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Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Posion Fangs (03/17/07)

Hey pretty cool site that you got going here love all the colors. I'm just passing by and found your site I decided to sign hope you can return the favor. Well hope to see you around the O sometime and wish you best of Luck.
~Posion Fangs

My Deadly Wound (03/14/07)

i love your site, bye byes.

MistressoDarkness (03/12/07)

i like your site an your avatar, anyways... i need some new friends and i was going to add you in hopes that you would do the same!! Anyways... you can sign my gb whenever you want!!!

Magnus Lensherr (03/08/07)


Nice site you have here i adore the colours you have chosen for this place! Its so fantastically well put together and everything is so neat and man its beautiful and welcoming1

You seem liek an amazing person also so i hoep that we can be friends and exchange comments1 It would be amazng to get to knwo you better!

Man and you have been here for so long as well ~ Loosa t your join date and bows ~ I love meeting Otaku veterans! Its liek being in the shadow of greatness ~ Nods ~

I wish you the best of luck with your site and your life and ill see you around!

Only Darkness Will Live On For Eternity

Yoshima (02/04/07)

Hiya i'm JD GF and just wanted to thank you for singing me gb!
oooooh cool dark colors!
well i'm adding ya as a friend k!
I like COOKIES!!!

JD Person (02/03/07)

cool, you are a person's zombie pet?
i'm my lover's pet,
just not a zombie
i'm more like a puppy

well i'd like to get to know you
sign back and i'll add you
if that's okay.

♥ JD Person ♥

Wensdayskitten (01/29/07)

Your pictures that I looked at were nice. Unfourtunately, I can't comment on every single one... Darn my fingers they get tired easily!

kayaxy (01/28/07)

you are soooooooo cool adding!!!!

KAgoME121356 (01/23/07)


Patsuyas (01/23/07)

I saw your artwork!! It rules!! Your Ed pics are totally awesome!! So are your other pics...^.^! I'm adding you as a friend if thats ok...

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