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Thursday, May 5, 2005

--Contest Info---

Contest extended till the end of May.
All you gotta do is do -something- based on a song (any song, but you gotta tell me what it is) Art, fiction (fan or otherwise), wallpapers, and so on.

Prizes range from manga to figures (I'm getting tired of listing them T_T)
There will be three winners (if that many people even enter XD;) the first place winner will pick a prize they want first... 2nd goes next and picks from what is left, and same for third.

PM me with questions.

---New Art---

Wow, I'm actually posting something. Moving out of my apartment, and I'm scanning some things before packing them away out of fear of loosing them XD;;

Both sketch...one original, one fanart.

And, I'm officially done with classes today *dies*

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Due to a series of unfortunate events, I will no longer be selling prints at Acen.

I was supposed to do it on Friday, but because of all kinds of things, I won't even be there on Friday T_T *cries*

I will, however, be there Saturday and Sunday.

If anyone is still interested in prints or stickers, I can sell them off of my website.

--Contest Info---

Contest extended till the end of May.

No new art...very busy ~_~

But I've got a light saber spoon now. It's red. Badass.

but since I feel I should post -something-, here's a random site that kicks ass.

click here

I dunno the name T_T it's in Japanese and I can't read kanji.

Lovely Xenosaga art though (and it's great if you love the URTVs since that what is there XD)

Most is "safe" (ie=can be viewed anywhere)... unless shirtles boys and a rather odd pic of Albedo and a Kirschwasser (argh, I can't spell) are offensive (then again, maybe not so much the Kirschasser...it's only disturbing since I played the game XD;;)

Under the junk images, there's a cute one of Albedo tickleing Rubedo XD so cute~ (there's also one of Rubedo all up on Albedo that's nicely done... minus the fact that Rubedo looks psychotic and Albedo looks uke *snirks*)

The artist draws Albedo really well T_T *fangirl*

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

No new art. Too much homework.

Randomly though, I did throw some stuff up on the cosplay site to help get it started ^_^ if you guys haven't seen it, go check it out cause it's super cool.

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Monday, April 25, 2005

New art posted... only one, it's original and class related.

It's also 1am, why am I stil up doing homework? *dies*

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Randomly, don't expect much new art (minus the request and pic swap I'm currently working on) because I totally just got slammed with several new projects due for classes ~_~

3 projects + Exam + 5 page Essay + Acen = No free time.

I cry T_T I'm so stressed out *dies*

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Still running a contest

Contest update. I'm going to be selling an ASSLOAD of my figure collection because I need money like you wouldn't believe. Because of this, they will be added to the prizes for the contest. Anything left over will be sold on Ebay.

Figures include

*FF8 figures (minus Squall..6 total?)
*Ghost in the Shell - White out
*Amitage III McFarlane figure
*Vash McFarlane figures (normal and black version)
*American McGee's Alice White Rabbit figure
*Shiva and Siren summon figures
*Japanese FF8 figures (Irvine, Squall, Zell, and Quistis)
*Cammy from Street Fighter
*Japanese Vash figure (I forget the maker)

and I think that's it XD;;

But, anyway, will have pics soonish for the ebay auctions. If you win and happen to want one instead of the previously listen 3 prizes (FMA phone strap, Sasuke from Naruto capsule figure, and Inu Yasha manga vol 1+2), let me know if you win XD;


Art update

Added new pic (Tom Riddle)...black and white... done for class.

It was only added so I could point out what was going to be sold at Acen XD *dies*

Here are the prints I'll be selling at Acen--

**Tom Riddle

**Harajuku Boy

**Goku fro Saiyuki

Stickers include--




**Edward Elric

**Alphonse Elric (not yet finished...to match the above)

**Cloud and Aeris (Advent Children...not yet finished)


I'm not printing very many of each ^^; I don't expect to sell them XD *dies* So if anyone would like to purchase leftovers of anything, let me know and I'll hold some for you ^_^

And, randomly, Acen is near Chicago XD;;Since someone asked last time ^^;

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Omigawd, I post something!
Actually gonna post some art XD; not much...

One pic *dies* A five second sketch of Tres Ikusu (Ekusu? My Japanese is getting rusty T_T) from Trinity Blood~ Because I loves him.

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Randomly, in case anyone is actually interested, I will be selling prints and possibly stickers at ACen this year. J actually managed to get a table after much angst XD;;; (much love to J)

I'd say that if you're going I'll be easy to find, but as I'm VERY short and there will be tons of people, that will probably not be the case *shot dead* But I will be cosplaying as Goku from Saiyuki once again XD;;;

However XD If anyone from MyO will actually be there and manages to track me down, let me know and I'll draw you a sketch for free ^_~

*randomly, I prolly won't be doing commissions while there XD;;; and will prolly be selling only various prints and stickers)*

All left overs will be sold through my website (Ahaahaa XD I'm sure they'll be TONS) So if anyone here wants a specific pic I've done as a sticker or something, let me know ^_^

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Still running a contest XD I bet you guys are sick of hearing about it now, ne?

No new art... but I did post a new Bleach wallpaper.

and I'm randomly pimping this site because it rocks.

Duo Brand

Click it. They do really nice FMA art XD Mostly Hughes... or HughesxRoy... They've also got a lotr dedicated site with lots of pretty things. Some of them are pretty amusing XD and some are super cute~ (and then theres AragornxBoromir stuff... heart)

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Stil no new art XD *shot*

Contest still going on XD;;

I'm also still trying to figure out who else to cosplay T_T I'm already doing (yokai) Goku from Saiyuki... I might just do Gaiden Goku as well... but doing Goku so much seems...boring ~_~;;; *dies*

I thought about Jr from Xenosaga, since my bro wanted to do Albedo... but that'll have to wait till AnimeReactor rather than Anime Central (AR is in November-ish? ACen is in May XD;;) I'm also still trying to decide on 2nd game outfit or the 1st game outfit...argh.

I usually cosplay as guys ^^;; but I sorta wanna cosplay as Rukia from Bleach (see post below) just so I can have the pimp shinigame glove XD

*rolls* Can't decide... ~_~ and it's boring to re-use my Bridget costume from last year.

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