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Friday, August 18, 2006
i want it soooooooooooo bad

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no longer grounded
well it is official im not grounded sadly i had too much fun on the comp and didnt get any exercise boo hoo newayz how did u all like my pic of me
Just Like You ( Three Days Grace ) by
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
i got bored so i scanned my face on the scanner

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im gonna rule the universe
Click Here to get this from!
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im grounded and it is my dads b day today
hey evry1 im grounded cuz i got home at 10 last night im not sopposed to leave the house but i will. *crowd* *woohoo*. also it is my dads b day i sent him a get backers e card go me woo hoo im very sleepy at the time well ttyl
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
do any of you have an adultswim account ifso can u help me out
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Monday, August 14, 2006
adventure quest
it is so hard to get on to adventure quest. u knw y cuz iom not a member and im so fing mad il ttyl srry for being mad
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
sleepy and grandmas
im sleepy and im goin to my grandmas for dinner today. newayz howve u all been? i was soposes to go own to the k today but not nemore o well ill just go tomorrow. well ill ttyl
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
i got my schedule i think i spelled it wrong but o well also i shall give u a sk8ter boi
also i might watch some fd2 (final destination2) today so if u can come on by ill see if u can come in ttyl

Sk8er Boi ( Avril Lavigne ) by
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Friday, August 11, 2006
demon boy
i was watchin the ehing on the discovery channel last night about a kid who invited a dead 6 year old in to his house. he bagan cussing and become violent so that his momn and dad would feel better they jhad him go to his cousions one day. wanna know wat happened her mom was cleaning wen she heard cody (that is the fed up kid) but his voice was getting deeper and more denomic her daughter screamed and wen she came in cody had toys levitating in the air. eventually man as he called the dead chilid was gone for three months. his mom did a ritual type thing newayz she was cleaning stuff and he began to talk to man again they had a confersation then cody became very quite and his mom became worried andlooked at him he had a picture in his hand the picture was man and wat appeared to be man granma. his mother asked were did u get this picture. he replied man gave it to me she asked who is in this picture cody and he said man. then she took the picture and cody became enraged and tried to get it back. then man said that it would be fun if cody cut up his teddy bears so he did and his dad found him doing this. he made cody stop he asked him y he did that he replied man said it would be fun. later that same evining his sisters cat came in the livingroom and his sister came in later on. she asked were is her cat he said i dont know he was pushed off the couch and saw the kitty was under a coushin (poor kitty T-T). they once again asked y he hurt the kitty he said wat he always said man said itr would be fun. one day his mom was cleaning his room and wen she began to clean his closet she found out that he had been peeing in there(ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww). eventually though cody was getting sick of man. becuase one night cody was trying to sleep in his bed and it began to shake and jump so he went to his mom. wen he fell asleep she went to his room and tried to be in cody's position and then she heard a noise she thought it was cody it was a 6 year old boy she hugged this boy but then the boy became loder and grey with bloodshot eyes and attked her. then she knew he wasnt making nething up because she saw man. she was terrified.
now i will tell you the story of man.
man was a six year old boy takin from his mother and died a brutal death who eventually began to talk to cody as u know. then things got strange. man was a denomic spirit thats all i know.
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