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Beat Ikaruga all on one life, or to beat it on hard, or something like that.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
An attempted Role Play
Sum friends an I got in a chat room and decided to rp, heres the results. DONT IM THESE PEOPLE UNLESS THEIR ON YOUR LIST OR YOU KNOW THEM OR WHATEVER >=O i dont want people yellin at me
(7:11:16 PM) You have just entered room "chat11004549804005285264."
Littlekyra (7:11:37 PM): why here? xD
gs21 85 (7:11:45 PM): you can rp with just 2
gs21 85 (7:11:59 PM): roitttttt
Littlekyra (7:12:02 PM): o.0
gs21 85 (7:12:06 PM): go poke someone or somin
gs21 85 (7:12:08 PM): XD
gs21 85 (7:12:11 PM): and say get in here
gs21 85 (7:12:12 PM): ur rping
Littlekyra (7:12:14 PM): ... tree?
gs21 85 (7:12:16 PM): YES
gs21 85 (7:12:19 PM): no
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:12:21 PM): Ok!
Littlekyra (7:12:23 PM): YEANO!
gs21 85 (7:12:37 PM): only shes on msn ._.
Littlekyra (7:12:40 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:12:52 PM): nope
gs21 85 (7:12:55 PM): shes on neither
Littlekyra (7:12:59 PM): my cousins are on. they dont kno how to rp. and they're probably suck anyway :P
Littlekyra (7:13:06 PM): *they'd
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:09 PM): Uhhmm...
gs21 85 (7:13:12 PM): NO POKE NO POKE
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:17 PM): Oh! Terra is on.
gs21 85 (7:13:19 PM): do we dare ask terra?
gs21 85 (7:13:22 PM): good
gs21 85 (7:13:23 PM): shes away
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:24 PM): Wait
Littlekyra (7:13:26 PM): lol
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:28 PM): She's away
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:30 PM): xp
Littlekyra (7:13:48 PM): ... now what?
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:13:56 PM):
gs21 85 (7:14:02 PM): hmmm
gs21 85 (7:14:05 PM): AHA
gs21 85 (7:14:35 PM): nope
gs21 85 (7:14:37 PM): she doesnt want to
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:14:51 PM): grrr monkies
Littlekyra (7:14:56 PM): o.0
gs21 85 (7:14:57 PM): ROFLMAO
Littlekyra (7:14:57 PM): llamas
gs21 85 (7:15:21 PM): okidokes
gs21 85 (7:15:25 PM): my char shall be known as
gs21 85 (7:15:44 PM): LIBERADOR JUAN
Littlekyra (7:15:52 PM): o.0 wth
gs21 85 (7:15:58 PM): LOL
gs21 85 (7:15:59 PM): HOLA
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:16:05 PM): xD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:16:10 PM): snap
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:16:11 PM): brb, have to call someone for someone
gs21 85 (7:16:12 PM): and im a wrestler
Littlekyra (7:16:14 PM): I DONT GET IT T.T
gs21 85 (7:16:15 PM): and umm
gs21 85 (7:16:21 PM): XD
gs21 85 (7:16:36 PM): roflmaotdcfh
Littlekyra (7:16:40 PM): oh. my. god. do you watch mucha lucha or something? o.0;;;
gs21 85 (7:16:48 PM): LOL
Littlekyra (7:16:59 PM): PLEASE SAY NO
Littlekyra (7:17:00 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:17:31 PM): lol
gs21 85 (7:17:39 PM): i went to whatsisface
gs21 85 (7:17:42 PM): i think its burton
gs21 85 (7:17:43 PM): and im all
gs21 85 (7:17:45 PM): HEY
gs21 85 (7:17:51 PM): WANT TO RP1?!!11!?!!?!1!!?!11!?!
gs21 85 (7:17:55 PM): and hes all
gs21 85 (7:18:04 PM): no thank you
Littlekyra (7:18:10 PM): lol?
gs21 85 (7:18:13 PM): i think it was his mom again o_o;;
gs21 85 (7:18:18 PM): how embarrassing
Littlekyra (7:18:19 PM): LOL
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:18:21 PM): uhhmm...isn't that why we're here
gs21 85 (7:18:25 PM): yeah
gs21 85 (7:18:26 PM): right
gs21 85 (7:18:28 PM): hmmm
Littlekyra (7:18:31 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:18:39 PM): wolf person
gs21 85 (7:18:41 PM): do you have msn?
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:18:48 PM): >.>
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:18:52 PM): no
gs21 85 (7:18:54 PM): o ok
Littlekyra (7:18:57 PM): :3 meh does.
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:19:06 PM): lucky, i want one
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:19:15 PM):
Littlekyra (7:19:19 PM): :P
Littlekyra (7:19:28 PM): :-D
Littlekyra (7:19:54 PM): x-X the song. it just. keeps. playing. HEY. i have homework.
Littlekyra (7:19:57 PM): math homework
Littlekyra (7:20:09 PM): multiplying fractions. it's fun o.0;;
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:20:26 PM): I did that already
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:20:29 PM): x3
Littlekyra (7:20:40 PM): :O
gs21 85 (7:20:49 PM): hullo
wanachana (7:20:56 PM): O====
Littlekyra (7:20:57 PM): OMG. PERSON.
wanachana (7:20:59 PM): OY!
gs21 85 (7:21:02 PM): NUTSERS
gs21 85 (7:21:04 PM): 0.o
wanachana (7:21:06 PM): YEH
Littlekyra (7:21:10 PM): teh zorziz
wanachana (7:21:18 PM): Who are all these peoples?
gs21 85 (7:21:22 PM): eumeumeum
Littlekyra (7:21:22 PM): people :3
gs21 85 (7:21:24 PM): no idea
Littlekyra (7:21:29 PM): >O
gs21 85 (7:21:32 PM): kyra went on mizuho for about a day
Littlekyra (7:21:33 PM): MEANI
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:21:40 PM): hi
Littlekyra (7:21:43 PM): yea. :3 i kicked myselg out.
gs21 85 (7:21:43 PM): no idea bout blackwolf
wanachana (7:21:48 PM): lol XD
Littlekyra (7:21:51 PM): *myself.
Littlekyra (7:21:58 PM): [im grammar obsessed. :3]
gs21 85 (7:21:59 PM): while were on that point
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:22:02 PM): grr
gs21 85 (7:22:06 PM): who are you? XDXDXD
wanachana (7:22:11 PM): then you would have noticed
Littlekyra (7:22:11 PM): xDD
wanachana (7:22:12 PM): *I
gs21 85 (7:22:12 PM): im just going through the list
wanachana (7:22:13 PM): XD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:22:14 PM): im running erands
wanachana (7:22:19 PM): O=
Littlekyra (7:22:20 PM): bye?
wanachana (7:22:23 PM): Errands are cool
wanachana (7:22:24 PM): see you
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:22:27 PM): >.>
Littlekyra (7:22:54 PM): -cricket-
gs21 85 (7:22:57 PM): ROIT
gs21 85 (7:22:59 PM): so
wanachana (7:23:00 PM): *eats cricket*
Littlekyra (7:23:02 PM): :O
gs21 85 (7:23:05 PM): my character is LIBERADOR JUAN
Littlekyra (7:23:05 PM): oh my god
gs21 85 (7:23:11 PM): cool
Littlekyra (7:23:11 PM): GS WATCHED MUCHA LUCHA
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:23:11 PM):
gs21 85 (7:23:18 PM): du not
gs21 85 (7:23:21 PM): lier
Littlekyra (7:23:22 PM): yer :3
gs21 85 (7:23:22 PM): only a little
wanachana (7:23:26 PM): o.o
Littlekyra (7:23:27 PM): o.o
wanachana (7:23:28 PM): o_o
Littlekyra (7:23:32 PM): o_o
gs21 85 (7:23:32 PM): -_;
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:23:33 PM): o. o
wanachana (7:23:35 PM): o__o
wanachana (7:23:37 PM): o___o
Littlekyra (7:23:38 PM): o__o
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:23:39 PM): O.o
gs21 85 (7:23:42 PM): eww
Littlekyra (7:23:43 PM): O.o
Littlekyra (7:23:44 PM): ...
Littlekyra (7:23:47 PM): NUU
wanachana (7:23:48 PM): ladies
Littlekyra (7:23:50 PM): IM TOO YOUNG
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:23:50 PM): yay for faces!
gs21 85 (7:23:51 PM): LOL
gs21 85 (7:23:59 PM): woot for inside jokes stolen from sizra
Littlekyra (7:24:05 PM): xD
wanachana (7:24:06 PM): :'D
Littlekyra (7:24:15 PM): i cant drink anything!! xD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:24:21 PM): why?
gs21 85 (7:24:26 PM): cool
Littlekyra (7:24:27 PM): im laauuugghiing??
wanachana (7:24:28 PM): Drink anyway
Littlekyra (7:24:29 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:24:31 PM): his most recent joke is:
gs21 85 (7:24:40 PM): i think that idiots should wear signs
gs21 85 (7:24:41 PM): theys ay
gs21 85 (7:24:45 PM): i am an idiot
Littlekyra (7:24:54 PM): OOHH, i did that once.
gs21 85 (7:24:54 PM): so that people will know not to rely on them
gs21 85 (7:24:58 PM): so you would be like
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:24:59 PM):
gs21 85 (7:25:05 PM): oh hello, wait never mind, didnt see your sign
wanachana (7:25:06 PM): awww XD
Littlekyra (7:25:12 PM): LOL
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:25:13 PM): wahh, why you making fun of me?
gs21 85 (7:25:17 PM): no
wanachana (7:25:18 PM): *huggles black wolf* ^-^
gs21 85 (7:25:28 PM): o.o
Littlekyra (7:25:31 PM): o.o
gs21 85 (7:25:33 PM): O_O
Littlekyra (7:25:36 PM): ....
Littlekyra (7:25:38 PM): OHHH NO
wanachana (7:25:42 PM): o.o
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:25:44 PM): *pencil in hand* I'm an idiot!
Littlekyra (7:25:44 PM): im not copying that
gs21 85 (7:25:55 PM): lol
wanachana (7:26:07 PM): *lick*
gs21 85 (7:26:12 PM): o.o
Littlekyra (7:26:13 PM): O>
gs21 85 (7:26:19 PM): no.0
Littlekyra (7:26:23 PM): xD
Littlekyra (7:26:25 PM): o.0
gs21 85 (7:26:28 PM): EEP
gs21 85 (7:26:33 PM): grabs shirt
Littlekyra (7:26:33 PM): MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
gs21 85 (7:26:34 PM): lolmao
Littlekyra (7:26:35 PM): jk
Littlekyra (7:26:37 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:26:38 PM): o ok
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:26:44 PM):
wanachana (7:26:45 PM): yay
Littlekyra (7:26:48 PM): shirts dont work O.O
gs21 85 (7:26:58 PM): o ok
gs21 85 (7:26:59 PM): ...
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:26:59 PM): shirts are yummy tho
Littlekyra (7:27:03 PM): o.0 nu
gs21 85 (7:27:05 PM): 0o.o
gs21 85 (7:27:09 PM): o.0
Littlekyra (7:27:10 PM): ...
Littlekyra (7:27:12 PM): OMG
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:27:16 PM):
gs21 85 (7:27:21 PM): we have to make weird faces at people
Littlekyra (7:27:24 PM): o.0 0.o o.0 0.o o.0 0.o o.0 0.o
gs21 85 (7:27:25 PM): whenever they do somin stupid
wanachana (7:27:32 PM): *_#
Littlekyra (7:27:37 PM): o
gs21 85 (7:27:37 PM): no like o.o
gs21 85 (7:27:38 PM): and such
Littlekyra (7:27:41 PM): then i get weird faces all the time
gs21 85 (7:27:43 PM): like wit the muchalucha thing
gs21 85 (7:27:45 PM): XD
gs21 85 (7:27:51 PM): its a cool show toh
Littlekyra (7:27:52 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:27:53 PM): seriously
Littlekyra (7:27:55 PM): NO ITS NOTTTT
gs21 85 (7:27:58 PM): theres the little midget and hes
Littlekyra (7:27:59 PM): its shutpiiid
gs21 85 (7:28:00 PM): all
Littlekyra (7:28:10 PM): wtf
Littlekyra (7:28:11 PM): lol
wanachana (7:28:13 PM): XD muchalucha is scary...
gs21 85 (7:28:15 PM): and they turn into a bowlin pin
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:28:17 PM): -. -;;
gs21 85 (7:28:18 PM): and hes a ball
wanachana (7:28:18 PM): is that the one with the flea?
gs21 85 (7:28:22 PM): YEAH
Littlekyra (7:28:23 PM): ..ya
gs21 85 (7:28:23 PM): XD
gs21 85 (7:28:25 PM): the flea
Littlekyra (7:28:25 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:28:27 PM): lolmao
wanachana (7:28:32 PM): OMG XD HE'S HOT
Littlekyra (7:28:32 PM): flea sucks.
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:28:33 PM): he tastes good
Littlekyra (7:28:34 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:28:37 PM): oh noooooooo
wanachana (7:28:40 PM): >.> <.< That's the only thing I liek
Littlekyra (7:28:40 PM): :O
gs21 85 (7:28:43 PM): flea is pwnage
Littlekyra (7:28:43 PM): lol
gs21 85 (7:28:44 PM): XD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:28:48 PM): *eats him*
Littlekyra (7:28:51 PM): ... o.o
wanachana (7:28:55 PM): ;D
Littlekyra (7:28:55 PM): wtf
gs21 85 (7:28:58 PM): everyone but wolf
gs21 85 (7:29:04 PM): if you hav vohveli on your msn list
gs21 85 (7:29:10 PM): do a nudge attack!
gs21 85 (7:29:11 PM): XD
Littlekyra (7:29:15 PM): ... psh
Littlekyra (7:29:16 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:29:26 PM): her away message ses
gs21 85 (7:29:30 PM): nudge if u need me
Littlekyra (7:29:40 PM): lol
gs21 85 (7:29:54 PM): right, rp
gs21 85 (7:29:55 PM): XD
gs21 85 (7:30:00 PM): sooooooooooo
Littlekyra (7:30:05 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:30:09 PM): ill start it
gs21 85 (7:30:12 PM): ~~~~
gs21 85 (7:30:29 PM): John the plumber walked into the plaza feeling ready for a good day at work
gs21 85 (7:30:42 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:30:44 PM): LOL
gs21 85 (7:31:01 PM): hmm
gs21 85 (7:31:08 PM): awkward silence
gs21 85 (7:31:26 PM): o.o
Littlekyra (7:31:27 PM): The doors at Wal-Mart were locked. A giant pink blob by the name of Bobert walked through the music section and glomped everything up.
gs21 85 (7:31:47 PM): YOU MADE IT SILLY
gs21 85 (7:31:50 PM): xD
Littlekyra (7:31:57 PM): [bobert rocks xD]
gs21 85 (7:32:00 PM): LOLMAO
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:32:06 PM): wtf x3'
gs21 85 (7:32:10 PM): okokook
gs21 85 (7:32:14 PM): then john realized
gs21 85 (7:32:20 PM): OH DEAR!
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:32:23 PM): *starts*
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:32:27 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:32:44 PM): roflmaotdcfh
Littlekyra (7:33:01 PM): tdcfh?
gs21 85 (7:33:02 PM): im just imagining a guy with a backpack walking into a building
gs21 85 (7:33:08 PM): and going OH DEAR
Littlekyra (7:33:17 PM): [xD]
gs21 85 (7:33:21 PM): roit
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:33:21 PM): *is it supposed to be silly?*
gs21 85 (7:33:24 PM): no
Littlekyra (7:33:28 PM): [i can only imagine my grandma]
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:33:28 PM): *ok*
gs21 85 (7:33:31 PM): its completely serious
gs21 85 (7:33:32 PM): so
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:33:32 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:33:33 PM): anyway
Littlekyra (7:33:37 PM): omg no more bob?
gs21 85 (7:33:41 PM): yeah
gs21 85 (7:33:42 PM): hes silly
gs21 85 (7:33:44 PM): SO ANYWAY
Littlekyra (7:33:45 PM): TT.TT
gs21 85 (7:33:57 PM): john wondered what he would do
gs21 85 (7:33:59 PM): but then
gs21 85 (7:34:02 PM): all of a sudden
gs21 85 (7:34:07 PM): he was eaten by a cat
gs21 85 (7:34:10 PM): end of chapter 1
gs21 85 (7:34:13 PM): XD
Littlekyra (7:34:17 PM): Ashley walked down the street. She suddenly turned into BOBERT the PINK BLOB OF DOOM.
Littlekyra (7:34:21 PM): xDDDDDDDD
gs21 85 (7:34:29 PM): end of chapter 1
Littlekyra (7:34:32 PM): awww
Littlekyra (7:34:34 PM): but
Littlekyra (7:34:34 PM): but
gs21 85 (7:34:34 PM): that was like a prologue
Littlekyra (7:34:39 PM): how can he get eaten
gs21 85 (7:34:42 PM): now its serious =o
Littlekyra (7:34:43 PM): by a friggen cat
gs21 85 (7:34:49 PM): IT WAS A BIG CAT
Littlekyra (7:34:52 PM): xD
Littlekyra (7:34:54 PM): THEN SAY SO
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:35:04 PM): *sorry for all the cute questions but ehm, what time is this?*
Littlekyra (7:35:18 PM): [12:00]
Littlekyra (7:35:21 PM): [:3]
gs21 85 (7:35:25 PM): *7:35 et may 16th 2006*
gs21 85 (7:35:31 PM): *now for real XD*
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:35:41 PM): *I mean in the rp..-. -;;*
Littlekyra (7:35:41 PM): [nu uhhhh ish 7:33]
Littlekyra (7:35:57 PM): [IT'S 12:00 IN THE RP... both am and pm. :3\
gs21 85 (7:36:01 PM): *dunn*
gs21 85 (7:36:05 PM): o
gs21 85 (7:36:07 PM): so anyway
gs21 85 (7:36:09 PM): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
gs21 85 (7:36:26 PM): jack ran into the street and stared at the smoke in the distance
gs21 85 (7:36:29 PM): *dunno lol*
gs21 85 (7:36:29 PM): XD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:36:39 PM): *errr...this is confusing*
gs21 85 (7:36:58 PM): *ignore the bit about john, the cat, ashley, and bobert*
Littlekyra (7:37:16 PM): Bob ran into the street and fell down. "OH DEAR!" he screamed in fright as he was ran over by BOB...jk... he was ran over by a girl wheeling her wagon. "OH DEAR!" said the girl.
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:37:20 PM): *I meant like year old days present day?*
gs21 85 (7:37:37 PM): o.o
gs21 85 (7:37:54 PM): this is serious stuff
Littlekyra (7:38:04 PM): The girl ran home to her mother and told her the story of what happened. "OH DEAR!" said her mother. Then it passed to the father. "OH DEAR!" he screamed
Littlekyra (7:38:08 PM): [im bein serious]
gs21 85 (7:38:15 PM): wait my turn
gs21 85 (7:38:20 PM): jack burst through the door
Littlekyra (7:38:36 PM): "OH DEAR!" the all screamed.
gs21 85 (7:38:47 PM): then all of a sudden
Littlekyra (7:38:47 PM): Then they did nothing.
gs21 85 (7:39:05 PM): an enormous cat jumped through the window and ate them all
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:39:09 PM): *I know it's serious! What century? Present, Past?
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:39:12 PM): *
gs21 85 (7:39:15 PM): (except jack because he didnt have enough room in his tummy)
Littlekyra (7:39:23 PM): "OH DEAR!" they all screamed.
gs21 85 (7:39:38 PM): the end
gs21 85 (7:39:51 PM): now can we do a serious rp -_-;
gs21 85 (7:40:00 PM): that was the warm up thign
Littlekyra (7:40:01 PM): xDDD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:40:09 PM): -.-;;
gs21 85 (7:40:16 PM): roit
gs21 85 (7:40:20 PM): its like tos time
gs21 85 (7:40:21 PM): u know
Littlekyra (7:40:24 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:40:25 PM): swords and such
gs21 85 (7:40:27 PM): YEAH
Littlekyra (7:40:27 PM): D:
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:40:28 PM): ohh
gs21 85 (7:40:29 PM): exactly
Littlekyra (7:40:29 PM): nu
Littlekyra (7:40:30 PM): xD
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:40:30 PM): okie
gs21 85 (7:40:34 PM): its not actually tos
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:40:38 PM): thanks :3
Littlekyra (7:40:38 PM): YEANO. idk. havent played ToS in forever
gs21 85 (7:40:39 PM): its just that era thing amajig
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:40:47 PM): I know.
gs21 85 (7:40:49 PM): roit
Littlekyra (7:40:53 PM): meh losted it x-X
gs21 85 (7:40:55 PM): you start
gs21 85 (7:41:02 PM): =o
Littlekyra (7:41:03 PM): idk how
gs21 85 (7:41:13 PM): just jump out a window or somin
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:41:21 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:41:21 PM): but no saying oh dear
Littlekyra (7:41:22 PM): ...
Littlekyra (7:41:23 PM): xD
Littlekyra (7:41:25 PM): DAMNIT
gs21 85 (7:41:34 PM): or oh my
gs21 85 (7:41:38 PM): or holy crow
Littlekyra (7:41:41 PM): I jumped out the window and died. The End.
gs21 85 (7:41:42 PM): or holy cow
gs21 85 (7:41:52 PM): and then a cat walked along
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:41:55 PM): ergghhh..7:41, I must leave to do my homework, nite all, bye.
gs21 85 (7:41:58 PM): it took a big sh*t
Littlekyra (7:41:59 PM): bye
gs21 85 (7:42:03 PM): ontop of "I"
gs21 85 (7:42:06 PM): OH DEAR
Littlekyra (7:42:09 PM): gs!! stop makin it not-serious
gs21 85 (7:42:13 PM): -_-;
Littlekyra (7:42:17 PM): :3
Littlekyra (7:42:30 PM): STEPH'S ON
Littlekyra (7:42:31 PM): xD
gs21 85 (7:42:37 PM): ibet im more of a pokemaster than you
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:42:37 PM): *waves* bye
BlackWolf9wx5 (7:42:43 PM):
gs21 85 (7:42:47 PM): buh bye
Littlekyra (7:42:49 PM): bye
gs21 85 (7:43:14 PM): im the greatest pokemon master
Littlekyra (7:43:14 PM): oo. lets do a pokemon rp xD
gs21 85 (7:43:17 PM): aight
gs21 85 (7:43:20 PM): i choose you
gs21 85 (7:43:22 PM): SQUIRTLE
Littlekyra (7:43:22 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:43:30 PM): =]
gs21 85 (7:43:39 PM): water gunnnnnnnn
Littlekyra (7:43:46 PM): *pops out of the ball* Squirtle! *water guns you*
gs21 85 (7:43:47 PM): *squirtle pulls out a water gun*
gs21 85 (7:44:04 PM): and a tiny stream of water comes out
gs21 85 (7:44:11 PM): squirtle looks depressed
gs21 85 (7:44:14 PM): he goes to get some beer
gs21 85 (7:44:17 PM): umm
gs21 85 (7:44:24 PM): your next! pikachuuuuuuuu
Littlekyra (7:44:36 PM): I SHOES YOU. Eh, screw this. *throws pokeball down and walks away*
gs21 85 (7:44:40 PM): pikachu pops out of ball
gs21 85 (7:44:44 PM): and looks around
gs21 85 (7:44:49 PM): then follows squirtle
gs21 85 (7:45:11 PM): hmm
Littlekyra (7:45:15 PM): Next person: I CHOOSE YOU, STEPHANIE!
gs21 85 (7:45:25 PM): 0.o
gs21 85 (7:45:26 PM): no
Littlekyra (7:45:33 PM): xDDD
gs21 85 (7:45:41 PM): stephanie pops out of the ball
gs21 85 (7:45:47 PM): and follows squirtle and pikachu
gs21 85 (7:45:56 PM): ._.
Littlekyra (7:46:06 PM): I CHOOSE YOU. COW.
gs21 85 (7:46:10 PM): mooooooooooooooooo!
Littlekyra (7:46:10 PM): Cow: PWNZORZIZ
gs21 85 (7:46:14 PM): NO YOU IDIOT
gs21 85 (7:46:17 PM): 'UR SUPPOSED TO SAY COW
Littlekyra (7:46:20 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:46:24 PM): moo?
Littlekyra (7:46:28 PM): xDD
Littlekyra (7:46:33 PM): YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAID MOO
Littlekyra (7:46:34 PM): xDDD
gs21 85 (7:46:46 PM): THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN
gs21 85 (7:46:50 PM): A CAT EATS THE COW
gs21 85 (7:46:56 PM): oh dear says the pokemon trainer
Littlekyra (7:47:00 PM): Cow: OMFGPWNZORZIZ
gs21 85 (7:47:12 PM): but by now
gs21 85 (7:47:17 PM): the cats tummy is all fully wullie
gs21 85 (7:47:23 PM): so he popsie wopsies
Littlekyra (7:47:39 PM): Cow: OMFGWTFPWNZ
gs21 85 (7:47:51 PM): then cloud walks along
gs21 85 (7:47:57 PM): hefting a tennis racket
gs21 85 (7:48:09 PM): he starts to talk but is hit by a flying wagon
gs21 85 (7:48:37 PM): and then the cow said
Littlekyra (7:48:40 PM): Kratos goes over to the poop as it is now alive. He starts trying to kill it, but gets eaten.
gs21 85 (7:48:50 PM): so kratos heard this
gs21 85 (7:48:56 PM): and started going over to the poop
gs21 85 (7:49:00 PM): but gets eaten
gs21 85 (7:49:04 PM): o.0
Littlekyra (7:49:08 PM): o.0
Littlekyra (7:49:09 PM): WTF
Littlekyra (7:49:10 PM): OMG
Littlekyra (7:49:15 PM): ... *covers self*
gs21 85 (7:49:23 PM): but remember
gs21 85 (7:49:25 PM): shirts dun work
Littlekyra (7:49:29 PM): i kno
Littlekyra (7:49:32 PM): im using my hands
Littlekyra (7:49:33 PM): :3
gs21 85 (7:49:34 PM): i see
gs21 85 (7:49:39 PM): you must have huge hands
Littlekyra (7:49:47 PM): nope not really-HEY
gs21 85 (7:49:50 PM): lol
Littlekyra (7:49:53 PM): do you WANT to see?!?!
Littlekyra (7:49:55 PM): OMFG
Littlekyra (7:49:58 PM): PERV
Littlekyra (7:50:03 PM): *throws shoe at you*
gs21 85 (7:50:14 PM): what shoe?
Littlekyra (7:50:18 PM): the shoe
Littlekyra (7:50:19 PM): that
gs21 85 (7:50:23 PM): LOL
Littlekyra (7:50:24 PM): was on YOUR foot
Littlekyra (7:50:25 PM): yea
gs21 85 (7:50:28 PM): oh ok
gs21 85 (7:50:29 PM): good
gs21 85 (7:50:36 PM): o.-,
Littlekyra (7:50:47 PM): FREE GLOMP TIME
Littlekyra (7:50:48 PM): ...
gs21 85 (7:50:52 PM): *runs away*
Littlekyra (7:51:02 PM): ...T.T
Littlekyra (7:51:03 PM): ...
Littlekyra (7:51:15 PM): dunt runn
gs21 85 (7:51:16 PM): peers out of a tree*
Littlekyra (7:51:37 PM): ... *sits on the floor* nu glomps..
gs21 85 (7:51:51 PM): *falls out of tree and lands on cat guts*
Littlekyra (7:52:02 PM): ... *looks at you then looks back at the floor*
gs21 85 (7:52:25 PM): *ded*
gs21 85 (7:52:31 PM): IX
Littlekyra (7:52:37 PM): NUU DUNT DAII
Littlekyra (7:52:40 PM): *cookie of life*
gs21 85 (7:52:50 PM): *eats cookie of life*
gs21 85 (7:52:53 PM): LOL
Littlekyra (7:53:14 PM): YEY *glomps you*
gs21 85 (7:53:23 PM): *ack*
gs21 85 (7:53:26 PM): lolmao
gs21 85 (7:54:11 PM): *cant breathe* XD
gs21 85 (7:54:41 PM): OH DEAR
Littlekyra (7:54:43 PM): D: *gets off*
gs21 85 (7:54:44 PM): *DED*
gs21 85 (7:54:45 PM): oh wait
Littlekyra (7:54:48 PM): HAHA
gs21 85 (7:54:48 PM): just in time XD
gs21 85 (7:55:41 PM): i have to do homework
gs21 85 (7:55:46 PM): its almost 8 o klok
gs21 85 (7:55:56 PM): i wish chess was on
gs21 85 (7:56:02 PM): actually no
gs21 85 (7:56:05 PM): hes a bit too random
Littlekyra (7:57:26 PM): ...
Littlekyra (8:00:40 PM): meh bored
Littlekyra (8:07:00 PM): BOO *glomps* meh, im bored.
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