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Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Princess of Mer (02/08/05)

nice site...heard from a fwen..got problem w/ puttin up piccies on mi site....can u help me?

Broken Wings (12/25/04)

I love your stuff(which usually means i've added you as a friend)

Pita-Ten (12/16/04)

Hey! read and black kewl. Everything else is nice too.^_^

asuka girl (12/15/04)

love ur site it is awsome!!!!!!check out mine sometime and tell me what you think of art and whatever lese is on there!!!!

asuka girl*Maddie*

Kagoto Yumi Hesh (12/14/04)

nice site, love the colors, check mine out when u gat the chance plz

em si hsoJ (12/14/04)

wow 107 fan art submisions O.o *amazed* how long have you been drawing? I love the way you sketch things so much :) wish I could draw like that...

chikki (12/02/04)

hiyah! I just dropped by your guestbook on my way in and out of your site, cus im very polite...And i wanted to make you happy:) Its almost christmas!Good luck with gift shopping, or making :)

porkpip (11/11/04)

hi. thanks for taggin my gb! i really like youre drawings too.

Fabrice Goosens (11/10/04)

hey hey! Very cool site. Well, I came here by random member and.. well decided to sign the guestbook! I hope you get a chance to sign mine too! thanks and bye.


drakula (11/04/04)

vlood everywhere mmmmmm, yummy^-^ Don't worry death comes to all it's inevitalbe. Sorry don't go kill yourself again, just kidding. Your site is cool I'm going to add you as my friend.

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