another way.
she didn't have to leave.
he could stay.
they weren't so boring.
they would just listen.
I said no.
I was faster.
I could stand up.
they would listen.
I had more time.
I would dare to be.
Things would be different.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Swollen Think Tank!
As indicated by the title of this post, my mind is over-filled with new ideas. Too many, in fact.
I find myself having to write things down just to keep them organized.
For example, last night as I was planning out my layout for this site, when I was hit with an epiphany. It was an idea for a new anti-hero group.
(Anti- hero meaning having a reluctance to be the hero.)
So, I stopped what I was doing and sketched out six new teen aged characters to add to my portfolio.
I'll give you a rundown and sketch pics later on down the road as they are in their rough idea stages. Just know that the working title of the group will be called "The Lost Causes".
I haven't decided whether it's going to be a written story or maybe a manga idea. We shall see.
My office mate just returned from his vacation. He had attended the Comic Con in San Diego, as part of his trip.
While he was there, he picked up a gift for me that was unexpected and greatly appreciated.
He got me a copy of the new Wild CATS comic, issue #1 signed by the creator, Jim Lee.
For those of you who don't know who that is, he took over X-Men before starting his own company with seven other visionaries known as Image Comics. More importantly, Jim Lee created the character you all know as Grifter, my alter ego here.
Needless to say I was pretty stoked when he gave that to me. Big ups to my friend!
I'd better get going. My think tank is starting to run all over the desk.
Where the hell is my pen?!
Grif |
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
New Wallpaers
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Blood, Sweat and Gears
Many new things are afoot in Grifter's world.
I've got some new ideas for this site that I want to execute. Trouble is, I don't have a clue as to how to pull it off. I guess I just need to let the creative juices flow then see what comes of it.
Here's a taste of what's on tap in the coming months:
- new site BG (I hope you like the current one)
- new poetry ( I've been resting my brain)
- an end to my epic story (how long has it been?)
- new wallpapers (you've seen three already)
- more fan art (I've got two more ads to show)
That's it for now. I don't want to jinx any o' the other stuff that I've got in mind. No to mention that this sites 2 year anniversary is coming up in September.
My good friend LS is getting ready to celebrate 4 years here on The O. An early congrats to you, ol' boy.
I'm getting ready to start on my new Gundam model kit I picked up at the Expo. It's the Master Grade EZ-8 from 08th MS Team. I've been looking for this bad boy for a couple o' years now.
A lot o' the vendors told me that it was discontinued last year.
Out of the entire Expo, I found only one, buried under a bunch o' Seed/Destiny kits. Talk about luck.
I also picked up a Kaname/ Tessa figurine set, a small Asuka figure, and a FLCL t-shirt with Haruka in her bunny girl get up.
I'm telling this to you now because...well, I forgot.
Anyways, more on that stuff at another time.
Take care all,
Grif |
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Role Models, My Ass!
With the recent rash of celebrity stupidity, I had to chime in on this one.
It seems I completely misjudged today's hottest stars. I could easily dismiss them as being just plain stupid, maybe even moderately retarded. But the latest little tart to go on a DUI rampage leaves me thinking that I've grossly mislabeled these divas of drunkery.
Seeing Paris carted off to jail in tears screaming for her mommy left a warm feeling in me that could only be compared to a deep sense o' satisfaction.
But seeing the incorrigible Lindsey Lohan get snagged chasing someone's mother down in a drunken rage while posing as an unwilling coke mule (allegedly)verifies my whole take on these skanks.
I'll sum it up in this simple equation:
Money + boredom + cars that you shouldn't own x booze = sheer and utter jack assery.
When you're young and famous because of what you get paid to try and do (work, Paris & act, Lindsey). You should figure that if you do bad things enough times, you will get caught.
C'mon, how many of us were caught by our parents sneaking out of the house? What about coming home smelling like booze and cigarettes thinking, "I'll just tell my parents that my friend's cousin was smoking and drinking and then blew smoke on me and puked on my shoes"? Yah, that one's gonna go over like finding a turd in a punch bowl.
The point of this little rant is that no matter who you are or who you think you are, you're going to pay for all the stupid crap you pull.
Regardless of what you may think, you are going to fall and fall hard. Guaranteed, someone will be there to catch it all on film. How else do you think these video blog sites do so well.
Because someone's friend had a camera on their phone and captured the whole thing.
That just goes to show you that if you light yourself on fire, people will come to watch you burn.
Good luck, America. Enjoy the crap you created and gave wings to. No doubt they'll be crashing into a TV near you.
P.S. Let me know what you think about the new wallpapers. Click and comment, thanks!
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There's are more to come!
Grif |
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Something to Be Proud Of
Greetings and salutations. I hope this post finds you all well. Today is Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.
Zealot and I will be celebrating our six year wedding anniversary tomorrow. It's hard to believe that it's been six years since we tied the knot. We've been through so much together, after all we dated for five and a half years before.
This past January we celebrated our eleventh year together. Talk about stamina...giggidy. ^_^'
It was Thanksgiving night 1995 when I was first taken by her. I was a friend of her brother's and had been invited over to partake in the annual tradition of going to a movie after loading up on turkey.
As I walked in the door, I was greeted by her wonderful family and introduced to the extended members of the family who were as equally nice.
As we exchanged pleasantries, I glanced up and saw her. Sitting at the table with some family members, engaged in a game of dominoes.
You know that part in the movies when the guy sees the girl for the first time and he goes blank?
Yah, that was me. For a few moments, I was that guy. No words, no thoughts, no movement. Not a soul in the room; just her and I. Then, a spark. Nothing major or incredible, just a simple spark.
That was all I needed as I was set ablaze. She's been fanning those flames ever since.
"When this world tries to get me down and leave me unimpressed; just one caress from you and I'm blessed." -M.L. Gore
Happy Anniversary to you my Zealot.
From your rock, Grifter.
Adieu, all.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Returned and Refreshed
Well it's back to the usual fun that is my job.
My vacation was wonderful but not long enough, as if they ever are.
I went tripping through Scottsdale and Sedona Arizona. I took a day to visit the Grand Canyon, explored a small cavern in the middle o' the desert, visited a church carved into the side of a mountain, experienced an energy vortex (I think), drove the famous Route 66, and climbed Bell Rock. No, not Rockbell. Although I couldn't help but think of Winry as I climbed it.
All in all, I had a great time and saw some truly breath taking views and some fun things as well.
However, it's nice to be home again. As I'm sure you all know, AZ gets pretty damn hot and dry.
I had a package o' Milk Duds and was eating them as I climbed the rock. By the time I got back down, they had become a sort of Pangaea type mass of chocolate and caramel. Oh well.
Here are some snaps, enjoy.

Well that's it for now. Hope you all enjoyed the photos from Anime Expo. Has anyone figured out which pic I'm in? Here's a hint, I'm not the suit of armor.
Take care all,
Grif |
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Grifter's on the Move Again; Hot Spring Honeys and Happiness!
This is a quick post to let you all know I'll be off on another adventure. This time it's for pleasure.
I'm headed off to Sedona and Scottsdale, Arizona to enjoy some much needed R&R. As much fun as Vegas was, it was still a work thing. ^_^' no, really!
This one is of the road trip variety so it should be full of odd sights and photo ops.
I'll try to come on to check in like I do on my other vacations provided I can get a wireless signal or ethernet connection.
As for those Anime Expo pics you've all been asking for? Well, here they are.
I've posted one with me in there, so have fun looking for me.
I won't label the photos as I think they're pretty self explanitory.
Anyway, please enjoy the pics and I'll catch you all a bit later in the week.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Anime Expo Revisited or How I Blew Ninety-nine Bucks.
Grifter here and I'm somewhat fresh off of my first trip to Anime Expo. I say somewhat fresh because I was there on Saturday.
Anyway, all I can say is wow, what a day that was. Full of great panel sessions and tons o' swag; not to mention the bounty of costumed fans littering the place. If their were any doubt that there are a lot o' Naruto fans out there, those thoughts are long extinguished now.
Being that there were plenty o' cosplayers to go around, I took plenty o' snaps of the one I liked and new. Mind you I had help locating some of them. You see I brought along my two little brothers. They're not my real brother. They're two high school aged guys that I mentor. They're bothe very good guys and huge anime fans, so I brought 'em with me to take in all the festivities.
I don't want to bore you all with the details so, I'll just hit the highlights.
Met Vic Mignona - aka Edward Elric and Kurtz Weber
Tommy Yun - Director of Robotech
Took snaps of two cosplayers dressed as Misato (yum)
Took a snap of a great Vash cosplay.
Geeked out at a Panel for Gundam
Met up with a small group of Otakus
Met Adam and Gail from The O (very, very cool people)
That's about the gist of my visit. I'll be posting pictures in the next few days.
Needless to say, I'll definitely be going back next year.
Have a great Fourth o' July everyone.
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