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Underwater Basket Weaving and Egyptian Bird Calling
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Gundam (all), Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist,Robotech,FLCL ,Tenchi Muyo, Fullmetal Panic
To be an accomplished artist
Drawing, anime, ice hockey, model building
pretty descent artist, can play the drums and other precussions, singing
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
New Peice in tthe Works; Also Grifter Not Feelin' Well >_<
I'm keeping this one short & simple because I feel like I just took a left to the grill with titanic skill...*ahem*.
Seriously, I feel like complete poop. I missed work today, although I wouldn't say "I missed it", heh-heh-cough-cough...moving on.
Just dropped in to say hay and to tell you that the next subject matter for fan art is *drum roll coupled with dramatic pause* Inuyasha! *hears crickets and frogs* Philistines.
That's all for now. I need to hit the hey, I'm getting a bit loopy. As if that wasn't obvious.
Grif |
Comments (11) |
Friday, March 9, 2007
The New Look
It's been said that a little paint coupled with some time and hard work can really spruce up a place. Well, the paint is dry and the furniture has been moved around a bit and viola, Grif's got some new digs!
Granted the changes were minor, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. This has been a big reason why I've a bit absent from the neighborhood. That and the fact that the students here are getting ready for spring break. A whole week without students...that'll be nice.
I'll be heading back to the drawing board (literally) this weekend. I've got some other fan art that I want to work on as well as finally finishing my story. Yah, you know the one.
Anyway, that's it for me. Let me know what you guys think of the new look.
Take care and have a great weekend.
Grif |
Comments (10) |
Monday, March 5, 2007
More Fan Art from The Grifter
Greetings and Salutations, I trust you all had a lovely weekend.
I was able to get out to see the L.A. Kings (NHL)for a matinée game. I went with some team mates, Zealot and her sister, Asuka, and my niece, whom I like to call Sasami-chan. I've been calling her that since she was a baby; she's six now.
Anyway, it was Sasami-chan's first hockey game so we made sure she had a good time. The goalie of my hockey team, she' a forty-something Ophthalmologist, took a liking to Sasami-chan and took her down to the glass to get up close and personal with the players. Every time the puck would hit the glass or a player would get checked against the boards, they'd pound the glass. It was quite hilarious.
The game ended, my Kings lost, and Sasami-chan was held aloft her Uncle Grifter's shoulders, exiting the Staples Center in her new Kings jersey my aforementioned team mate bought her. Win or lose, it was a good day to be an uncle.
Oh and here's the promised fan art of Alphonse. Please drop by and let me know what you think.
 Alphonse Elric - Now And Then Hosted By |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
AAarrrr! HTML be a Cruel Mistress!
Well, by now you've noticed the changes I've been talking about. I'm still tooling around with some of ideas. I think this is good for right now, though.
Man, this stuff is harder than I thought. I can't imagine how much hard work goes into developing these codes. I tip my hat to those who can spin such grand things.
I want to give a shout out to Shishou who provided me with these codes. She has a great HTML Tutorial site that I found through her site. It was a big help, Shi-chan, thanks!
I plan on submitting the Alphonse pic soon. I just want to get things just right, so be patient.
Thanks for the well wishes and kind words about my new nephew. He's a pretty cool little guy. It's been getting Zealot and I thinking about having one ourselves. As some of you know, we don't have any little ones of our own. I like the idea but Zealot's a hard sell. I can't say I don't like our set up now. Maybe, in the not too distant future, we'll start a family. Whoa, a little Grifter runnin' around here? On second thought...
Later all,
Grif |
Comments (11) |
Monday, February 26, 2007
The gods Show Favor; Grifter's an Uncle Again!
My apologies for my little disappearing act after my last post. Zealot's brother and his wife had their first child early last Thursday. Early, as in 2:15 am, early. Zealot rolled out o' the rack and caught a ride with her sister to see the little yak-gilder born. Ol' Grif was way too tired to follow suit.
He's a healthy baby boy and tips the scales at an ounce over 7 lbs. He makes seven in my count of nieces and nephews. I am truly a richer man this day, friends.
The drawings are going good. I wasn't happy with the Gundam pic so I decided to start over again.
I also decided to work more on my anime style drawings as I think I rushed the release of the Kaname pic. Never the less I press on. I'll be starting the Alphonse Elric pic in the next day or two.
The site redesign will come in slowly. Some things will change as I get time to do them. I agree with those that like the simple approach. I too, like it and subscribe to the "Less is More" philosophy.
Anyway, I've got a lot o' work to get done, so off I go.
Grif |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sights and Sounds: Time For a New Look?
I've been tripping around the neighborhood here at The O looking at all the different sites and came to the conclusion that I need a change. No, I'm not talking about losing the Grifter persona you've all come to know and, dare I say, love? But I digress.
I've gone over to my good friend Shishou's for a bit of a tutorial on HTML. Hey, I may be an IT guy, but it still doesn't mean I know HTML. Granted, I should learn it. Makes my resume look attractive. *Sigh* I digress yet again.
I hope to implement a few cosmetic changes to the ol' homestead in the coming weeks so, if you guys have any slick ideas, I'd love to hear 'em.
Meanwhile, I've just finished a Gundam drawing in pencil. I'll send it in and post it next time.
As for the next big piece, I've decided to do the Alphonse retrospect. I have an idea of what I want to do so, that should be along in the coming week.
Thanks for all the constructive feedback on my Kaname pic. I realize that it's not my best work but I'm working on that. Remember, It's been a while since I've drawn like this. Bare with me as I'm slowly getting my swing back.
I promise you won't be disappointed with the Al pic. *crosses fingers* *Ahem*
As always, thanks for your support of this site over the last year and a half. I recently achieved the 1000 hits milestone. Most of my reasons for updating the site is because I think I could be doing better. I look around and see so many sites that completely bury mine. I'd like to be one o' the heavy-weights and perhaps make it to legendary status but, I realize that takes time.
So I'll press on towards my goal while continuing to provide my best at writing and drawing. Again, thank you for all of your support.
Grif |
Comments (13) |
Monday, February 19, 2007
As Promised: Fan Art #3
After a little bit of a wait, I finally finished the "is it Ecchi or not" pic. In fact, I've not only posted the questionable fan art piece, the fine folks at The O have accepted it and is now up for viewing in the Fan Art area. That makes me quite happy indeed. I also submitted a couple o' wallpapers and they have not been accepted. It's a real drag, but I'll just have to head back to the drawing board. They featured Kira Yamato and the Strike Freedom Gundam. I'll post it on my photo hosting page and whoever wants it can PM me for the URL.
I'll be starting on a new piece for the fan art section. Not sure what it'll be, though. I was thinking of an Alphonse Elric retrospect piece featuring Armored Al and human Al. I also have an idea of combining FMA and Gundam. I don't want to divulge too much. I'll see how my concept sketches look, first.
Anyway, here's a thumbnail link to my newest piece. Stop by and let me know what you think.
 A Quiet Evening Hosted By
Comments (14) |
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Lost To My Senses
I open my eyes to the dimmed light as fragrance of rose fills my head with thoughts and illusions. To see before me, such a beautiful sight, could this be truth or simple sorcery. I am made weak by locks of flowing chestnut and eyes adorned with emeralds. The gods fall jealous as satin arms envelop to take this one in. A wash in a feeling I had not known, I take flight on this muse like a leaf dancing upon autumn’s breeze. Perfumes waft to the heavens as I am carried beyond stars reach. I am wishing as I pass their light, grant me this fairest of all so that I may make her my own lest heaven reclaim her.
Her words lash at me hungrily. They tug at my will and weave themselves into me. Overtaking my thoughts to place upon me an enchanted slumber to which no one should wake. Only a fool would take such measures and be so cautious for I am entwined with a love eternal and complete. Let me fade without notice as a flower in winter only to bloom again and again. I am rich with her love and blessed with her kiss. Truly I am happy and
forever and always, completely lost to my senses.
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
More of the Same; Grifdaddy's Got a Brand New Bag.
I was taken a back by the response I received from my fan art. Thanks for your kind words and comments.
I've started work on a new piece. Well, it's more of a do-over on the "is it ecchi or not" pic. I'll still post it for you guys, but if I'm going to get it accepted I should probably tone it down a bit.
On the same tip, I'm going to crank out some new wallpapers as well. For some reason, I'm feeling rejuvenated in the visual creativity sector. I owe it to group of really creative friends. Thanks to you, I have a fresh outlook on my work.
Well, I'm going to keep this short. I played hockey tonight and I'm exhausted.
Grif |
Comments (7) |
Friday, February 9, 2007
With These hands; Grifter's First Fruits
Well, I've finally finished my first two fan art pieces. I'm quite proud of them and hope you'll take a look and leave a comment.
Here they are:
 Grifter- Wounded Hosted By
 Ice Queen - Faye Valentine Hosted By
I'm going to continue to crank out more in the future. How often is uncertain, just know that I'll continue to do so.
The first is of my namesake, Grifter. I did this one at the request of a friend some time ago. I failed to finish it until recently. *Ahem* Moving on...
The second is of the lovely Faye Valentine. This is in return for the marvelous piece that was given to me by another friend.
I've almost got the third piece done. I just have to color it. Although, I'm not sure if it will be accepted. It's a tad racey. It's not ecchi and definately not hentai. It's just...well, racey.
Maybe I'll just post it to get your feedback on whether it's okay to pass.
Anyway, please enjoy responsibly or irresponsibly it doesn't matter.
Grif |
Comments (13) |
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