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myOtaku.com: GrimFoxx

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GrimFoxx art
Hi! Tis is mi glorious site! i dont have to much on it now i no but it is still growing! plees feel free to submit anything and if u have a question...well im workin on it.be back soon wit more!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

   blond jokes anyone??
hehe, ok i have an idea 4 a weekly blond joke but i dont want to ofend anyone else whos blond.im blond miself and i dont care but reely i dont know how anyone can b ofended. i dont want to post anythind that will make people mad so just tell me wut u guys think ov the idea. o and the reason i havent submited any pics is cuz mi dam scanner broke!so ill c wut i can do on that matter. hehe.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

  ok i need alittel help.i dont know how to put backround pics on mi site. like s wallpaper so if anyone knows(wich most peeps do)pleez help!!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

just another boring week (~_~)
Hey peeps! nothing reely eventful has happened the last few days so i dont have much to write about. i gots a question 4 u guys though! ok the presidential election will be apon us soon (rolles eyes) but if a woman and a man run 4 president, which one do u think would be elected? i personaly wouldnt know untill i knew who was running but a woman dosnt seem 2 bad.(and im not just saying thet cuz im a chick!)
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