Birthday 1992-03-11 Gender
Male Location home Member Since 2005-07-31 Occupation mcdonalds Real Name ray
Achievements donno Anime Fan Since forever Favorite Anime naruto,inuyasha,fma,caseclosed,yuyuhakusho, yu gi oh gx, db,dbz,dbgt,one piece,rouni kenshin, kh, ff, sonic Goals to kill all my enimies Hobbies chillin wit my friends Talents donno grimreaper666
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
fav subject
wat is ur fav subject in school except lunch if it is that mine is art son im puttin up art work of mine on my site hope u like it Comments (2) |
wat type of killer are u You are a maniac killer. It doesn't matter who they are and what they have or haven't done. You still want to kill them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun. Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe you have some sort of mental problems or you are this way because of previous deep scars, only you know. But now you are sadistic and maybe you only like to see a special group of people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are not the most social person in the bunch and people think you are weird. That bothers you somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself with daydreaming about killing them. After all, they have no idea what's coming.
Main weapon: Explosives and torture equpiment Quote: "Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Lang Facial expression: Wicked smile
she still hasnt replied to my pm y wont she reply it is makin me sad starts to cry plzzzzzzzzzz return the reply i asked her to marry me on the O Comments (3) |
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You have (379) guestbook entries. Guestbook was last signed on: 01/13/06
» Read now WAT DO U THINK OF EVERYTHING Comments (3) |
a conversation
gokule666: hi
kitsunegirl15: Hey what's up?
gokule666: nm
kitsunegirl15: But I read your pm.
gokule666: kool
gokule666: brb
gokule666: g2 get glasses
kitsunegirl15: ok
gokule666: boo
kitsunegirl15: lol boo to you too
gokule666: h/o
kitsunegirl15: what's going on?
gokule666: im downloading a song
kitsunegirl15: Ohh what song?
gokule666: wings of a butterfly by him
kitsunegirl15: I love HIM. Especially Razorblade Kiss
gokule666: also darklight by him
kitsunegirl15: I want to hear that one. I'm hoping to get the cd soon
gokule666: i just downloaded it
kitsunegirl15: That's cool.
gokule666: right now im listen to wings of a butterfly
kitsunegirl15: Hey I'm listening to that too! Convenient. lol
gokule666: ooooooooooooo
gokule666: h/o
kitsunegirl15: what does that mean?
gokule666: hold on i am tryin yo down load sugar were goin down swingin
kitsunegirl15: oh ok sorry
gokule666: its ok h/o means hold on
kitsunegirl15: ok well now I know lol
gokule666: hehehe wat is ur status like goth ect
gokule666: u there
kitsunegirl15: yes I really don't know
kitsunegirl15: and my friend Kris says hi
gokule666: hi kris
kitsunegirl15: just to inform you, it's a girl. Kristina. Kris for short
gokule666: ok i was a litle confused
gokule666: does she have an otaku site
kitsunegirl15: Yes. It is Adia
gokule666: im goin to see it
kitsunegirl15: just be warned. She likes Itachi from Naruto.
kitsunegirl15: If you know what that is.
gokule666: naruto or the guy wich is everywere
kitsunegirl15: Itachi. Sasuke's brother. Naruto's best friend's brother
gokule666: i like naruto
kitsunegirl15: My friend likes you already
gokule666: cool i just signed her gb
kitsunegirl15: She said sweetness
gokule666: cooooooooooool
kitsunegirl15: But you also like Inuyasha and Cased closed
gokule666: yep
kitsunegirl15: Who is your favorite from Inuyasha? Mine is Miroku.
gokule666: inuyasha the half demon half human kiks A$$
gokule666: i just updated again
kitsunegirl15: My friend loves Sesshomaru and I'll go check it out now.
gokule666: yayness
kitsunegirl15: Well I commented for you
gokule666: yayness and im goin 2 change my bg
kitsunegirl15: oh really? To what?
gokule666: ull see
gokule666: brb im thirsty
kitsunegirl15: lol ok
gokule666: did u 2 see it yet
kitsunegirl15: yeah I do. That's a really cool background
gokule666: colness
kitsunegirl15: I absolutly love it
gokule666: it this u or ur friend
kitsunegirl15: Kakashi is my favorite charactor. And my friend Kris is shaking her head and she is saying she doesn't know me
gokule666: y im so confused boohoo
kitsunegirl15: My friend is psyco.
gokule666: so is a lot o people like well me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
kitsunegirl15: Yeah and I'm psyco for Kakashi. I think he is awesome.
gokule666: yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay
gokule666 wants to directly connect.
kitsunegirl15 is now directly connected.
kitsunegirl15: what was you trying to send me?
gokule666: a pic
kitsunegirl15: well maybe you should try sending it to me again. It might work this time
kitsunegirl15: it didn't work. How about you send it to me through email?
gokule666: it is on my site aswell but wats ur email
kitsunegirl15: you have to send it to me through this address.
kitsunegirl15: it will go through trust me
gokule666: done
kitsunegirl15: ok I should be getting it in a few
gokule666: k
kitsunegirl15: aww sweet!
gokule666: brb and plz tell me wat ur friend thinks of the pic
kitsunegirl15: ok
gokule666: so wat does she think
kitsunegirl15: she thinks it's really really hot.
kitsunegirl15: and she thanks you
gokule666: cool welcome
kitsunegirl15: lol so do you have any other interest? besides... *reads your occupation* Killing people? lol or is that just something to say?
gokule666: ya i like to watch anime anime movies watch tv listen to rock and a lot more rock ang or goth music and ya i got bored so i put that on there
kitsunegirl15: oh lol that's cool. I mainly like to listen to Japanese music and inuyasha movies
gokule666: cool
gokule666: u seem more like a kingdom hearts person though
kitsunegirl15: I do like Kingdom Hearts but I like alot of video games too.
gokule666: cool
kitsunegirl15: Do you like video games?
kitsunegirl15: LOL!!! What kind of video games?
kitsunegirl15: Wow cool! I like Naruto games and the Inuyasha games. What kind of game systems do you prefer?
gokule666: ps2
You are no longer directly connected to kitsunegirl15 because the connection has been interrupted..
gokule666: srry
kitsunegirl15 signed on at 9:14:57 PM.
gokule666: u there
kitsunegirl15: Have you heard of an anime called Yu Yu Hakusho?
gokule666: yes i have the movie
kitsunegirl15: I have several volumes. Who is your favorite charactor?
gokule666: yuske
kitsunegirl15: Ehhh he's alright...but Kurama is mine.
gokule666: oooo kurama ans kitsunegirl15 sittin a tree k i s s i n g
kitsunegirl15: stop it! Your making me blush.....
gokule666: srry
kitsunegirl15: no I'm not mad at you or anything. I've actually had the longest crush on him.
gokule666: cool
kitsunegirl15: But I am dateless, since my boyfriend broke up with me. He called me a hypocrite and some other stuff.
gokule666: i no i commented on it
kitsunegirl15: Yeah but by the way, my real name is Raven.
gokule666: hi raven
kitsunegirl15: lol yeah I should of told you sooner. Srry
gokule666: iits k
kitsunegirl15: So what state do you live in? I live in Kentucky.
gokule666: pennsylvania
kitsunegirl15: Hey we're not that far away from eachother.
gokule666: nope wanna talk on the phone
kitsunegirl15: are you wanting to talk on the phone?
kitsunegirl15: ok well brb
gokule666: k
gokule666: brb
kitsunegirl15: kk
kitsunegirl15: ok hold on
kitsunegirl15: hey what's your real name?
gokule666: ray
kitsunegirl15: ok brb
gokule666: k
gokule666: u there
kitsunegirl15: What grade are you in?
gokule666: 8 u
kitsunegirl15: 9th
gokule666: cool
kitsunegirl15: Yeah just to let you know, high school get's hard
gokule666: noooooooooooooooooooooooo
kitsunegirl15: but sometimes it's easy
gokule666: yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay
kitsunegirl15: I thought I would just let you know.
gokule666: let me know wat
kitsunegirl15: that high school is like a roller coaster. IT's hard at first but then you get used to it and it becomes easy
gokule666: cool
gokule666: so wat u doin now
kitsunegirl15: typing to you and my friend is drawing.
gokule666: drawing wat
kitsunegirl15: lol she won't let me see until she's done
gokule666: oooooooooooo a secret she has a secret she has a secret she has a secret she has a secret she has a secret
kitsunegirl15: I think she's drawing her and Itachi...
gokule666: she has a secretshe has a secretshe has a secretshe has a secretshe has a secret
gokule666: im hyper
kitsunegirl15: Well I guess that's a good thing.
kitsunegirl15: lol
gokule666: hehehe