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Underwater Basket Weaving and Egyptian Bird Calling
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Gundam (all), Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist,Robotech,FLCL ,Tenchi Muyo, Fullmetal Panic
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Drawing, anime, ice hockey, model building
pretty descent artist, can play the drums and other precussions, singing
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A Triumphant Return - Hail to the King, Baby!
I've returned from the land of booze and money. Unfortunately, I'm a little lighter in the pocket book as a result of my antics.
No worries though, I still have plenty of dough to enjoy Anime Expo this weekend. I'll be sure to take plenty o' snaps during my short time there.
My Ed and Winry ad piece is finish. I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out. Please click on the thumbnail and comment.
I'll start work on the next one soon. Which one will it be? You'll all find out soon enough.
 Alchemy Gasoline Ad Hosted By
Note to Yensid and Bunraku: What the hell was I thinking when I said I'd be online in Vegas?
I was lucky to get back to my room before the sun came up. Woo-hoo, that must've been hilarious when you read that. Reality-1 Fantasy-0. Thanks, guys.
That's it for me.
Oh, and a quick shout out to me LordSesshomaru: A saucy belated birthday card is in the works, Giggidy! *bows* Sorry so late, brother.
Grif |
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Still on the Road
This is a quick shout out to all my friends and neighbors that I'm still in Vegas and I'm down 65 clams to the pricks at the craps tables.
Note to the student that craps out on the come out roll...STOP DOING THAT, YOU SH!T!!!
You're costing me scratch, geez!
For those of you that don't gamble, ignore the opening rant.
All is well and my presentation was nails!
I went a bit over only because my co-presenter did. Not to mention my laptop was being stubborn.
Never-the-less, I pressed on, took names and proceeded to dish out ass kicking accordingly.
It's just what I do. I'm sure Lytjuh is rolling her eyes about now, so I digress.
I'll be back to my usual chicanery and shenanigans on Monday next, so stay tuned and I'll see you when I get some cooler soil under my feet.
Viva Grif-vegas!
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
No Time For Anything
This is a quick post to let you all know that I'm still alive and posting.
I have a big presentation I've been working on for a few weeks. D-day is on Monday, so I've been slammed with revisions and changes. Not to mention my co-presenter lives in Buffalo, NY. It's such a pain to get a hold o' him.
The Ed and Winry ad is almost done and I've opened a DA account to show some o' my wares. No worries though, I'm not leaving The O. It's just a place to post drawings only. You can check it out at:
I leave for Vegas on Sunday, so I'll try to get to your sites between now and then. I hope you can understand why I haven't been able to get to you guys on a steady basis. I should have time at night to post & comment while on the road, but then again, it is Vegas. I'm not making any promises. ^_~
Take care,
Grif |
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Artist's Paradise
Sorry I haven't been posting or commenting lately. I've been getting ready to go to a conference. It doesn't seem exciting but, I'm doing a presentation on AV stuff. The good part is that it's in Las Vegas!
So, when I'm not being bored to death, I can hit the Strip and enjoy myself...responsibly. Grifter has to be a good boy 'cause my Zealot isn't going with me.
I'm bummed about that, but she'd be bored to tears at this thing too.
Once again I've been bitten by the drawing bug. I've finished the first Anime Ad and will post it later today. After that, I'll start the next one. It'll feature Ed and Winry. Actually, I've already penciled and inked it, and scanned it. I just have to color it. Two down and two to go.
I'm also going to start releasing some other drawings I've been working on. All you fellas out there will enjoy these. They're featuring some o' the ladies o' anime. I won't tell you who; I don't want to jinx 'em. Just be looking out for those.
Is anyone going to Anime Expo at the end o' the month? It's being held at the Long Beach Con. Center. I'd like to know because I'm going. Yes, Grifter's finally going to his first Anime Con!
I'm really excited too. I'm taking the two boys that I mentor because they're huge anime fans as well.
I hope I see some Otakuites out there.
In closing, I just want to send my apologies and know that I'll be getting to some sites today.
Take care all,
P.S. Be on the look out for a new theme as Summer's just 'round the corner. |
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Writer's Break
After all the recent writing I've done, I'm going to take a short break from it.
I've got a lot o' irons in the fire and I need to focus on them one at a time.
I have just three more chapters to write for my epic to be over and done. It's taking me a while but I want it to be just right. I want everything to flow together so that when the three parts are read all the way through, there won't be any gaps.
Considering I wrote them all at different times, that's going to be a pain. Oh well, I'll live.
I also have the first two anime ads inked and ready for the color process. I hope they come out like I've anticipated. I'll be releasing them soon.
Summer is upon us. This is made all too obvious by a drop in the number of visits to my site including my friends.
Mind you I still have those faithful ones that visit when they can and I'm ever so grateful to them. (you know who you are)
Be that as it may, I realise that a lot o' people only had access from their school computers, or are on vacation/holiday (for my European counterparts).
Then there are those that are leaving The O for one reason or another. Those are the one's that bum me out. I'll truly miss them.
All right, enough rambling. Back to the rig-a-ma-roe.
Take care all,
Grif |
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Far and Away to Thee - Pt. 3
1500 hours. Drop zone has been attained. The Lieutenant and I have set up in our positions and are standing by. Static greets me over the Com link; then a voice. “We read you Echo-Zebra remain on stand-by, over.”
“I copy that.” “Did you copy, Gamma?” “Roger, sir”.
“We are on stand-by until targets reach point Tango 0-3.” “On my mark, you’ll take the lead unit out from your position while I mop up any strays that try to deploy”. “Copy that, sir”, Benitez said unwaveringly.
I could always count on him, no matter how crazy things got.
He and I had been on a lot of missions together. We’ve won some, we lost some. Unfortunately, war has a habit of not playing very fair and there were many comrades and good friends lost along the way. But, this was no time to start reminiscing about the old days. That’s the kind of thing that can get you killed. Never-the-less, I knew my partner and he knew me. We knew that if one didn’t come home, the other wouldn’t be far behind.
I cleared my head and continued with the field briefing.
“According to Intel, the enemy has a pair of heavy assault mobile Suits.”
“What are we talkin’, sir, Doms?” Benitez asked.
“No, nothin’ fast like that.” I continued. “Looks like a pair of Kampfers…” I paused for a moment. I didn’t like what I saw next.
“Sir, is there something else?” “Uh…” I hesitated. “We’re gonna be in for a nasty fight, Benny”. The only time I called my subordinate ‘Benny” usually meant…”We’re in deep shit, aren’t we, Addy” I answered in the affirmative.
“What are we lookin’ at, Chief?” he asked with some hesitation.
“The twins are escorting their big brother to his DFS.” (Designated Firing Site). “What are we talking here, a Howitzer cannon?”
“Benny, they’re runnin’ out Long Tom.” I replied. I could feel his chest get a little heavier as mine did the same.
Long Tom was our affectionate name for a goliath of a mobile suit called the YMS-16 Zammel.
It suit stood up to 27 meters tall and weighed in at just over 120 tons. The coupe de gras was the mammoth 680 mm long cannon that, when fully unfolded, could fire a shell 1000 meters and annihilate its target with grim accuracy.
We didn’t worry about trying to out maneuver Long Tom, but it was very fast for such a huge war machine.
“I can drop the twins easy enough, it’s that big bastard I’m worried about, Addy.” “I hear you loud and clear, Benny”.
“We’ll just have to do our best and come back alive”. “That’s a big ten-four, sir”. With that said, we waited for the go ahead.
Uncertainty fills the small cockpit as I wait. The air outside is light; I wish I could say the same for the inside. It’s so damn muggy in here.
I loosen the strap on my helmet. It helps a little but not much.
I wish I could crack the hatch just enough to let in that breeze.
As I glance over at my temperature gauge, I see it, rising in the distance as though the god of war himself was seated upon it.
There he was, flanked by his escorts, Ares atop his chariot. Kneeling as though surveying his spoils. Like a mighty lion, seeking what or whom he may devour. I wait for the moment to strike. My counterpart lays waiting miles from here, perched with sniper rifle at the ready, fixed on the twin Kampfers. If he plays his cards right, it’ll be two for one. That is if all goes well. For now we wait.
Here I stand at the edge of this deep canyon. Beads of sweat drip down my face as I strain to focus. The pollen and dust keeps collecting on the lens. I'm constantly using the manipulator to wipe it clean. This sucks just waiting and watching. I'm hoping the breeze cools the skin enough to hide my heat signatures. It should, its cool enough. Damn, it's hot in here, though. Just stay focused, rendezvous in a few minutes. A lone figure comes into view. I focus the lens to get a closer look.
She's beautiful. Her chestnut hair flows through the light wind like a sweet mist. Her skin is light and soft. She carries a basket with a blanket. She sets a place for one on the bluff overlooking a valley of the most fragrant white flowers. Am I dreaming or have I just died? Only heaven could give me this angel. Surely she has to be. Those eyes, those lips, I'm utterly intoxicated. Oh to sleep, for a chance to dream of her. If only this would be my eternity.
As my mind clears from the fog of a day dream, I realize that this was no vision, no delusion of grandeur. It was her. The one that I adored, the one to whom I swore my eternal love for. The one who stood between me and 121 tons of apocalyptic fury.
Truly I was still entranced, dreaming of her form. This couldn’t be her; she was miles away and getting ready to have our new baby. Why the hell was she out here, so far from our home?
As I tried to make sense of it all, I saw a flash in the distance followed by a thunderous boom. Long Tom was awake and he was angry,
very angry.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
Far and Away to Thee – Part Three (Final)
Drop Zone
A bitter cold wind met me as the cargo bay doors of the massive transport aircraft opened.
“It’s time to close down your hatches, sirs.” shouted the ensign. “We’ll be over the drop point in ten”.
“Roger that”, I called back as I closed and latched the door.
“Control, this is Echo-Zebra Eight. The COM link’s online; do you read me over?”
“Roger that, Echo-Zebra, we hear you loud and clear, over”
Now it was the Lieutenant’s turn. “Control, this is Gamma-Major-Sierra two, I’m up and open, do you copy?”
“Ahem, yes sir, we have a copy on that.”
“You never get tired of hazing the rookies at Control, do you Benitez?”
“No sir, not on your life”. We laughed as the conveyor lurched forward toward the rear of the plane.
“All systems are green, you are go for drop in T minus 10…9…8…7…
My heart began to beat faster as I closed my eyes. All I could see was my beautiful wife, our little child growing inside her. …6…5…4… I hated leaving without saying good bye. I just hope she read my letter to her explaining why I had to leave so abruptly. No time to worry about that now.
I heard a brief click, and then I was free-falling to the earth in a 30 ton hulk of wires and metal. I righted myself and deployed my chute.
A sudden, violent jolt hit me and then a slight shudder fell over my Mobile Suit as I glided through the atmosphere, down to the waiting Earth below.
The Calm before the Storm
The sun was warm as it kissed the meadow gently, bringing out its vibrant colors. The tall yellow flowers swayed lazily as the breeze swept across the tops in waves. A single tree overlooking the enormous meadow below provided shade for three figures and there small picnic lunch.
The blanket was laid out and adorned with small sandwiches and assorted vegetables. Along side it sat a basket of freshly baked tea cakes and muffins.
The two figures, one a young lady holding her new born baby, and the other, an elderly lady, carefully sipping her tea, sat under the comforting shade of the giant tree.
“It’s so peaceful here”, said the young lady. “My, yes it truly is a beautiful day.” “You know, this is where Jonas and I shared our first date.” the elder women said proudly.
“Really? Ayva asked. “It must have been very special for you”.
“More than you know, my dear”. Mrs. Helmsworth continued, “Jonas was so insistent that we go, I hardly had time to pack a decent lunch”.
“My goodness, what did you end up eating?” Ayva enquired. “Well, all I had time to grab was a loaf of bread, a few pieces of fruit and some wine.” “Hardly a lunch wouldn’t you say?” said Ayva. “You would think so, but it turned out to be the perfect meal for us”. The old lady continued. “We sat under this very tree and I fed him bits of fruit while he shared his hopes and dreams of becoming this great doctor.” “I told him that I wanted a brood of children and a husband to share the love and life of it all with me.”
“Sounds a lot like what Adin and I want”. The young woman looked down at the blanket picking at the soft fibers. “I want that so bad for us, to be a family.” Ayva looked up and off into the distance. The old lady put her hand on Ayva’s. “You will have that, my dear.” “I hope your right, Mrs. Helmsworth”. “Please, sweetie, call me Abigail”. Ayva blushed lightly, “Of course, Abigail.” They smiled at one another, though Ayva’s faded quickly. “Is there something the matter, sweetie?” Abigail asked.
“I just can’t shake this feeling I have”. Ayva answered. “What feeling is that?” “It’s a hard to explain”. “It’s like something terrible is going to happen to my Adin.” “I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.”
The young woman stood up and stared out over the vast meadow below.
In the distance, she saw the dusty wake of a convoy of vehicles moving slowly across the horizon.
The breeze was warm and relaxing. The old lady was right. It’s probably nothing. Her baby cooed softly as she sat back down on the soft blanket under the great tree overlooking the meadow.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
M.I.A. - What Now, Grif?
This is just a quick posts to let you know that my time here is going to be limited for the next week and a half.
The law school where I am gainfully employed, is hosting the Floyd Landis arbitration hearing.
For those of you that know who he is, this is a huge deal. For those that don't, he is the latest Tour de France winner who was accused of doping by Frenchy and his crack team of scientists.
Mr. Landis has vehemently denied these allegations and has been fighting to clear his name.
If he is found guilty, he will be banned for two years from competitions and basically he'll be black listed by everyone in and around the sport of cycling.
This would also have a major impact on testing methods and the doping issue as a whole,
hence, a very huge deal for the University.
In closing, I'd just like to say that I will be getting to as many sites as I can today and tomorrow. I'll also be posting my story when I can find the time. More than likely when I'm at home.
I would also like to thank those of you that made suggestions to which anime characters to use in my ad prints. I will be using those suggestions and hope to have at least one or two ready in a few weeks.
That's all for now. I'll catch up with you all later and as my time allows. Thanks for understanding.
Take care all,
Grif |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Story So Far...
Well, as the title indicates, I'm here to update you on how things are going.
First off, I want to say that the final few chapters of my long epic are in the works. I have two written with three to go.
I'm really looking forward to releasing these. Unfortunately, I need to push it back one more week on account of the fact that I have three more chapters to write. No to mention the fact that I don't want you guys to get burned out.
Thanks for the patience on this one.
A few posts ago, I shared the idea I had to feature anime characters in old print ads from the 40's and 50's. Well, so far I have four ideas. The problem I have is who to put in them. I have two ads set and ready to be penciled, but I can't think of who to feature for the other three.
This is where you, my cleaver and creative friends, come in. I want your help in deciding who gets to be featured in the other ads.
I'll post all four of the ads and all you have to do is tell me who you think should be in them.
That's easy enough.
Thanks for your help.
I'm Swayze.
"First Date" -Coke 1949

"Sky Chief Gasoline" -Texaco 1955

"Slumber Party" -7 Up 1954

"At the Beach" -Coke 1955

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Prelude to a Kiss - Final Chapter - The Grifter
The Line, the Witch and the Mystery Loaf
I awoke with a startle as the bell rang. I was in the nurse’s office with an ice bag over my eye. It felt as though my face had been caved in. For all I knew it had been. I looked at my watch and realized it was lunch. I was starving since I didn't have time for breakfast. A day with out my chocolate frosted sugar bombs is like a day with out a pulse. I lamented missing my daily fructose intake, but it was lunch now. I stood up and gathered my books and headed towards the cafeteria.
Awe, crap. The line was ridiculous today. I must have been 725th in line of 725. Fortunately for me, the line was moving quickly. Oddly though, students were leaving from the line in droves. Is this the break in the storm I'd been waiting for? Will my luck finally turn around? Huzzah! I'll be able to eat at my leisure without running late and rushing to finish. Just ten more people to go. Oh, I can't wait, what's it going to be? Turkey and gravy? Perhaps cheese burgers. The suspense was killing me. I steadily approached the front of the line when suddenly this viciously attractive, yet extremely annoying female cut me off.
“What is this crap?” She was referring to....yes! Turkey and gravy!
“What now miss Petager?” asked the lunch lady.
“There is a freaking hair in my freaking gravy! Shouldn't you be wearing a hair net?!”
“I am, Miss Petager.”
“Then how did this freaking hair get in my food, Mrs. Magilacutty?”
“My apologies Miss Petager.”
I was mortified as I look on at this belligerent girl. She had the gall to yell at a staff person? Talk about ballsy. Then again, she is the captain of the Cheer squad, not to mention the Mayor's daughter.
Brittany Petager, the class rep and resident bitch. The shame was that she was so popular. Guys wanted her and girls wanted to be her. Quite a sad lot of students, I'm among.
“This is disgusting”, she went on. “I could have this whole school shut down!”
“Let me get you another helping.”
“God, no! I refuse to eat this slop.”
She slammed the tray down, spilling its contents onto the silver tray rail. I looked down at my shirt to see gravy and turkey bits spattered on it. I should be angry but, the way my day had gone thus far, I was just too tired to care. That is until....
“Sorry kid.”
“We're all out of Today's special.”
My bottom lip began to quiver. No...No, this...this can't be. “Sorry kid, all that's left is meat loaf.”
By the gods, meat loaf? Anything but that. But it was too late. She had already plopped it onto my tray. I moped out of the line and off to find a seat. My lunch period had joined the rest of my day in room 5643, section J, cavern 21 of Hell. I sat staring at the pile of grayish-brown meat like substance. I thought of taking my meat-pile and ramming it down the throat of miss health inspector general and watching her choke. Then, sensing that Brittany was the type who, when she had kids, would probably eat them; I just walked to the trash and deposited the remains of what once looked like a collection of mistreated farm animals. I left the cafeteria in dazed hunger. I've got a buck; I'll just get a bag of Cheetos. At least I know what's in those. I think.
The Remains of this Day
Just when I thought my luck had turned. It was just another case of life kicking me square in the nuts and laughing hysterically! I don't know if I can take any more today. I had hoped that the turkey and gravy lunch special was a light at the end of a very long tunnel. It turns out that it was a freight train named Brittany Petager. Alas, my day was at an end. I could finally put this whole fiasco called life behind me. Tomorrow was a new day and more importantly, it was Saturday. All that was left was my walk home. Why walk home? I just needed to be alone with my thoughts. Besides, I didn't need to be reminded of the day’s earlier follies. It was a five mile walk, but I didn't care. I needed the fresh air.
My walk started out with a bit of a ruckus as students that had their drivers’ license, peeled out of the parking lot and left trails of school papers and the thick smell of burning rubber behind them.
I continued on as the sounds of school life drifter into the distance and was replaced by the calming cool breeze of an afternoon sky. A sky that grew darker as I moved along. Oh cruel fates, have I not endured enough this day? Have you no pity upon this weary soul? Will you give this king of ill will no rest, though I wear my crown of woe upon a troubled brow? Nay, the fates be mischievous and unjust this day, friends. I walked on as the rain began to fall and the wind blew with increased fervor. I pulled up the collar on my coat as the cold rain stung my neck. It was cold and miserable and down-trodden and bleak. However, I press on; to home and to closure. For this day could not die quick enough.
I was soaked to the bone as I made my way down the avenue. The rain fell steady as the cars grew few and far between. My home was on the outskirts of town in a small gated community. The road was wide and well traveled. Today, it was quiet. I needed that as I anticipated my home coming and lamented the day’s events, I had a vision. I saw a flood of shame, washing away my last nerve and laying waste to me. Then a ray of sunlight dried me out and warmed me as I lay basking in its kindness. Just as my mind cleared, a wave of water enveloped me, kicked up by that damn trash truck. Which brings me full circle back to where this tale began? What few dry spots I had remaining on my body were fully drenched. The fates are real assholes.
I trudged on as I began to make a squishing sound with every step. I wiped away the rain from my face and thought this was how I was going to die; sopping wet and miserable. Then it happened. When I thought all had been lost; all had been washed away, I saw....her.
She stood there in the pouring rain, as though waiting for something; her black umbrella protecting her from the elements that even now ravaged me. She was truly how God intended beauty to be defined. She wore a heavy rain coat that looked a size or two too big. Her hair was a dark chocolate brown that cascaded to the middle of her back. Her eyes, oh how they could sink ships and bring kings to their knees. They were the clearest of aqua blue and pierced right through me. She looked up and made eye contact. I could not escape her gaze. I was lost in it; awash in a sea of aqua blue passion.
By the gods....she spoke to me.
"Rough day, huh?" She had no idea.
"Ya, you could say that."
"Wanna share my umbrella?"
"Um...y...ya, could I?" "Sure", she said as she flashed me a smile. Though the clouds poured out their fury, I had my ray of sunlight.
We started our walk and she moved closer.
"I want to make sure you don't get any wetter."
"I don't see how that's possible."
She laughed.
"I suppose not." I paused and said, "Thanks for helping with my books this morning." "You're welcome", she said. "I'm sorry about the day you had" How could she have known? Was she following me? "Everyone was talking about how bad your luck was today." I sighed, "Everyone, huh?"
"Yah." she replied. "I hope your day gets better, I mean, I guess it has to 'cause it’s over, right?"
"Yah, but it’s been getting better ever since I got under this umbrella." What the hell did I just say?! She laughed, "ahh, your sweet." I couldn't believe what my mouth was saying. Shut up you fool.
Then I realized my heart was doing the talking.
She just listened to me as I began to tell her of the first day I laid eyes on her. She laughed and replied where appropriate. I never noticed, but my feet weren't even on the ground. They never touched the sidewalk the rest of the way home. It was at that very moment that I felt her head lay onto my shoulder. I was stunned as I felt her arm wrap around mine and tighten.
I held the umbrella as we walked the rest of the way home in the rain.
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