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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New stuff
One new pic (from my printmaking class, yo) Some random guy in Harajuku inspired clothes (cause, omigawd, I miss Harajuku T_T) So~ it's color monotype, screentone, ink. Fun. Overly complicated, but fun. And...erhm... he's saying "yo" XD;;;

More arts maybe later. I is the busy T_T and don't have time for anything.

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Monday, February 7, 2005

Random new art...
Mostly original stuff... Two pics of Toby, who's a kitty boy with a pumpkin on his head ^^; And that guy with no arms that I draw all over the place (who's decided he wants a name, so he's Malachai now XD;) I started a manga recently, and he's in it... along with that guy in the "red room" pic in my gallery... but I've only got one nice page T_T so there won't be any posting of that till I have a few more pages done XD; There's also a pic of Okita from Peace Maker Kurogane XD I also posted an old Naruto pic since it's not on my website anymore (redoing things again *dies*)

...and went and added a third Peacemaker Kurogane wallpaper (Tetsu and Ryoma, because I love him... crazy cowboy samurai...thing)

and went and commented on like... a ton of stuff in Ebony's gallery O_o cause I was bored and was like "oh~ cute art from someone I know XD"
...and it made me feel a bit better cause I wasn't the only one updating at like 1 am, it seems O_o unless Ebony's time zone is different from mine ^^;;;

also redid a pic I posted recently... the one of that dead guy.


it's mostly better ... 'cept I think one of his hands is too big now ~_~

And anyone waiting on me to get my webcomic up has to wait... I'm working on doujinshi with a friend of mine currently ^^ However, you prolly won't be seeing anything on it unless you go to ACen and buy a copy ^^; It's Final Fantasy VII related, but it's also hentai *dies* I was bribed well ~_~; His half is CloudxTifa and mine is YuffiexReno (cause I like uke Reno ^^; poor guy gets pushed around by the girls too? *shot dead*)
The cover for it will be normal enough XD;; so I might post that when I get it finished.

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Sunday, February 6, 2005

New Wallpapers
Cause I like wallpapers, I made more XD and because there seems to be very few Peace Maker Kurogane wallpapers, I went and made some of those ^_^ currently, I've uploaded 2 but I'm working on another one as I type this XD So there may possibly be another one...

Gonna upload some new sketches tomorrow... One of which is also Peace Maker related ^_~

Randomly, I'm totally shocked that my wallpaper of Scar from FullMetal Alchemist is the most popular one in my galleryO_O wtf? I hate it so, so much *dies* I took the time to edit some of the bits of rock that were missing and such so that's nice... but I was too lazy to edit out a seam in the image I was using so there's a big line down the middle ^^; It drive me nuts, really *cries* If I edited out the seam, it would've been a nicer wallpaper T_T

But I'm glad 172 people seemed to like it ^_~ *dances*

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Thursday, February 3, 2005

New sketch... done on lines paper... I didn't bother to clean this one up, so you can see my notes from class XD;

Sephiroth from FF7 because I was being fangirly over Trailer 4. Everyone, go watch it XD

I did a new Plague Doc pic... Ohohoho, he's shirtless cause Purgatory mentioned it and then I couldn't stop thinking about it T_T but I've misplaced it *cries* Will scan when I finds it though~

Randomly, I love Peace Maker Kurogane *heart* I wanna draw Okita and Saizo, but I have too much homework *dies*

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Tuesday, February 1, 2005

omigawd, new stuff XD
only one new thing T_T *dies* new sketch


okay, I lied. Two new pics. Both sketches... one is original (or some dead guy?) and the other is sort of fanart... a self portrait done for class, but I'm cosplaying Goku in it.

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

I'm officially crazy

Is it totally weird to think that dolls can have personalities? O_o

Because I'm randomly obsessing over them, you get pictures of Sylvie and Crais... My super dollfies~

I swear, it looks like he's smiling in that photo O_O or something... he normally looks rather cranky and evil ^^; but not so much here.

And this is just my fave photo of him currently~ *heart*

Sylvie and some of Crais ^^; She looks so creepy here O_o mostly she just looks cute and sweet, but she's super creepy here!

They'll get their own website eventually... I'm working on it ^^; Crais demands I hurry up and get it finished, but Sylvie doesn't mind so much that it isn't complete yet *laughs*

I think Crais is hoping a website will motivate me to buy/make him more things since Sylvie has more than he does ^^; (at least I made him a new hat recently XD; he seemed to be satisfied with that, for a little while at least ~_~)

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

sort of an update from the last post...

so I should be specific ^^; *dies* I was Goku from Saiyuki. Here's the pic I mentioned I had, since Kuroneko wanted to see~


linky, linky. Me and Greg Ayres (who does Goku's english voice, if you didn't know)
Argh, my squinty asian eyes! *laughs* I look horrible in the pic, I warn you XD I need a better pic T_T I have a plush Hakuryu too, made by J *loves* but you can't see him in that pic T_T (you can see his wing though XD;;;)

I plan on cosplaying as yokai Goku as well ^^

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so~ I'm back from Ohayocon~ (what? You didn't even know I went anywhere? *cries*)

yeah XD so it's not like I announced that I was going to a con *rolls* but i went to one, and much from was had (ohoho, I spent so much money on yaoi I should be shot)

I love cosplay though XD I was Goku at Ohayocon and was attacked by fangirls O_o amusement. I can't find any pics of me online yet though T_T cry... since I'm a genius and have no pics of myself in costume ~_~ argh

...except the one of me and Greg Ayers... but that's because I'm a fangirl (and, omigawd, I totally didn't see Greg at Ohayocon T_T I cry)

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

first off, danke danke everyone for your lovely feedback. I loves muchly~ *chu*

Second XD A few people ask what I've been doing to my sketches to make them fuu-fuuey... so here's a sort of tutorial XD

linky, linky~ *points below*


Thrown together in all of ten minutes *dies* Hope that helps XD I'm really bad at that sort of thing T_T

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Sunday, January 9, 2005

back, computer is sort of working now O_o

a few new pics posted, all sketches. More will be posted later.

New sketches are~ Plague Doc, Sydney from Vagrant Story, and a really yucky HP pic T_T

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